Portland Children's Levy Newsletter


Dan Saltzman, Portland City Commissioner | Lisa Pellegrino, Director 
Pass it On

Click here to check out PCL's newly updated website!
End of summer photo roundup

The Oregon Food Bank, a PCL grantee, and
Portland Parks & Rec finished up
their fifth year partnering for
the Summer Lunch Program, seeing an increase of 10 - 20 percent in some locations. View the KATU story here.

Portland Niños Graduation Day
Congratulations to all the families who came out to celebrate the 5th annual Portland Niños graduation! Also, thank you to PCL Early Childhood grantee Hacienda CDC for including us in this awesome day. Next stop kindergarten!

Saturday Academy's
Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Symposium at University of Portland celebrated 150 ASE interns who spent the summer working in STEM-related fields, who then gave presentations about their experiences and how it expanded their understanding of STEM careers. SA is a PCL grantee and also received a Levy event sponsorship to help fund the symposium.

PCL Allocation Chair Dan Saltzman and Albina Head Start Executive Director Ronnie Herndon greet Albina 
staffers at a Back-to-School
B reakfast  where the City Councilman was lauded for his many years of championing children's causes. PCL supports three full-day Albina HS preschool classrooms and four EHS classrooms, in addition to home-based EHS services.
Featured PCL Grantee Video
LearnLinks Summer Camp
Remie and the crew took us on a field trip to enjoy some summer sun and a swim. LearnLinks is a year-round after school program for youth in grades K-8 living in Human Solutions' affordable housing communities.

Click here to share this video on Facebook and Twitter:
Do you have a story about a PCL-funded program which might make a great video or photo gallery? If so, contact  John Coghlan  with the details.
PCL Making a Difference: The Pathfinder Network
Viktor* began working with The Pathfinder Network's Center for Family Success after completing substance abuse treatment for heroin addiction. At the time, his young daughter was in the custody of DHS Child Welfare and his visits with her were irregular and brief. He describes how lost he felt as he tried to navigate the social services system, not knowing where to begin or who to ask for help. He talks about feeling overwhelmed and close to slipping into relapse, when he heard about the Center from a member of the recovery community. They encouraged him to reach out for help.

Viktor's journey with the Center began in the Caring Dads class. He was surprised at how much he connected to the other dads in class. He felt validated. They, too, had struggled to meet their child's needs while in their addiction; they also felt deep shame for poor choices they made in their past. Once he graduated from the class, it was evident that he needed more support. DHS Child Welfare was still reluctant to trust him; and so his visits with his daughter continued to be sporadic. He describes how hard it was to apply the things he learned in class and his daughter's attachment to him was strained due to the limited time they'd had to bond. Viktor was residing in East County and his daughter was in foster care in Canby. The distance was a barrier. Then, he connected with an Early Childhood Home Visiting (ECHV) worker at the Center.

Within a few weeks, it was arranged for Viktor to get more consistent, regular visits with his daughter, twice-a-month for eight months. His ECHV worker describes how quickly she watched the bond develop between dad and daughter. "Viktor has good instincts. He is so good at following his daughter's lead. He gets down on her level and will play house, or zoo, or whatever it is that she wants to do. Their interactions are just beautiful." Viktor was able to integrate ideas from the Caring Dads program and the Parents as Teachers model relatively quickly. As his skill level increased, so did the confidence and trust from DHS. 

Now, Viktor has full custody of his daughter. He is employed, has stable housing and remains committed to his recovery.  When asked about his experience at the Center, Viktor had this to share: "I'm extremely grateful for the entire Center team! I feel like I am living life as the best father that I can be."

*N ame has been changed to protect his privacy
Allocation Committee News
There will be an Allocation Committee meeting from 3 - 5 p.m., Monday, Oct. 22nd at City Hall Council Chambers. Notices/agenda will be sent to the Levy database and posted on Levy social media platforms. 
Upcoming Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention & Foster Care Conferences
Shoulder to Shoulder and CARES NW  events
Click here for more info on the 6th Annual Shoulder to Shoulder conference for those involved with the child welfare system:  Sunday and Monday, Oct. 28th-29th at the Red Lion Hotel at Jantzen Beach; and go here for more details on the  CARES NW Annual Child Abuse Conference all day Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. at Legacy Emanuel Hospital.
PCL Grantee News to Use
A new report highlights how Oregon continues to grapple with high numbers of  homeless children and youth in foster care placement. See the Portland Tribune story here.

SEI and partnering agencies received a $28M federal grant to serve students in the Reynolds School District. Read The Skanner article here.

IRCO, Oregon Food Bank and SUN help East Portland families facing food insecurity. Read the  Mid-County Memo story here.
PCL Helps Nonprofits Recruit Volunteers

I t's a good idea to be listed on our Volunteer Opportunities page.  If you are an org that accepts volunteers, please  email us  with: 
  1.  A link: either to your website where volunteer information can be found, or the email and/or phone number of the name of the person responsible for volunteers.
  2. A short blurb about what you are looking for from volunteers.
  3. If you would like to include any specific wording about outreach to older and/or retired potential volunteers.
PCL Staff Contacts
Director, After School & Hunger grants:
Assistant Director and Early Childhood & Mentoring grants:
Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention & Foster Care Grants Manager:
Communications Director:

Community Outreach and Information Assistant
Fiscal Specialist:
Who We Are

The Portland Children's Levy was created by city voters in 2002 and overwhelmingly renewed for the third time by the electorate in May 2018. Funding for the new five-year Levy began July 1, 2019 and runs through June 30, 2024.

The Levy is supported through a property tax paid by City of Portland homeowners that generates $21 million toward investments in proven programs in areas of Early Childhood, After School, Mentoring, Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention, Foster Care and Hunger Relief. The Levy reaches over 8,000 children and their families annually; in addition, Levy-funded hunger relief services provide food to over 11,000 children and 9,167 parents/caregivers annually.

The Levy is annually audited and administrative costs do not exceed 5 percent.
Questions? Contact: Call Mary Gay Broderick at 503-823-2947 or e-mail
See our website at

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