Calendar of Events
See more events at
Guided tours are offered by appointment only, Monday - Friday at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00. Self-guided tours anytime Monday-Friday, no appointment needed. Guided Saturday Tours are offered at 9:00, 11:00, 1:00, and 3:00 (group reservation requested but not required).
Call Lisa Franklin,
Site Director, at
334-242-3188 for more information.
POW/MIA Exhibit.
For more information please call Lisa Franklin,
Site Director, at
General Joe Wheeler's Birthday visitors can sample cake made from a family recipe said to be the General's favorite, experience a re-enactment, enjoy a concert, and more.
For more information c
Regular quarterly meeting located in the State Capitol's Old Archives Room. For more information please Stacey Mills at 334-242-3184.
French & Indian War and War of 1812 Re-enactment Admission - $2/adult &$1/child For more information please call 334-567-3002.
A time of fun and exploration of life in the 1800s in Alabama through hands-on activities and living history presenters. Heritage Days is primarily for the 4th grade students of the area to coincide with the study of Alabama History. Admission for the event is $3 for students under 18 and $5 for adults. For more information please call 334-289-4846.
Join us for an insightful Community Preservation Forum as we shine a spotlight on the African-American historic places that are or were in Madison County. For more information, please contact the BHC at 334-230-2678 or blackheritagecouncil@ahc.alab
The Committee will hold its third Quarterly Committee Meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Room 316 of the State House located at 11 S. Union Street in Montgomery.
A public meeting concerning the selection of potential historical properties to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places will be held in the Carriage House at the Historical Commission at 10:30am. For more information please contact Collier Neeley, AHC National Register Coordinator, at
334-230-2696 of
October 3-27
Historic and vintage quilts representing more than a century of needle art in Alabama with a focus on quilts from the Tennessee Valley will be showcased. A special program will be presented by collector Glenn Rikard, whose extensive collection forms the basis for the show, each Friday at 1:00 pm during October. Visitors to Belle Mont for these programs are invited to bring quilts from their personal collections to do a "show and tell." The exhibit may be viewed during regular museum hours, Wed. - Sat., 10 am - 4 pm. Regular admission rates apply. For more information: 256-381-5052.
October 6
At Old Cahawba, you don't have to believe in ghosts to hear the past speaking to you. Be an "above-ground archaeologist," and discover messages in Cahawba's relic landscape that were left behind by the town's long dead residents. Bring your walking shoes, camera and curiosity for this intriguing guided walking tour of Alabama's most famous ghost town. For more information c
Ghosts at Gaineswood: a Haunted Historical Tour - Join us for a nighttime tour through the mansion as the 'ghosts' of the Whitfield family and friends gather to tell the stories of their place in the history of the mansion and the town of Demopolis. Tours will begin on the half hour. Admission for the event is $5 per person and space is limited. Please call 334-289-4846 for reservations and details.
A guided tour of the known deaths and burials at Mobile Point from 1813-1910. Bring your flashlight.
Fee $12 per person. Limited to 100 people
. For more information c
all 251-540-5257
The Ugandan Kids Choir will perform on the Capitol Steps. For more information c
all Lisa Franklin,
Site Director, at
Alabama's most famous ghost town is rarely open to nighttime visitors, but a few lucky people will experience Old Cahawba after dark. Reserve one of a limited number of tickets, and you will be transported to Cahawba's most haunted locations where authentic historical accounts of ghosts attached to each place will be shared. Then the Alabama Paranormal Research group will step in with their ghost hunting equipment so you can participate in a mini investigation. After the formal tour, you can swap ghost tales around a bonfire, chat with a paranormal investigator, or learn more about Cahawba's mysterious history. Seats for this 90 minute tour and investigation are limited and advance tickets are required. This is a deluxe wagon tour but some walking is necessary. Recommended for ages 12 and up. Tour Times: 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30 & 9:00 p.m. For more information c
all 334-872-8058
French & Indian War and War of 1812 Re-enactment Admission - $2/adult &$1/child For more information please call 334-567-3002.
The 33rd Alabama Infantry will occupy the authentic reproduction barracks at Confederate Memorial Park. Stop by to learn more about the life of the Confederate soldier from our knowledgeable living historians. No cost to attend - donations to the museum are appreciated. For more information please call
A public meeting concerning the selection of potential historical properties to be listed in the Alabama Register of Landmarks & Heritage will be held in the Carriage House at the Historical Commission at 10:00am. For more information please contact Hannah Garmon, AHC Alabama Register Coordinator, at
334-230-2644 or
Tribute to Mary Ann Neeley
Image courtesy of the Montgomery Advertiser |
Montgomery has lost one of its treasures - Mary Ann Neeley.
The Landmarks Foundation released a statement celebrating Neeley's lifelong love of history.
"Mary Ann Oglesby Neeley, author and official historian for the city of Montgomery, was born in Montgomery, Alabama, as a seventh generation Alabamian.
A lifelong love of history, especially that of Montgomery, led her to become a valued collaborator, speaker, and author. Her walking tours of downtown Montgomery and Oakwood Cemetery were extremely sought after opportunities for both locals and visitors to share her enthusiasm and knowledge of local history and lore. Developing an annual symposium called Cultural Crossroads, she brought together academia, writers, and others who explored historical topics drawing attendees from across the region.
She graduated from high school in Clanton, Alabama, and earned a bachelor's degree in both English and history from Huntingdon College. A master's degree in history from Auburn University followed. She taught secondary school and was an adjunct instructor at both Auburn University and Huntingdon College.
Neeley was executive director for Landmarks Foundation of Montgomery, a nonprofit organization dedicated to historic preservation, from 1979 until 2003.
In addition to Cultural Crossroads, she created a variety of signature programs designed to engage young and old in the foundation's mission to preserve, interpret and present Central Alabama's architecture, history, and culture. Although James Loeb launched Old Alabama Town, administered by Landmarks, Neeley continued his leadership, passion, and determination to strengthen its place in Montgomery's history along with Loeb's work with the downtown riverfront and overall cultural community.
Although often called upon to collaborate on various historical publications and projects, Neeley herself is the author of several books on local history.
These include: Old Alabama Town: An Illustrated Guide; Montgomery and the River Region: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; Montgomery: Capital City Corners, Montgomery and the River Region Sketchbook; The Way It Was/1850-1930: Photographs of Montgomery and Her Central Alabama Neighbors; Montgomery in the 20th Century: Tradition & Change, 1880-2010; and most recently The Works of Matthew Blue, Montgomery's First Historian.
She was married to Aubrey Neeley and resided in the historic Old Cloverdale neighborhood. They are the parents of three children Rand Neeley (Julia), Forrest Neeley (Mary Alma) and Ellen Neeley Young (Lee), grandparents of six and great-grandparents of four."
Mary Ann Neeley's legacy
continues through her many publications, generations of students who learned from her, and her family, including Collier Neeley, who serves as the National Register Coordinator at the Alabama Historical Commission.
Welcome to Newly Appointed AHC Commissioners
The Alabama Historical Commission is the state agency charged with safeguarding Alabama's historic buildings and sites. Created by an act of the state legislature in 1966, it consists of twenty-two appointed members who represent a broad cross section of Alabamians.
The AHC welcomes the following individuals:
Lynne Hardee, originally from Cullman, Alabama, was appointed as the Business Council of Alabama representative. She attended Auburn University (1972-1975) and then University of Alabama in Birmingham where she received a degree in Physical Therapy in 1977. She and her husband have been married for 37 years and have two daughters. Her family's passion for history stems from their Brindley lineage (Mace Thomas Payne Brindley settled Brindley Mountain Plateau in North Alabama).
Rebecca Williams
was appointed as the University of South Alabama representative.
She is an Associate Professor of History at the University. She received her Ph.D in Islamic Studies from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec in 2007. She is married and has two daughters, a step-daughter, and two grand-daughters. Dr. Williams and her husband are currently renovating a historic home in Mobile's Oakleigh Garden District. They are also preparing to open Iron Hand Brewing in a historic building in downtown Mobile.
Judge David Breland, Tennessee Valley Service Area Member-at-Large appointed by the Governor, is a former Morgan County district juvenile court judge. He is a leader and cornerstone for Morgan County history and is responsible for the current success of the Old State Bank and Historic Railroad Depot facilities.
He is the current Director of Historic Resources and Events for Decatur and is an active member of civic organizations such as Boy Scouts of America.
AHC Employee Appreciation
The Alabama Historical Commission hosted an agency-wide picnic in celebration of employees' hard work and efforts throughout the year. Participating AHC staff made this our largest gathering! Since employees serve throughout the state this was a special opportunity for staff to fellowship in person.
Alabama Historical Commission 2019 Grant Program
The Alabama Historical Commission (AHC) is administering a $750,000 state-funded Grant Program in fiscal year 2019 (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019), for improvements as well as educational programming at historic sites in Alabama.
Grants will be awarded to public or private entities who own and operate historic sites in Alabama. Grants will be awarded to entities that reflect an education-based mission, concentrate on educational programming, and reflect the geographical diversity of the state. Preference will be given to publicly-owned battlefields or
structures constructed prior to 1840 that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and historic
school structures. Grant amounts will not exceed $20,000 for any one entity.
The deadline to submit completed applications was August 15, 2018. The Historical Commission received almost 100 applications requesting $1.6 million in funding.
Grant recipients will be will be announced in October 2018.
Alabama Properties Listed in National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of our country's historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service's list is part of a program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America's historic and archaeological
The following Alabama properties were recently listed:
Cleburne County High School, Heflin, Cleburne County
The Old Cleburne County High School has historically played a central role in the education and development of Heflin and, until 1984, served as one of Cleburne County's primary educational institutions. The school is eligible for the National Register for its architectural and educational significance.
Partially funded by a Public Works Administration grant, the high school represents a time period when the Federal Government worked to restore the economic and social life of the nation following the Great Depression. The historic structure is presently privately owned. The design was created by Birmingham based architect Charles H. McCauley and constructed by the Daniel Construction Company, a frequent partner of McCauley & Associates. McCauley would go on to design many of Alabama's most famous public buildings of the period in Birmingham and surrounding areas. The one-and-a-half story brick school was the only combination Junior High and High School in the County until the construction of Ranburne High School in 1941.
Riverview Historic District, Selma, Dallas County (Additional Documentation)
Originally listed in the National Register in 1990, the Riverview Historic District in Selma has recently been updated. The Riverview Historic District is eligible for listing in the National Register for its architectural significance
The district contains portions of eighteen blocks of structures dating primarily from the late nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century. Included within the district are 211 contributing resources as well as 6 non-contributing resources. The buildings in the Riverview District illustrate the local interpretations of Queen Anne, Shingle, Eastlake, Tudor Revival, Colonial Revival, Craftsman, and Ranch styles. The majority of the buildings are late nineteenth and early twentieth century vernacular, T- and L-shaped cottages.
John Clifford Grimsley House, Fayette, Fayette County
The John Clifford Grimsley House is a circa 1916 two-story brick veneer Neoclassical style dwelling located northeast of the downtown area of Fayette. The John Clifford Grimsley House is eligible for listing in the National Register for its architectural significance as an excellent example of high style Neoclassical architecture and for its association with architect John David Gullett.
John Clifford Grimsley, a prominent local businessman, was associated with successful business enterprises in Fayette during the first half of the twentieth century. He contracted with architect Gullett to design a house befitting his status in the community. It is the only high style Neoclassical residence in Fayette County. The style was extremely popular in the United States around the turn of the twentieth century, especially in the Post Reconstruction South. The classical styling evoked an increasingly idealized antebellum South and the power and control exhibited by the Greek Revival style so popular before the Civil War.
Dothan Main Street Commercial Historic District, Houston County
Originally listed in the National Register in 1983, the Dothan Main Street Commercial Historic District has recently been expanded and updated. The Dothan Main Street Commercial District consists of historic commercial properties along East Main, Foster, St. Andrews, Crawford, and Troy Streets. This district represents the heart of a southern trading center's downtown area and illustrates the evolution of downtowns in the South. The Dothan Main Street Commercial District is made up mostly of one- and two-story brick commercial buildings placed closely together along the main thoroughfares in the city. This district represents
the use of downtown Dothan as a commercial hub from the city's inception in 1885 to the decline of downtown as the heart of the city in 1973.
The Dothan Main Street Commercial District is eligible for the National Register for its commercial and architectural significance. This area illustrates the importance of railroads and transportation to the economic development of the southern United States as well as how a typical southern downtown developed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Buildings in the district exhibit the characteristics of late nineteenth century commercial architecture, early to mid-twentieth century commercial architecture, as well as mid-century Modern style architecture and Tudor Revival residential architecture.
Magnolia Avenue South Historic District, Birmingham, Jefferson County
The Magnolia Avenue South Historic District is located east of the Five Points Historic District in Birmingham's Southside neighborhood and incorporates a mix of light industrial, commercial, and residential resources that border Magnolia Avenue.
The Magnolia Avenue South Historic District is eligible for listing in the National Register for its Community Planning and Development history as it illustrates the transitioning of a small portion of the Southside neighborhood from a predominantly residential area in the late nineteenth century to an area of mixed uses that included residential, light industrial, office, and retail in the early to mid-twentieth century.
Sannoner Historic District, Florence, Lauderdale County
Originally listed in the National Register in 1975, the Sannoner Historic District in Florence has recently been updated. The Sannoner Historic District is eligible for listing in the National Register for its architectural significance
The Sannoner Historic District represents the three major phases of residential development, along with the best-preserved collection of early houses, in the city of Florence, Alabama. There are six antebellum houses in the district, more than any of the other historic districts in Florence. These buildings represent some of the earliest structures in the city and reflect the built environment of Florence's early prominent settlers. Tidewater-type cottages and early Federal-style houses were among the first built in the district and show a clear link to the eastern seaboard houses of Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina.
The district developed originally as a residential neighborhood for some of Florence's wealthier residents and because of this early residential development, the lot sizes in the district are larger and more irregular than those found in adjacent neighborhoods. The district features a mixture of single family residential, multiple dwelling, commercial office buildings, professional offices, a florist, a church, a restaurant, and office buildings for the University of North Alabama. The focal point of the district is Courtview, now Rogers Hall at the northern edge of the district.
Blue Bird Hardware and Seed, Mobile, Mobile County
Blue Bird Hardware & Seed, designed by architect Arch Winter in 1954, is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places for its architectural significance.
Arch Winter was a partner in the Mobile, Alabama, based firm Ellis & Winter. The firm would become the most prolific mid-century modern architectural firm on the Gulf Coast. Blue Bird Hardware & Seed is representative of the style and ethos displayed by Winter in Mobile during the mid-1950's. The unique blend of form, function, technology, and style, are all evident regarding the interior and exterior of Blue Bird Hardware & Seed, making this property architecturally unique to Mobile.
When completed in 1955, this building reflected the agrarian tradition in Mobile of maintaining urban gardens and small farms within the general vicinity of the city center. Backyard gardens were commonplace during this period and the social importance of this establishment reflected the period. The store was one of the primary locations within the Mobile city limits to purchase gardening and small farm tools/implements, feed for animals, seeds, fertilizer, and receive advice for lawn and garden care. The store would remain a staple in the community until it closed circa 2000. It has remained vacant ever since.
Kennedy-Foster House, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County
Constructed in 1887 on 25th Avenue in Tuscaloosa, the Kennedy-Foster House is eligible for listing in the National Register for its architectural significance.
The late nineteenth-century residence is a locally significant example of Late Victorian eclectic architecture, combining Italianate and Second Empire styles in its overall design.
The Kennedy-Foster House is a late manifestation of an architectural style that enjoyed limited expression in Tuscaloosa. Although popular nationwide and elsewhere in Alabama in the mid-nineteenth century, Italianate architecture in its various subtypes was confined to a dozen or so houses in Tuscaloosa. These include the Dr. John R. Drish House, Jemison House, and Jemison's Servant's House, and the no longer extant circa 1835 Hester-deGraffenried House.
The Kennedy-Foster House is additionally significant as a rare example of Second Empire architecture.
National Register Public Meetings
On September 20 at 3:00 pm, the Selma Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public meeting to receive comments concerning the Water Avenue Historic District Update nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. It will be held at the Selma City Council Chambers.
For more information please contact Collier Neeley, AHC National Register Coordinator, at 334-230-2696 of
Black Heritage Council Annual Community Preservation Forum
On Saturday, September 22, the Black Heritage Council will hold its Annual Community Preservation Forum in Huntsville on the campus of Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU).
The theme for this year's conference is "Preserving and Promoting Madison County's African-American History," and will feature informative presentations and discussions on historic preservation issues in the Madison County area.
The BHC is partnering with the Normal Historic District Preservation Association and the City of Huntsville for the event. The Forum is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged for those planning to attend the Forum.
Tentative Schedule
Saturday, September 22
8:00 am Registration, Check-in and Coffee
9:00 am Greetings
9:15 am
Overview of BHC and Preservation Forum
9:45 am
What is Historic Preservation and How is it Accomplished?
10:00 am
Panel: Preserving African American Heritage in Huntsville and Madison County Alabama
11:15 am
11:30 am
Breakouts & Discussion - "
What do we Think?"
Mapping Memories
12:00 pm
Discussion of Results & Next Steps
12:20 pm
Lunch & Guest Speaker
1:00 pm Funding & Technical Session
2:00 pm Adjourn
State Combined Campaign Kickoff
AHC staff with Jeana Ross (far right), Chair of State Combined Campaign Steering Committee and Secretary of the Department of Early Childhood Education.
AHC staff Clara Nobles, Assistant Executive Director, Jacqulyn Kirkland, Marketing & Public Relations Manager, and Crystal Sanders, Personnel Assistant, attended the 2018 State Combined Campaign Kickoff where they received the Camellia Award in recognition for exceeding the agency's goal prior to the kickoff.
Tuskegee University Kicks Off School Year With Hands-On Preservation Training Partnership
The development workshop was intended to teach students, university officials, community members, and preservationists valuable skills, including: photogrammetry (photography and drone technology); documentation workflow; window restoration; brick repointing; and laser scanning.
Collier Neeley, AHC National Register Coordinator, participated in a panel discussion, which included preservation professionals from the
The Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, National Trust, and the NCPTT, a branch of NPS Cultural Resources.
Participants working on the school's historic buildings-many of which were designed by Robert R. Taylor, the first accredited African American architect, and constructed by students almost a century ago-had an opportunity to directly connect to and continue the legacy of Tuskegee University's architects and builders, while acquiring advanced preservation trade skills that will make them competitive in their professional career paths.
Funded in part by the National Trust's African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, the Historic Preservation Workshop highlighted the nationally-significant contributions of Tuskegee University, the only Historically Black College and University (HBCU) campus to be designated a National Historic Site.
Brick masonry class at Tuskegee University, 1928 |
Certified Local Government Program Series
Join the Demopolis CLG program, the Alabama Historical Commission, and UWA's Division of Economic Development and Outreach as they take a closer look at CLGs as a tool for positive economic development.
The first of a 5-part series was held on August 28, 2018. Each session is a stand-alone event, but we hope you will join us for all five to gain the maximum impact of the series. There is a slate of local, state and national le
aders in place-based economics who will share their tricks of the trade with as we learn to leverage our historic assets for the benefit of our communities.
To register or for more information, contact UWA's Division of Economic Development and Outreach Executive Director Dr. Tina N. Jones at or call (205) 652-3833.
NPS Integrated Resource Management Applications Portal
The National Park Service's (NPS) Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) Portal provides partners and the public with easy access to resource management documents.
IRMA stores grant products that have been submitted to the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division as part of the reporting process for Historic Preservation Fund grants. Restricted information is not available.
What can I do on IRMA?
- Find products from Historic Preservation Fund grants, digitized and easily searchable.
- Share product examples from preservation projects.
- Search over 1,000 product examples from other states and communities.
How do I use IRMA?
- Go to
- For Park, Office, Program or Region, select Historic Preservation Fund (HPF)
- For Category of Featured Content, select the type of information you want to see.
- Click View Report.
National Trust for Historic Preservation's Grant Program
The annual National Trust Preservation Funds grant program supports local preservation organizations' efforts to preserve and protect important places in their communities.
Funding ranges from $2,500 to $10,000 and supports preservation planning and educational projects. The next deadline is October 1.
Grant projects have included engineering and architectural consulting services; tours that are accessible via smart devices; and market studies to assist in prioritizing preservation objectives.
2018 African American Civil Rights Grant Program
The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division is now accepting applications for $13 million in funding for the 2018 African American Civil Rights (AACR) grant program. These competitive grants support the survey, documentation, interpretation, and preservation of sites that are associated with the African American struggle to gain equal rights in the 20th century.
Eligible applicants are Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiian Organizations, St
ates and Territories, Local Governments, and nonprofit organizations. Matching funds are not required, but may be considered as part of the evaluation process.
Types of eligible projects include survey, inventory, documentation, interpretation, education, architectural services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and physical preservation projects.
The deadline is October 8, 2018 at 11:59 PM ET. Read the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) under each opportunity number for more details.
To apply, click on the two links below:
Part 2
- Continuation of the Details of Window Repair at the Bell Building
The two previous AHC newsletters discussed the importance of maintaining historic windows and introduced Old House Specialists (OHS), who are working on a window restoration project at the Bell Building in downtown Montgomery. Below is the correction concerning details of the building:
There are 825 windows: 39 awning sashes in the attic that hinge in on chains, 688 wood double hung 1/1 on floors 2 through 12, and 98 metal double hung 2/2 on floors 1 through 5.
Black Heritage Council Update
Black Heritage Council Chair Frazine Taylor presented information on Rosenwald Schools and Elmore County history during a family reunion at the Elmore County Training School. The school was one of a handful of Rosenwald Schools built in the County and is believed to be the only one still remaining. Many of the older family members attended this school.
Where in the State are AHC Staff?
AHC staff Mary Shell, Preservation Planner, and Collier Neeley, National Register Coordinator, participated with the DesignPlace team to explore options to improve downtown Troy.
Eric Sipes (above), Alabama Historical
Commission Senior Archaeologist, Stacye Hathorn (below), State Archaeologist, and other staff
continue the excavations of Alabama's first statehouse at Old Cahawba.
Fort Morgan held a one day living history event commemorating the events that happened at Mobile Bay August 5-23, 1864.
The fort came to life with drills and artillery demonstrations by historical interpreters. Below: Dylan Tucker, Site Historian, presented information to visitors inside the Fort's new meeting space - a repurposed casemate. This new area was made possible by the Baldwin County Legislative Delegation.
You know Rosa, but what about Dovey, Kamaladevi, or Maggie? There is a long American tradition of women of color protesting segregated transit by boycotting or refusing to move seats. Follow Montgomery's Freedom Rides Museum's
on Facebook over the next few weeks to hear about 9 other times - from 1855 to 1955, from Miami to San Francisco - where women paved the path for protesting segregated transit in the United States.
Freedom Rides Museum, Montgomery, Alabama, located in the historic Greyhound Bus Station
Fort Mims held its Annual Re-enactment. Visitors
enjoyed cultural presentations, a speaker's forum, artifacts on display, and demonstrations such as wool spinning, quilting, and archery.
Members of the 33rd Alabama Infantry were on duty at Confederate Memorial Park's Civil War Camp of Instruction giving demonstrations and answering questions on soldier life during the war.
Happenings Around the State
October 13-14 - The Old Claiborne Pilgrimage promises a rare glimpse into the settlement of the forgotten town of Claiborne and Monroe County. This event will feature docent tours of antebellum homes, churches, and sites of historic significance along the Alabama River in Monroe and Clarke Counties. For more information contact the Old Courthouse Museum in Monroeville at 251-575-7433 or visit their
October 19-21
- Save the Date for the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation's 2018 Ramblin' on the Rocks in Gadsden. This 3-day event will feature a lecture by noted architectural historian and former AHC staff member Camille Bowman, a living history tour, and more!
Interested in hosting
Making Alabama, A Bicentennial Traveling Exhibit from the Alabama Humanities Foundation (AHF)? As part of the Alabama Bicentennial celebration, Alabama counties and communities are invited to host the exhibition. To host the exhibit please apply
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