FVAMC Academy
December 23, 2018
FVAMC Academy

We will be having our Annual Cultural Day where we celebrate the diversity in our community. During the morning announcements students are welcome to share something about the country that they are from or where their parents are from. Students can also bring in posters and artifacts related to their culture which will be on display in the social hall. Parents are also encouraged to bring in food for a taste of their countries! 

Sister Amina shared this Hadith with us last week:

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent." [Muslim].

General Reminders:

  • Academy starts at 10:50 AM, so please be sure to be on time.
  • Pick up your children on time. That is 1:15 pm or 2:30 if your child is enrolled in the afternoon Arabic program.
  • Pack a small snack/lunch for your children, especially if they are in the Arabic classes.
  • While at home, remember to review any homework you child may have been assigned and spend ten minutes every night helping your child memorize his/her Quran Surah.

We hope to see you all tomorrow  In Sha Allah . Please feel free to contact us at  if you have any questions.

With Peace & Blessings
Sr. Amina Ramdani, Principal
Sr. Kulsoom Farid, Registrar