In Today's Newsletter

Glimpses of MCS from Mrs. Obbink

Today marks the 62nd year that Monroe Christian School has opened its doors for a new school year! Each new year is fresh with possibilities for our students to learn and grow, for our teachers to hone their craft, and for parents to support their children as they grow and journey into the next phase of childhood. We are all privileged to work for our students, for our parents, and for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  
It is fun to see all the excitement as younger students are showing off their new backpacks and their new shoes while older students compare how tall they have grown. Let us all remember what this day was like as the days get cooler and rainier, when the homework seems overwhelming, and the emotions plateau or dip - ripe with optimism, potential, and despite a few butterflies; joy! Wishing everyone a blessed school year abundant with promise.

All parents are asked to join us for Curriculum Night next Tues., Sept. 11.  We will begin at New Hope Fellowship (across the street) at 6:30 pm, then head to the school to meet in individual classrooms.  This evening is for parents only - thank you for making other arrangements for your child/ren.

We will be holding one mandatory meeting for parents of students in 7th and 8th grade who are attending the DC Trip.  This will take place at 7:00 pm on Tues., Sept. 11th at New Hope Fellowship, immediately following the all-parent meeting (6:30).  We will cover student information, as well as chaperone information.  After our DC meeting, we will go back to the school for the Curriculum Night classroom sessions.

The Moms in Prayer group is back for a second year.  The group will meet on Mondays at 8:30 am in the MCS library.  Laurie Ukrainetz is the leader.  The start date is Monday, September 17.   
Janet Gjerde (School Board President) for spearheading the bathroom remodels. For stopping by the school all summer long to make sure everything was on target to be completed and ready for the start of school. Thank you for your leadership on the Board.
Gloria Werkhoven (head of Building and Grounds) for your endless support getting our school ready for the new year. Thank you for your willingness to serve through the bathroom remodels, floor cleaning, clean-up, and everything else you do! Your help is invaluable.
Kraig Klingsheim (Building and Grounds) for dropping everything when called and always helping with the heat pumps and the safety doors. Your endless hours and expertise are deeply appreciated!
Geoff Dirks and Aaron Dirks (Building and Grounds and son extraordinaire) for assisting with endless fixes and moving items from and into storage. That is no small feat considering that our storage is in the attic!
Sophia Valdez-Moro for sprucing up the planters, making our school welcoming, and providing a great place for those 1st day of school pictures!
Coach Stima and Assistant Coach Soren Hughes for volunteering so that our 5th-8th grade students can have a soccer season this year. We couldn't do it without you!
Miss O, Mrs. Rodriguez, and Mr. Warren for painting their own classrooms this summer.
The MCS Board for the hours they spent meeting this summer to provide a great school for our students to attend and for preparing for today's BBQ. Especially, Cheryl Jansons, Stephanie Penick, Kathy Poole, and Janet Gjerde.    

Annual School-Wide Walk-A-Thon
Friday, September 28, at 3:30 here at MCS
More details to follow!

Do you have any of the following items or know of someone who is looking to gift the following to our teachers?
  • Kindergarten- Rocking chair - THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET - THANK YOU!
  • 2nd grade- Mrs. Bailly is searching for a Rubbermaid style storage shed for a MCS science gardening area.
  • 3rd/4th grades- Older laptops or I-pads - THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET - THANK YOU!
  • 6th grade - Mrs. Moses is looking for an arrow to use for her bulletin board.
  • 7th grade- Mrs. Rodriguez is hoping someone has an outdoor wicker set that is looking for a new home.
  • 8th grade- Podium - THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET - THANK YOU!
If you have one the remaining above-mentioned items, please call the school. The teachers are eagerly preparing for the new school year. Donation receipts are available. 
If you have experience with networks and computers and would like to help out, please contact Elaine Obbink at [email protected].
The Athletic Director coordinates and plans all MCS sports for 5th-8th graders:  Co-ed Soccer, Basketball, Cheer, Track & Field.  This position pays a small stipend for each sports season.  If interested, please contact Elaine Obbink in the school office or via email:  [email protected].
Each week we will share a Love and Logic tip from Jim Fay (co-founder of Love and Logic) or his son, Dr. Charles Fay. Not all the scenarios shared will apply to your student/s but may help another student and their family. Additional books and seminars are sometimes promoted. It is just another resource if you are interested. We do not receive any monies or resources from sharing these thoughts. Most of the staff at Monroe Christian School have attended seminars and find Love and Logic a place to begin and to use to create a common language at school. We all want to be on the same page as we are influencing the students in our classroom. Of course, because we are a Christ- Centered School, disciplining, shaping, and inspiring young lives is also significantly dependent on scripture and partnering with you.

It was a typical trip. There I sat at gate B 29... waiting for yet another airplane... trying not to think about the fact that my connecting flight was still 2 hours way.
Like a cool summer breeze, Andrew arrived on the scene. "What that?" he asked his mother, pointing at one of the planes taxiing down the runway.
"That's an airplane, Andrew" she replied with a smile.
"What that?" he inquired, pointing at something else.
"That's what they pull planes with," she gently replied.
"What that?" he asked as his bright eyes gazed the other way.
With loving patience, she answered, "I don't know, Andrew. I'm not sure."
Never losing his enthusiasm and his six-million-dollar smile, Andrew proceeded to ask, "What that?" approximately 15 more times over the next thirty minutes.
What a joy it was to watch this small child's wonder and excitement! What a pleasure to see his kind mother do her best to sweetly address his multiple inquiries!
In my seminars I'm often asked, "What do we have to do to make kids want to learn?"
My response is always the same:
All children are born with a strong drive to explore, learn
and master their environment.
The key to helping underachieving kids is not punishment! It doesn't involve finding bigger and better consequences... or better rewards.
Lack of academic motivation is usually the result of unmet needs related to control, competence, emotional safety, belonging, etc.
Demonstrating a sincere desire to help... and not to punish... is the first step along the road to recovery. The next steps involve rebuilding the foundation of emotional needs that free kids to learn. In my book,
From Bad Grades to a Great Life! , I describe practical and proven strategies designed to give parents the tools for rebuilding this foundation... and enjoying happy relationships with the children they love.
Dr. Charles Fay

Matching Employer Funds - Many larger employers offer matching funds when their employees donate to the school through their portals. Check with your employer to see what they may offer!

General Mills Box Tops For Education - Save Box Tops from all participating products. Please drop off accumulated Box Tops in the school office.

Fred Meyer Rewards - Go to, click on  "Rewards," choose Community Rewards from the drop-down menu and follow the instructions to link your card. If you have already designated MCS as your Community Reward, please take a minute and check if it is still active. (The community reward must be renewed yearly.)
AmazonSmile -Click here  Amazon Smile for more information and instructions to register. 

Office Depot - Use our school ID #70106855 and we will receive credits towards future purchases.  
My Coke Rewards - Save the lids from bottles and the codes on the inside of 12 or 24 packs of Coke products. Bring the accumulated lids & codes to the school office.

Together for the Kingdom: Drop off clothing and reusable household items in our collection bin. For more information regarding the non-profit: