
the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect the lives of the citizens of Florida, this week FRWA was faced with another difficult decision. The Florida/Alabama Joint Conference was originally scheduled to be held at the Edgewater Beach Resort in Panama City on May 20-21. After much consideration, the event was postponed until September 22-23.
During the week, the Florida Rural Water Association and the Alabama Rural Water Association were forced to reconsider the event due to the current crisis. After much deliberation, t
he decision w
as made to cancel this year's event.
If you have registered for the event, there is no need to request a refund. All event registrations will be fully refunded as soon as possible to the original payment method and a refund receipt provided. If you have any further questions, please contact Amanda.Read@frwa.net
If you have made reservations at the Edgewater, you can still take advantage of the reduced rates offered with the event to have a few days of late summer fun in the sun.
If you wish to cancel your reservations, you must contact the Edgewater at
If you would like to still earn CEUs for this event, FRWA will be hosting an abbreviated training at the Edgewater during the September dates. More details will be forth coming.
We apologize for the inconvenience. The decision was a difficult one, but we must protect the
safety of the attendees and protect our valuable, critical infrastructure water utility workers.
Next year's event will be hosted by the Alabama Rural Water Association, but we will return to the Edgewater in May of 2022. We look forward to seeing you then.
Last week's edition of the FRWA eNews announced that the Florida Rural Water Association Board of Directors made the difficult

decision to cancel the FRWA Annual Conference in August 2020 at the Daytona Beach Hilton. This week we would like to give you an update on some of the plans that we have made related to the activities that are normally associated with the Annual Conference.
If you have already registered for the Conference,
a refund request is NOT necessary. All event registrations will be fully refunded as soon as possible to the original payment method and a refund receipt provided. If you have any further questions, please contact
Additional details related to the FRWA Annual Business Meeting will be forthcoming.
We have moved the deadline for the FRWA Awards to
July 24th in order to accommodate those who may still want to enter. Awards will be delivered to the recipients by FRWA personnel. If you have any questions, please email
If you would like to submit a sample of your water for the Best Tasting Water Contest, you may mail it to the FRWA office at 2970 Wellington Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32309 by
July 27th. Your sample will be judged in the same manner as at the Annual Conference. For further information, please email
The scholarship winners have been selected. They will be notified of their selection and their checks will be mailed. For further information, please contact
If you have already made reservations for the Conference and would like to cancel your reservations, please contact the Daytona Beach Hilton at 386.254.8200. If you would still like to take your family on a late summer "getaway" you can still take advantage of the discounted rate during the week of August 2-5 with rates starting at $112.00 by
clicking here. or calling by 386.254.8200.
We are in the planning stages of a training session that will be held on August 3-4, 2020 at the Hilton that would award 0.6 CEUs. This class will be limited to 50 attendees on a first come, first served basis. More information on this event will be announced at a later date.
Thank you so much for your support of FRWA and our Annual Conference. We look forward to seeing you again at future events.