Dear St. Edward Families, 

St. Edward has been certified by the Archdiocese to reopen!  The final plan, which can be found in the link below, includes all of our health and safety and academic reopening plans as well as information on the staggered arrival and dismissal procedures and the alternate schedule the first week of school.  In addition to strongly adhering to the guidelines stipulated by the Archdiocese of Chicago, the St. Edward School reopening teams have designed the following plan specific to address the unique needs of our campus and community. 

It is important for families to carefully read all documents published by the Archdiocese of Chicago as St. Edward will be strictly following the protocols. Our reopening plan outlines specific protocols unique to the building and community of St. Edward School. 

I know these are challenging times and returning our children to school presents a myriad of questions and emotions. It is my sincere hope that by reading our reopening plan that you find comfort in the fact that the safety of our children and staff is our top priority. Many people have asked me "what do you really think of returning to 5 day a week in person instruction?" My response is simple, I believe that our children need to be back in school. More importantly, I know that we can fully implement this plan to keep both students and staff members safe. Nothing is more important to me than the safety of our children and staff. I also fully support that during these times parents must weigh individual family decisions about returning to school. For that reason, it is imperative that all families carefully read the plan and follow the protocols-we are truly all in this together. 

This year, more than ever, requires a partnership between the School and its families. We will do our part to keep our students and staff safe while at school, and we need you to do your part to keep your families safe by following State and local guidelines. 

Thank you in advance for your careful attention to this document.

St. Edward, pray for us!

Mrs. Sara Lasica


Summer Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM-2 PM
Please call or email ahead of time as access to the buildings is limited.

**Homeroom teachers will be contacting families via email later this week.**

Reopening Week 2020
  • Regular uniforms are required Tuesday-Friday for K-8.  Homeroom teachers will inform families when to wear PE uniforms the following week.
  • After school care and before care will begin the week of September 7 to ensure that all personnel are trained and all protocols are in place.
  • Families will have the opportunity to sign up for an arrival time (7:45, 8:00, or 8:15) via Sign-up Genius prior to the start of school.

Dismissal times will be as follows on 
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 25-26:
11:15-Early Childhood
11:30-K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th
11:45-2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th

Tuesday, August 25:  All students with last names A-L will attend school, 8:00-11:30 (using staggered arrival/dismissal times) 

Wednesday, August 26: All students with last names M-Z will attend school, 8:00-11:30 (using staggered arrival/dismissal times) 

Dismissal times will be as follows on 
Thursday and Friday, August 27-28:
12:15-Early Childhood
12:30-K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th
12:45-2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th

Thursday, August 27: All students attend school, 8:00-12:30 including lunch

Friday, August 28: All students attend, 8:00-12:30 including lunch
**half day early childhood class will dismiss at 11:30

Monday, August 31: All students, regular hours using staggered arrival/dismissal times

2020-2021 Registration

We are also accepting registrations for new families and are able to conduct tours over the summer.  Remember that any current St. Ed family that refers a new family that attends the 2020-21 school year will be credited with $500 off of their tuition with no limit!

Please email Mrs. Lasica ( for more information.

2020-21 St. Edward Staff

Part-time Preschool and Prekindergarten: Ms. LoGiudice
Full-time Preschool (3): Ms. Zimmerman
Full-time Prekindergarten (4): Mrs. Holbach

Kindergarten: Mrs. Chun
Kindergarten: Mrs. Koszeghy

1st Grade: Mrs. Malecki

2nd Grade: Mrs. Swider

3rd Grade: Ms. Cudecki

4th Grade: Ms. Carabio
4th Grade: Ms. Berg

5th Grade and 5th/6th English: Mr. Charles
5th Grade and 5th/6th Science: Mrs. Belcastro
6th Grade and 5th/6th Math: Ms. Klenkar
6th Grade and 5th/6th Social Studies: Mr. Chun

7th Grade and 7th/8th Math: Mrs. Sammon
7th Grade and 7th/8th English: Mr. Bates
8th Grade and 7th/8th Science: Ms. Mortimer
8th Grade and 7th/8th Social Studies: Mrs. Gawlik

Art: Mrs. Greenberg
Music: Mr. Pino
STEM: Mr. Enrile
Spanish: Mrs. Tapia, Little Linguists
PE: Mr. Cho

Aides: Mrs. Farinella, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Mencini

Required Medical Forms

Preschool students: Physical Examination due in August 

Kindergarten students: Physical Examination due in August, Dental Exam due in August, and Vision Exam due in October 

Second Grade students: Dental Exam due in August

Sixth Grade students: Physical Exam and Dental Exam both due in August

Transfer students: Physical Exam and Dental Exam due in August, Vision Exam due in October

Uniforms are required for Kindergarten-8th Grade.  Please see the uniform policy for more information.  Students will need a regular uniform and a PE uniform.  St. Edward School utilizes three vendors for uniforms to give parents options: SchoolBelles, Lands' End, and Fantastic Lettering.  

Masks (required for all students) can be purchased through Schoolbelles, Lands' End, and Fantastic Lettering.  If you feel more comfortable purchasing masks through another vendor, please make sure that masks do not contain messages or images that would distract from the educational environment of the school or be contrary to our Catholic faith.  Masks may NOT have vents or exhalation ventilation per the CDC.


School supply lists for preschool through 8th grade can be found on the school website by clicking here.

Families also have the option to purchase supplies through School Toolbox.  Boxes are customized based on what you need and are delivered directly to your home.  This is not a fundraiser, just a convenience offered to our families.
