FRWA eNews
July 10, 2020
Contact Us
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Upcoming Training
FlaWARN Virtual Regional Meetings 2020/Broward County 
FlaWARN Virtual Regional Meetings 2020/US Water
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Lake City
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Punta Gorda
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Pensacola
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Bradenton
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Tavares
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
Online Training

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect the lives of the citizens of Florida, this week FRWA was faced with another difficult decision.  The Florida/Alabama Joint Conference was originally scheduled to be held at the Edgewater Beach Resort in Panama City on May 20-21.  After much consideration, the event was postponed until September 22-23.

During the week, the Florida Rural Water Association and the Alabama Rural Water Association were forced to reconsider the event due to the current crisis.  After much deliberation, t he decision w as made to cancel this year's event. 

If you have registered for the event, there is no need to request a refund.  All event registrations will be fully refunded as soon as possible to the original payment method and a refund receipt provided. If you have any further questions, please contact

If you have made reservations at the Edgewater, you can still take advantage of the reduced rates offered with the event to have a few days of late summer fun in the sun.  If you wish to cancel your reservations, you must contact the Edgewater at  800.874.8686

If you would like to still earn CEUs for this event, FRWA will be hosting an abbreviated training at the Edgewater during the September dates.  More details will be forth coming.

We apologize for the inconvenience.  The decision was a difficult one, but we must protect the  safety of the attendees and protect our valuable, critical infrastructure water utility workers.

Next year's event will be hosted by the Alabama Rural Water Association, but we will return to the Edgewater in May of 2022.  We look forward to seeing you then.


Last week's edition of the FRWA eNews announced that the Florida Rural Water Association Board of Directors made the difficult  decision to cancel the FRWA Annual Conference in August 2020 at the Daytona Beach Hilton. This week we would like to give you an update on some of the plans that we have made related to the activities that are normally associated with the Annual Conference.

If you have already registered for the Conference, a refund request is NOT necessary. All event registrations will be fully refunded as soon as possible to the original payment method and a refund receipt provided. If you have any further questions, please contact

Additional details related to the FRWA Annual Business Meeting will be forthcoming.

We have moved the deadline for the FRWA Awards to  July 24th in order to accommodate those who may still want to enter.  Awards will be delivered to the recipients by FRWA personnel. If you have any questions, please email

If you would like to submit a sample of your water for the Best Tasting Water Contest, you may mail it to the FRWA office at 2970 Wellington Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32309 by July 27th. Your sample will be judged in the same manner as at the Annual Conference. For further information, please email

The scholarship winners have been selected. They will be notified of their selection and their checks will be mailed. For further information, please contact

If you have already made reservations for the Conference and would like to cancel your reservations, please contact the Daytona Beach Hilton at 386.254.8200. If you would still like to take your family on a late summer "getaway" you can still take advantage of the discounted rate during the week of August 2-5 with rates starting at $112.00 by clicking here. or calling by 386.254.8200.

We are in the planning stages of a training session that will be held on August 3-4, 2020 at the Hilton that would award 0.6 CEUs.  This class will be limited to 50 attendees on a first come, first served basis.  More information on this event will be announced at a later date.

Thank you so much for your support of FRWA and our Annual Conference. We look forward to seeing you again at future events.
National News
New Hampshire Senator Investigating Between PFAS Exposure in Drinking Water and Elevated Risk of Coronavirus (New Hampshire News) Connection U.S. Jeanne Shaheen is asking if COVID-19 poses "any unique risks" to people who have previously been exposed to PFAS chemicals. more

Water Lawyers House Passes Moving Forward Act Last week's Advisory featured Senate activity on legislation supported by and helpful to the private water industry. more

Country's Largest Water Utility Association Appoints New CEO Today we welcome the fourth CEO of NRWA, Matthew Holmes! more

Congress Begins Work on Appropriations Bills This week the House appropriations subcommittees will mark-up the fiscal year 2021 appropriations act for USDA and EPA which includes all rural water appropriations priorities. more
State News
Boil order issued after lighting strike breaks water mains in The Villages | Villages News  A precautionary boil order has been issued after a lighting strike broke several water mains in The Villages.  more

Coronavirus Money And Budget Talks: What's On Tonight's Agenda For Fort Lauderdale Commissioners | WLRN  Fort Lauderdale city commissioners have a 13-page agenda to go through tonight, at their 6 p.m. regular meeting. more 

High levels of COVID-19 have been found in Florida sewage, but a local spill hasn't been tested | WTSP  After nearly 26-million gallons of raw sewage was discovered leaking from a broken pipe into Sarasota Bay, the town of Longboat Key and environmental crews began testing for the standard environmental hazards-- E. Coli and fecal coliform.  more

Boil water notice for part of Panama City Beach | Walton Sun After a break in a local water pipe Monday, a temporary boil-water notice was issued for residents of Carillon Beach and Pinnacle Port Condominiums.  more

Sewage Can Help Track Pandemic Virus Trends | WUSF  Research is indicating that sewage can help reveal trends in pandemic virus outbreaks, and health officials are taking note.  more
This Week in Water History
AWWA Papers-
Maintenance of Water Mains

July 3, 1907  Municipal Journal and Engineer article. Maintenance of Water Mains. "One of the subjects most freely discussed at the Toronto meeting of the American Water Works Association, and which was touched upon by several papers, was the matter of tuberculation and other stoppage of water mains, methods of cleaning them and of measuring the flow therein. Of the papers treating of these general subjects by far the most exhaustive was that of Nicholas S. Hill, Jr., of New York, entitled "Tuberculation and the Flow of Water in Pipes." In his introduction the author says: "I wonder for how long a time water works engineers and superintendents will be willing to bury their distribution systems under four feet of earth and leave them to rust, corrode, fill up and putrefy, without means of access for inspection or cleaning." He claims that the cost need not stand in the way of the remedy of these conditions, and that habit alone is to blame for them.   more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309