Few Thoughts 2-1-2019
February Greetings to All!

I heard a report several months back that this year was going to be an “El Niño” year. They may have finally gotten it right this time. We have received a good amount of rain, and the storms are still arriving. Now we just need pray that our lakes and reservoirs all fill up!

The other day as I was headed to one of our churches along the coast for a board meeting, I just had to pull over to take a picture of the sunset. So I did, and this is what I saw. An absolute beautiful sunset. This is just another one of those great blessings of living where we do!  
ENCOURAGEMENT:  For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  (Psalm 139:13-16) 

HUMAN LIFE, as described in the Holy Scriptures is precious. Jesus, Himself, said, “Let the children come unto Me.” (Matthew 19:14) One of the first songs I remember learning as a small boy was “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the children of the world.” 
Right here in the Book of Psalms we find a great picture of the development of the body of a human being in the womb of a mother. In fact, the writer tells us that God the Creator is behind the forming of that child in the womb. He IS the author of life. That heart beat begins early, early, early on in the life of that little child who is in the womb. 
It seems like only yesterday when I was leading Youth Group on a Wednesday night, Leslie was there by my side, carrying our first born inside. I can’t remember how far along she was, but we were still a few months before delivery, and Aubree kicked within her. Leslie broke out and said, “the baby moved!”  I stopped what I was doing as we all gathered around Leslie to watch for the next movement, the next kick. We were all so excited to the reality of this baby already developed, only growing in size within Leslie. 
My heart is saddened to hear and read the reports coming in from other states on the matter of abortion. If there is anything the church needs to wake up on, is this very matter.  Life counts!  Life is precious and these babies being aborted have no voice at all. 
Who is fighting for them?

Church, we need to take the stand today. In Exodus 20:13 the sixth commandment is quite clear, “You shall not murder!”  I am grateful for the position our church has taken on the Sanctity of Human Life. Paragraph 30 in the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene states, “The Church of the Nazarene believes in the sanctity of human life and strives to protect against abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, and the withholding of reasonable medical care to handicapped or elderly.” 
My simple question is: Are we striving to protect these precious little ones created in the image of God while they are growing in the womb?
Church Ministries:
Santa Monica:  The day was perfect, beautiful and warm as I drove to Santa Monica! I was invited to preach for Pastor Edgar and Rosario Monterroza this past Sunday while they were away on vacation, and what a special time I enjoyed worshiping with our sisters and brothers in Christ. In the message I shared a brief story about my days in Peru. After the service the worship leader approached me and said, “I’m from Peru too.”  Of course, we had to spend some time talking about the places and people we had all been connected with in the days gone by. May the Lord bless this great church! As I was entering the church, the English Church was just finishing and I also had the opportunity to see Pastor Scott and Katie Savage, along with several members in the English Congregation.  
Los Angeles First Church and Spanish Ministries:  This past weekend our Spanish speaking churches came together at LA First to hold their HOLINESS CAMPAIGN with special speaker
Dr. Jonathan Salgado. I’m grateful for the leadership of Pastor Juan & Lina Fajardo, along with their team of leaders for putting this ministry event together. We enjoyed a special time together in the closing service on Sunday night.
District Matters:
Board of Ministry:  This past weekend, beginning on Thursday night and ending on Saturday night, the BOM conducted 48 interviews for Ministerial License Candidates. I want to especially, thank each of our members of the BOM who gathered for these many, many hours together. We interviewed, listened, questioned, and prayed together throughout the entire time. 48 times! I am grateful for the team we have together. And of course, we did take a few moments to go have pizza. As I look around the district, my prayer is that the Lord is directing us to work together towards our mission of MAKING CHRISTLIKE DISCIPLES IN ALL THE NATIONS.  Our focus is on our 16 Articles of Faith as we emphasize our core values of being CHRISTIAN, HOLINESS, & MISSIONAL. I love our Church!  
Upcoming Events:

Deadline to Register has been extended to  February 10th .

Registration Fee: $249

Hello, Ladies!

With our 2nd Annual Los Angeles District Women's Retreat coming up on
February 22 - 24, we want to let you know that there are still spaces available. You won't want to miss Janine Metcalf share her story! 

Also, we want you to be aware that we have a
DAY RATE   for Saturday  if you would like to come for the day. You can join in the meals and the sessions. 
The cost for this is  $50.00

Please contact
Leslie Garman at leslie_garman@yahoo.com  
or 661.645.8696 

Kids' Camp

Monday, July 15th to Friday, July 19th

Oak Glen Christian Conference Center- Yucaipa

Theme : Quest - based on Matthew 6:33

Cost : $350

More details coming soon...
As I finish up these Few Thoughts of mine for the week, I want to thank you, LA District, for all you do in ministry and encouragement. You have been so supportive to so many things here in LA and across the globe. Thank you! Thank you for your faithfulness is sharing your financial resources with the district, educational institutions, pensions department, and global missions. 
Today, I’m only 7 weeks away from running in the LA Marathon to raise funds for Children of the Shepherd in Hollywood. Already, I am beginning to see funds arriving for this cause. Would you be willing to help assist Pastor Mike and Barbara Vasquez in this needed ministry to the homeless? Checks can be made payable to “LA District Church of the Nazarene” and mark “Marathon” in the memo. 
I love you all and I look forward to seeing you sometime soon. 

Greg A. Garman
Los Angeles District Superintendent
Church of the Nazarene

Let's Go, Rams!