Trinity Tidings September 2018   Volume 32, No. 9
Welcome to our online version of Trinity Tidings.

Upcoming Events at Trinity:

September 2
Communion Sunday
September 4
Mother’s Morning Out Resumes
September 5
Wednesday Night Live  Resumes
September 9
Handbell Choir Resumes
September 13
Men’s Fellowship Resumes
October 19-21
Middle School Retreat
November 4
One Worship Sunday-
Ingathering of Pledges
Sept. 5 WNL Menu:
Chicken Marsala
Roasted Potatoes
Green Beans
Tossed Salad with Ranch
Rolls and butter
Banana Pudding
Wednesday Night Live Resumes!

Join us for our regularly scheduled
Wednesday Night Live activities
beginning on September 5th
5:30pm WNL Dinner
6:00pm Junior Choir
6:30pm CWE & Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Chancel Choir Practice
Our WNL programs will resume on September 5th.  Dinner begins at 5:30 pm, with a suggested contribution of $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children ages 12 and under.   
Children’s Jr. Choir (2nd-5th grades) will practice from 6:00 to 6:30, followed by WNL, Adult Bible Study, and Choir practice—all of which run from 6:30-7:30 pm. 
The Adult Bible Study will be: Call Narratives in the Old Testament: A Look at Prophets and Other Troublemakers. This is a seminar style format encouraging discussion and is led by Rev. Dr. Marc Mason.     
For the month of September our WNL Children’s Program will focus on Nehemiah and his rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. The Bible lessons will reinforce the Sunday morning CWE lessons, but the videos and activities will be new, so please bring your children to both! The life application for the month of September is, “INITIATIVE: Seeing what needs to be done and doing it!”  The WNL Children’s program is for children in K through 5th grade. Youth are invited to assist at WNL and a Nursery is provided for those younger than kindergarten.  
Join us every Wednesday for food, fellowship, and discipleship!
Dear Friends,

On Sunday August 26th we started a new journey through the Gospel of Mark in our readings for worship. Each of the four Gospel accounts has a distinct “voice” proclaiming the one Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we discovered over the last two years as we journeyed through the Gospel of Matthew, each of the four evangelists responsible for the Gospel in the New Testament offers us unique and distinctive perspectives in the journey of discipleship. All four reveal the truth of who Jesus Christ is and the message he reveals, but they do so with different shades and tones of God’s message. As we did with Matthew, we will make our way through Mark’s account sequentially by chapter, week by week, reading 8-10 verses each week. Following our custom at the 11:00 service, we will also include an Old Testament reading most weeks. This discipline for selecting our worship themes and preaching content is called “Lectio Continua” (reading continuously through a single book).
Many preachers in our Reformed Tradition (including myself until about 3 ½ years ago) have historically followed what is called “Lectio Selecta” in their preaching. “Lectio Selecta” is referred to as the practice of following the Revised Common Lectionary , or some other preset order, in choosing biblical texts for preaching and reading in worship. The Revised Common Lectionary is a three year discipline of reading through the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Each Sunday of the year this lectionary offers 4 texts to choose from: Old Testament, Psalms, Gospel, and New Testament Letters. Within our Reformed Tradition, most congregations following this lectionary customarily read an Old Testament passage and a New Testament passage, and use a Psalm from that day in worship as well.

When I was in seminary, we were encouraged to adopt the discipline of adhering to the Revised Common Lectionary for planning worship and preaching texts. My professor’s argued that the discipline of following this lectionary would lead us to confront and address passages in our preaching we otherwise might ignore. Moreover, across the three year cycle of the lectionary, a congregation is exposed to the breadth and depth of God’s story throughout the Bible. I remain convinced that using the Revised Common Lectionary does in fact accomplish those objectives.

However, what such a discipline does not do in a transparent way is reveal the inherent narrative character of God’s Word in the Bible. Every book in Scripture offers a sustained narrative of God’s interaction with His creation (save perhaps Psalms and Proverbs, but even in these two books a narrative is present.) And so, while the particular content of a particular passage can and does reveal a particular truth, the revealed truth of the narrative context in which it appears is not always easily transparent and recognized.

In contrast, the greatest single benefit commending the use of “Lectio Continua” by a congregation and preacher is that it more readily makes transparent the narrative character of the book at hand. This is the case regardless of whether a passage comes from Genesis, or one of the Gospels.

So, as we now embark on this journey through Mark, let us be reminded that we have as a congregation in recent history journeyed through Matthew, and before that Luke. Each Gospel writer was guided by the Holy Spirit to reveal a complete account of the revelation of Jesus Christ, and by reading a Gospel account through verse by verse, the distinctive “voice” of the evangelist is more readily revealed. I covenant with you to do my best to “get out of the way” in order for God to reveal what we need to hear from Mark’s Gospel account!

The Jesus we meet in Mark is often quite concise in his teachings, especially when viewed in contrast to the other Gospels. Another distinctive of Mark is that he tells us the account of Jesus and the Gospel at a rapid narrative pace. Events move quickly in Mark, and Jesus is often on the go; going from one place to another with only the thinnest of narrative connections.

Mark’s picture of Jesus, not unlike as in the other three Gospels, is a Jesus often at odds with the Judaism of his day. However, Jesus’ encounters with the Pharisees and the priests is often more muted and does differ in tone and content from what we have recently discovered in Matthew.

Mark offers us no birth narrative or lineage account of Jesus’ family. One scholar describes Mark’s Gospel as a collection of episodes and teaching moments from Jesus’ life tied loosely together with a sparse narrative intended to bring us to the importance of the crucifixion and resurrection. His description is a helpful way to frame our interpretation efforts in reading Mark.

I do not approach our journey through Mark’s Gospel as so much a “sermon series”, but a sustained attempt to grasp the inherent narrative unity of Jesus’ teachings and actions as they reveal the Gospel. I invite you to join with me on this journey. I am confident God will instruct us, and correct us, as we open our lives to him through his revealed and transformative narrative!

Welcome to Trinity's Newest Members!
Kris Bierbaum moved from Chicago to Travelers Rest thirteen years ago after a career in engineering and business management. His working years were spent living in numerous American cities, England and Germany. Now, while enjoying our local climate, he looks forward to a future in Trinity Presbyterian Church. We welcome you aboard, Kris!!!

Say "Hello again" to Bill and Linda Curran . Originally from Pennsylvania, Bill's home was in Buffalo, and Linda hails from Pittsburgh. His career began with Union Carbide. Later he spent fifteen years as an executive with Multinational Specialty Metals Manufacturing Company. Bill retired in 1998. Linda retired in 1995, after a career in social services. They chose to live in Greenville County. After a second move, they have returned to our church family. Welcome back Currans!
Brian Masinick and Mary Pirrallo are recent retirees from Detroit. After visiting Mary's brother here, they decided to settle in Greenville. This past May, The Woodlands became their new home. In Detroit Mary worked as a teacher and a guidance counselor. Brian is a   computer software engineer, a "sports fanatic," a trombone player, and a biblical scholar. A musical couple, they look forward to learning more about the OLLI program at Furman and what the Greenville area has to offer. Let’s all welcome our new friends aboard!!
Our welcome mat is out for Rob and Cheryl Gill ! Originally from Missouri, Cheryl began her medical career after graduation from Virginia Tech with an MBA in 1971. She worked in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, and has been here since 1984, retiring in 2003 from her career in Medical and Financial Management. Rob graduated in 1972 and began a 34-year career in medical imaging with AGFA Health Care. Since his retirement in 2007, Rob has volunteered for ten years as a tutor in Slater Marietta Elementary School, and he also serves regularly at the North Greenville Crisis Ministry. Golf is his hobby, and Cheryl plays Bridge. They were married in 1985. These days, Rob and Cheryl are also enjoying being grandparents to their son's two little boys.
Welcome to Martha Syphrit , a 1953 Parker High School graduate! She spent many years away during her late husband's military  career. The young family lived in his home town of Brookville, PA, while he served in Vietnam. After his retirement, they moved again. This time it was to Greenville! Now their adult children are scattered. One son is in Pennsylvania, the other son in Arizona, and their daughter lives in Pauley's Island, SC. But Martha still enjoys being "Home again!”
From the Director of Christian Education & Youth
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal
of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect .
Romans 12:2
Welcome back! Summer is a wonderful time of relaxed schedules and travel, but if you haven’t been here at Trinity, we’ve missed you! School is back in session, the delicious Rally Day breakfast is now but a fond memory, and it is time to get back into the routine of regular Small Group attendance with our church family. It is through the study of His word that we are transformed and renewed. There are Sunday morning Small Groups available for all ages and interests, Wednesday Night Live resumes on September 5 th , and the weekly and monthly Bible studies are in full swing. Be intentional about finding a place to grow!

Speaking of intentional: Christ’s life was a perfect example of love and kindness. I have confidence that sharing that love and kindness is an intentional part of the life of all at Trinity. However, to make random acts of kindness a little more fun, I have created a bulletin board downstairs in McKinney filled with opportunities for extending kindness to others. Please stop by the bulletin board, select a card, share that kindness, and (if possible) take a picture and post it on the “Kindness if the New Cool” bulletin board near the Youth room. Let’s see how many smiles we can create!

                       In Christ’s service,
Missions News
When you give money to mission organizations, do you ever wonder how your financial gift impacts the lives of those on the receiving end? Well, here’s how your support for the Just Coffee ministry has made a huge difference in the life of one Mexican coffee farmer – Hernan Cifuentes. At the age of ten, Hernan’s dad took him out of school to work on their small coffee farm. “Studying would have been great,” he said, “but when it came down to it, feeding the family was priority.” Hernan quickly picked up the coffee business and continued farming to support his own wife and eight children. They earned little from their crop and watched four of their children travel across the border to our country to find work. But, since becoming an associate of Café Justo, Hernan and his family are now able to make a decent living on their land. Now three of his children are interested in entering the  coffee business. Hernan said, “If Café Justo hadn’t started, we’d still be just surviving.”

As our fall coffee sale begins, won’t you consider helping other farmers like Hernan?  
A pound of Just Coffee for a just cause. 
Regular - $9.00; Decaf - $10.00. 
Ground or beans. Dark or Medium Roast.

Lynda Fredsell will happily take your order and your money– .  
Deadline for coffee orders – September 12th.

Since November of 2009, Trinity church members and friends have consumed 1,381 bags of Café Justo. Hernan Cifuentes says, “Thank you!”
Roland Bergeron, the founder and CEO of Water of Life sends greetings to Trinity church. He writes: “For years my personal motto has been simple: don’t just do a good thing; do the best thing. It is what compels Water of Life to not simply drill water wells. Doing this would no doubt be a good thing by meeting the most basic of human needs. But the best thing is to meet a villager’s physical needs while also sharing the most important gift there is – Jesus Christ. By combining evangelism and humanitarian work, we are able to be at our best.” 

In India, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, Water of Life workers go about the business of sharing fresh water and the gospel with one village at a time. Here’s how it works: a village is assessed and mapped; a water well is dug; a church is planted. The village becomes a Christ village when the majority of the village has become Christian. Twenty wells a month were drilled in India alone from October, 2016 – October, 2017… nothing short of a miracle!

Our church is proud to be in partnership with this life-giving ministry. For more information about Water of Life, check out their website: . Water of Life is headquartered in nearby Greer.
August Session Digest
Members Present : Marc Mason, Olin Blanton, Sherry Ogletree, Mary Pace, Lawrence Garabedian, Dennis Mitchell, Justin Mullis, Chuck Verdin, and Jeff Burton

Others Present:  Terri Luzynski

Members Absent/Excused:  Dennis Tavernetti and Bob Lewis.

Opening Prayer: Marc Mason opened the meeting with a discussion regarding “The Story of the Missional Church” by Dr. Stephen A. Hayner.

Declaration of Quorum : A quorum was present.

Pastor’s Report and Housekeeping Details :
Marc Mason gave an update on members who are sick, in the hospital, and/or recovering. 
The Lord’s Supper was celebrated on June 3, 2018, July 1, 2018, and August 5, 2018.
Marc Mason reported that Thomas Barksdale tendered his resignation from the Session effective May 30, 2018 due to his attending college. 
Marc Mason reported that a funeral was held on July 2, 2018 at Trinity for Barbara Willoughby and that a funeral was held at Mackey Mortuary/Woodlawn on July 15, 2018 for Todd Simonton. 
There was a facility request from Linda Beazley and Kris Bierbaum for their wedding, which is planned for November 24, 2018. 
Marc Mason circulated to the Session, for review and consideration, a Submission Form from the Foothills Presbytery Nominations Committee. The purpose of the Form is to nominate to the Presbytery all chairpersons and members of committees, boards and agencies of the Presbytery.

Monthly Budget Reports : Mary Pace presented the July monthly budget reports. She reported that for the month of April there was a $4,469 deficit in the Operating Account and a $396 deficit in the Building Fund. For the year to date, there was a $14,307 deficit in the Operating Account and a surplus of $15,657 in the Building Fund. Through July 2018, total actual operating expenses were approximately 57.56% of the annual budget, which is better than 58.33%, which is the straight-line budget percentage through June. Olin Blanton made a motion to approve the monthly budget reports as presented. Justin Mullis seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Diaconate Report : Marc Mason reported there was no report as the Diaconate had not met this past month. 

Membership Update : As of May 24, 2018, the Church has 417 members, of which 409 are resident and 8 are non-resident. 

Clerk Report : The minutes of the Stated Session Meeting on May 24, 2018 and the Called Session Meeting on July 8, 2018 were reviewed. Mary Pace made a motion to approve both sets of minutes. Dennis Mitchell seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Communications : There were no communications to report. 

Old Business : None.

New Business : Justin Mullis reported that the work of the officer nominating committee had gone very well and had resulted in the following slate of proposed Deacons: Chris Marsh, Leslie Weikle, and Katherine Christie; and following slate of proposed Elders: Brad Pochard, Mark Chapman, Jeff Wingard, Julie Rogers, Jeff Burton and Bob Lewis.
Standing Committee Reports

Benevolence & Mission : No report. 

Discipleship : Terri Luzynski and Dennis Mitchell reported on Mothers Morning Out projected space/usage. Dennis Mitchell also reported that the tag sale had gone well and had funded the youth’s mission trip and that such trip was successful. Mr. Mitchell further reported that this summer’s VBS was successful and had over 40 children in attendance. He reported on the upcoming Rally Day (August 26 th ) and the committee’s continuing work on drafting a child protection policy. He also reported that a poverty simulation workshop (to be conducted by Beth Templeton from Triune Mercy Center) was planned for October 28 th at Trinity for the youth and other interested members of the congregation. 

Finance & Stewardship : Mary Pace reported that the next step up challenge for the Building Fund was planned to start August 26 th and to end on September 30 th . The Church’s 2017 financial statements and 2017 year-end financial report have been previously completed and were received, reviewed and approved by the Session.  

Long-Range Planning : Marc Mason reported that the columbarium project was still being studied.

Personnel & Administration : Olin Blanton and Sherry Ogletree reported that this committee will be meeting soon. They noted that Leah Wyman had resigned as choral director this past spring and that Eric Barnhart had put together an interim plan in her absence. They were continuing to use that plan while reviewing the job description for the choral director position and starting a search to fill such position. 

Property & Grounds : Lawrence Garabedian reported that a clean-up day was planned for Saturday, August 11 th . The following work was planned: trimming shrubs, pressure washing windows, and painting the parking lot lines. Mr. Garabedian also reported that all emergency and exit lights had been checked and were now working properly. Various year-to-date utility expenses and budgeted amounts for same were reviewed and discussed. 

Spiritual Development & Evangelism : Justin Mullis reported that a meeting with Marc Mason was planned to consider setting a fall prayer vigil date, as well as to consider a policy to open the church for members and the community for prayer for certain events.

Worship : Jeff Burton gave a short report on the committee’s work. 

Motion to Adjourn with Prayer : Mary Pace made a motion to adjourn with prayer. Lawrence Garabedian seconded the motion. The motion passed. Marc Mason closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chuck Verdin, Clerk          Marc Mason, Moderator
Trinity's New Officers
Class of 2021 :   Deacons                        Elders
                              Katherine Christie   Mark Chapman
                              Chris Marsh               Brad Pochard
                              Leslie Weikle             Julie Rogers
                                                                   Jeff Wingard
Class of 2020 :                                     Jeff Burton
Class of 2019 :                                      Bob Lewis
Katherine Christi is a Florida native who grew up in Jacksonville but later moved to Fort Meyers. Since 2006 she has lived in Greenville. Katherine joined Trinity in 2007 and has served as a member of the Personnel & Administration Committee. Her adult son resides in New York. Katherine is a counselor at Berea Middle School. An active lady, she enjoys swimming and hiking.
Returning Deacon Chris Marsh is originally from Kennedy, NY. Chris and his wife, Paula, joined Trinity in 2012. For the past several years Chris has been a member of our Evangelism Committee. He has been a teacher and a coach at Travelers Rest High School for more than eleven years. Recently Chris has been coaching the Boys Basketball C Team. He and Paula are the parents of Noah (19), Kaitlyn (15) and James (13).  
Leslie Weikle is a former school teacher. She graduated from Furman in 1997. Her husband, Dr. Scott Weikle, is a 1995 Furman graduate. They enjoy their three young daughters: Lillian, Charlotte and Blair. Their family joined Trinity last year. Leslie has served as a volunteer in Vacation Bible School, the Christmas Pageant and other children’s and youth activities.
Returning Elder Jeff Burton , current chair of the Worship Committee, has been a member of Trinity for over 23 years. He and Janie have been married for 47 years. They have two daughters, Sara Awtrey and Lauren Winkler. They enjoy their three young grandchildren, Hannah Winkler, and Ava and Max Awtrey. Jeff is retired now, so he also enjoys golf, his jet ski and biking on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.
Mark Chapman grew up in Brevard, NC. In 1990 he came to Greenville. He and Marty (King) were married in 1996. Mark also     became a member of Trinity that year. Mark has served several terms as an Elder. They are parents of two sons. Mac is a sophomore at USC and Hamilton is a junior at Travelers Rest HS. Mark's career is in real estate.
Brad Pochard, originally from Columbus, Ohio, moved to Greenville in 2008. The      Pochards joined Trinity in 2012; he and his wife, Brianne, currently serve as ushers and on the Video Team. At Furman he is the Associate Vice President of Enrollment and Dean of Admissions, and Brianne is the Assistant Director of Grants and Research Administration. They have two young sons, J.T. (8) and Evan (4). The boys are active participants and Brad is a coach in Trinity's basketball program. Brad also serves on both TRYA and Northwest Little League boards of directors.
Julie Rogers grew up in Hendersonville, NC, where she now teaches middle school math. Julie and Greg married seventeen years ago. They have two sons, Kyle (15) and Elliott (11). Their family joined Trinity about five years ago. Julie co-directed Trinity’s Vacation Bible School for several years, and she has served in the CWE area as well.
Jeff Wingard grew up in Hartsville, S.C. He and Elizabeth moved to Greenville in 2005 and joined Trinity in 2006. He recently served as a Deacon and has served on our Fellowship and Evangelism Committees. They have been married twenty years and are the parents of three daughters: Anna Kate, Caroline and Margaret. Jeff's job is to plan and schedule for an aerospace supplier.
Tea for Friends!
Trinity Presbyterian Church is now looking
for individuals to deliver welcome packages
 to our visitors each week!

All whom are interested please contact
Chris Marsh via text message or phone call to (864) 525-0181.
Watch for details to follow!
Thank you for your support!
 We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Small Groups For Everyone!
Sunday Mornings 10:00AM

·  Christianity and Contemporary Issues-  
Discussions relate the messages contained in
Scripture passages to current headlines.
Format: Lecture and interactive
Facilitators: Mary Pace, Annette Taylor and class
members. Meets in Room 203

·  Scripture in the Sitcoms
Classic sitcom episodes will be used as modern  
day parables to teach spiritual truths. The first  
sitcom series will be the Mayberry Bible Study .
Begins September 9th;
Facilitator: Denny Mitchell
Meets in the Library, Room 202

·  Trinity Class
The first Sunday School Class created at Trinity 
and has been active ever since. 
Focus: Study of the Bible with the help of the
Standard Lesson Commentary.
Format: Lecture and interactive with class
discussion strongly encouraged.
Teachers: Beauford Williams, Fred Moehlenbrock
and class members.
Meets in the Thorpe Building, Room 105

·  Fellowship Class
Rotates study of the books of the Bible with Christian books that enrich our lives.
Format: Combination of lecture with interactive
discussion, all in a relaxed environment. 
Leadership changes annually with a rotation of    
teachers from our class.
Class Contacts: Theresa Horton, Claudia Burns
Meets in the Thorpe Building, Room 107

·   6th-12th Grades, Led by Terri Luzynski,
   Room 218


·   CWE 4K (before 9/1) through 1st Grade
Led by Robin Blakemore, Ashley Haynes, and
Leslie Weikle in Room 229

·   CWE 2nd through 5th Grades
Led by Allen Clark and Eric Smith in Room 201 The Bible lessons in September will be on
Nehemiah and his rebuilding of the wall in 
Jerusalem. The life application for the month is "INITIATIVE: Seeing what needs to be done and doing it!"
Sunday Evenings

5:00-6:00pm Middle School (6th- 8th grade)
Led by Terri Luzynski

6:00-7:00pm Dinner for all youth- McKinney Hall

7:00-8:00pm High School (9th - 12th grades)
 Led by Terri Luzynski

Wednesday Night Live (WNL)

5:30pm Dinner
6:00pm Junior Choir
6:30pm CWE for children in 1st—5th grades
                    Led by Terri Luzynski
6:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
6:30pm Adult Bible Study— New Study:
 Call Narratives in the Old Testament: A Look at 
 Prophets and Other Troublemakers
This is a seminar style format encouraging discussion and begins Sept. 5th.    
   Led by Rev. Dr. Marc Mason.     
   Meets in Room 107.

Mid-Week Small Group Opportunities

·   Rachel Bible Study (for Women)—
A lesson is presented by one of the participants each week. This group meets at church in the Thorpe Bldg., Room 105 at 10:00am on Tuesday mornings.
Facilitator: Nancy Simonton

·   Men’s Fellowship —Biscuit and coffee breakfast and a devotional, followed by a program including guest speakers from the community as well as members of the group.
Meets 7:30am Thursday mornings in the Thorpe
Building, Room 105;
Facilitator: John Burns

Monthly Group
·   Naomi Ladies Group:  Study of a selected series which is moderated by one of the class members. 
Meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at 3pm at members’ homes.
Facilitator: Esther King
Notes from the Director of Music Ministry
Welcome to fall! 

We have loads going on in the music ministry starting this September.  Chancel and  Junior Choir both resume rehearsals with Wednesday Night Live on September 5 at their usual times of 6:30 and 6pm respectively. Our handbell team resumes rehearsals on  September 9 at 4pm. Violinists Kaylen Beemer and Joanna Mulfinger will be joining us regularly along with Furman students and alumni as part of our chancel choir and other instrumentation. Our 9am band and tech teams continue to grow as more youth are  participating with them. 

We welcome Mary Sue McClain as our new Junior Choir Director. Mary Sue sings with the chancel choir and is a former music educator in the public school system. If you have children in 2nd - 5th grade, whom you would like to participate in our junior choir, bring them any Wednesday night starting September 5 for our 6pm rehearsal ending at 6:30.

While we will continue to provide programming during Wednesday Night Live for ages below 2nd grade, we will not be continuing a cherubs choir at this time due to a lack of adult volunteer leadership.
Looking ahead, our All Music Advent Sunday will be December 2 this year. If you are interested in participating with the choir on this special day, stay tuned for our announcement as to when we will begin rehearsing material for it.
Overall, we are looking to have the greatest levels of participation in the music ministry this season since I
first began my role here at Trinity. Thank you to all of you who join me in service to our Lord; let’s sing to him a new song and bless his holy name!
—Eric Barnhart
Columbarium Project Update
The Long-Range Planning Committee is continuing to gather information on planning the Columbarium Project. We are currently discussing with five different vendors. After two open discussion meetings, and feedback, we have narrowed our options to two locations. Our goal is to have a proposal ready for the September 13th Session meeting. 
We welcome any suggestions and opinions from you. Please contact:
Bob Lewis – 294-9634; Esther King – 905-9938; Jim Showalter – 430-6104
Newspapers Needed!
This is a plea for help for the large numbers of kittens and puppies at the Greenville Humane Society. Bedding is needed. Please bring your newspapers (Newsprint only; NO slick pages please!) to McKinney Hall and put them in the box beside the grocery cart. Tom McCorkle will deliver them for us!
New Sunday and Wednesday Studies this Fall
Scripture in the Sitcoms: The Mayberry Bible Study

Do you miss the good old days of The Andy Griffith Show?  Here’s your chance to revisit Mayberry!   The Mayberry Bible Study features classic episodes of The Andy Griffith Show tied to relevant scriptures, using the episodes as modern day parables on the teachings of Jesus. Come join this Scripture in the Sitcoms Small Group beginning on Sunday, September 9th at 10:00am . Denny Mitchell will facilitate, but this is a discussion based Small Group, so all attendees will be part of the fun-filled teaching and learning process!  The class will meet in the library, Room 202.
Call Narratives in the Old Testament:
A Look at Prophets and Other Troublemakers

Join us on Wednesday evenings beginning September 5th at 6:30pm for a new adult Bible study led by Rev. Dr. Marc Mason. This is a seminar style format encouraging discussion, and the class meets in Room 107 in the Thorpe Building.
What Trinity Means to Me
The Stewardship Committee would like to highlight the following testimony from Esther King:
  What Trinity Means to Me: Esther King
In 1970, the King family moved from Rock Hill to Travelers Rest, SC. We had belonged to a large down- town Presbyterian Church, the place I was baptized, married and where our babies were baptized. It was a totally staffed church, and God moved us to a tiny little church with little staff except the minister and perhaps a musician. The minister was leaving Trinity and the church was attempting to keep the doors open and move forward. The minister and his wife were handling VBS. She was teaching the girls; he was teaching the boys. If I wanted my children to go, I felt I had to help. So, I volunteered to help with VBS. That was the first thing I did at Trinity. Shortly after VBS, the minister and his family left for another call. The Manse that housed the minister was located on the property and needed to be cleaned and prepared for a new minister. We, men, women and children, cleaned it from top to bottom and did some painting and repapering the cabinets, washed the windows, etc. I don’t know how long it took for a new minister to come, but in the meantime, my husband, Jim and I started helping wherever we could. We sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, helped weed and cut the yard, helped clean the church building, from the bathrooms to the kitchen and all that was between. We washed out the trash cans, and cleaned the fridge and oven. I helped in the office a few days a week. Jim helped count the weekly offering. We visited the sick and homebound members . We were needed in every way. This little church was the very place I began to have a hunger to grow in my faith walk. I had been a “spoon fed” Christian (great teachers and preachers) and now, God was preparing me to be a teacher, leader and helper. It never occurred to us to find another church because we wanted to attend church in our community and Trinity was the only Presbyterian church in Travelers Rest. In fact, Travelers Rest didn’t have many Presbyterians at all and we were looked upon as being somewhat different from the norm. It was in this small church that our two children learned about being a servant and responsible member of a church. When we went to Trinity, they went to Trinity .

I am so pleased that both of my children are now grown and active in their churches, along with their children. That is one of the things that Trinity means to me. It has grown families to love God and serve His people .

Trinity offered times of Fellowship by having “pot luck” dinners on Wednesdays. We had no ice maker, choir room, or extra room for storage. We also had retreats and many fun times together. I helped with the Presbyterian Women’s group. This was an opportunity to meet other Presbyterian women in the Foothills and nearby and an opportunity to get to know the Trinity ladies and work together with them. I made some very good friends from other churches , too. It was a blessing to me and to many other women at Trinity. Admittedly, I am saddened that we no longer have a Presbyterian Women’s Group at Trinity.

It was at Trinity that I learned about being a servant of God . Like the prophet Amos in the Old Testament, we felt that God “took us” to Trinity to receive a blessing and to be a blessing. I hope and pray that Trinity will mean as much to you, the readers of this note, and that you will realize how much Trinity needs you , no matter your age or gender. You and I have been given skills and talents to be used to bring God’s presence into our world. It really isn’t what Trinity can do for us; it’s what can we do for Trinity?  May it be so for you.
Volunteers Needed!
Our CWE programs for K4-1st and 2nd to 5th Graders are wonderful places for our children to grow their faith.  Most of our volunteers have been assisting with the program since its creation four years ago and they still love participating.  However, the demands of life have resulted in a few folks having to resign this year. Ashley Haynes and Latain Bireley said yes to the call and have joined the fun! (Thank you, Ashley and Latain!)  We do still need a couple of more volunteers to fill out the rotation schedule. Our openings are:

Greeter/Tech:  This volunteer will serve in the 2nd-5th Grade CWE room. The responsibilities include enjoying the company of our wonderful elementary school children, marveling at the creative teaching of Allen Clark and Eric Smith, being the second adult in the room, and starting the videos used in the class. “Tech” does not mean anything complicated; it is literally turning on the computer and the projector, and starting the videos. The videos are downloaded and easily located on the desktop screen.  This volunteer will serve approximately one Sunday morning a month—or even less if two people volunteer!

Supply Prep:  Would you like to help with the children’s program but your Sunday mornings are already busy? Then this is the spot for you! The Supply Prep volunteer comes to the church anytime in the week prior to his/her scheduled Sunday and pulls out the supplies needed for that Sunday’s lesson. The supplies are all conveniently listed in the lesson plan.  This volunteer will also serve approximately once a month.

Resident Artist:  OK-I am not going to lie: This position does require at least some artistic talent! Our CWE lessons are based around a monthly theme and this volunteer is responsible for drawing a chalk visual of the theme. The graphic is provided, so it just needs to be copied onto the chalkboard. This is a once a month task that generally needs to be completed between the last Wednesday of the month and the first Sunday of the following month.

Please prayerfully consider contributing your gifts and talents to our CWE programs! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please contact Terri Luzynski at the church or at (540) 761- 8421.
Youth News!
With water balloons, a pool party (Thank you, Paula & Chris Marsh!), and a trip to Discovery Island where Chase showed us how to master the FlowRider, our “YWE Gets Wet” August was tons of fun! There is a rumor that next August, we will be tubing down a real river . . .

In what has become a Trinity Tradition, we then welcomed our new YWE members and kicked off the new year with an ice cream social at the home of Leslie and Scott Weikle. We had a huge number of youth attend, and I have never seen so many toppings!! Thank you, Leslie and Scott for hosting this event! 

Our Sunday morning YWE Small Group will begin the year with a study of the Book of 1 John. Our regular Sunday evening YWE schedule will begin on September 9th, and we will continue using the current event based Living in Christ (LinC) curriculum. 

The September schedule is listed below, but it is still a little “squishy” as I am waiting to hear back from some folks. Please watch your emails for updates! 

Sept. 2 Labor Day Weekend - NO YWE
Sept. 9 5:00-6:00 pm Middle School Youth
6:00-6:30 pm Dinner provided by Dee Klug
6:30-7:00 pm Worship/Announcements 
7:00-8:00 pm Sr. High Youth
Sept. 16 5:00-6:00 pm Middle School Youth
6:00-6:30 pm Dinner provided by Kristen Short
6:30-7:00 pm Worship/Announcements 
7:00-8:00 pm Sr. High Youth
Sept. 18 Deadline to register for PYC Middle School Youth Retreat
at Bonclarken
Sept. 22 Service Saturday
Details to follow
Sept. 28-30 Tentative Fall Camping Retreat
This event was by special request. However, only three have committed to attend. Please sign-up by Sept. 9th. If we do not have enough participation, we will postpone the camping trip until spring and a “Plan B” fall event will happen this weekend.

Peace & prayers,
Financial Review - July
Below is a detailed view of the July approved by the Session. In keeping with transparency of Trinity’s financial position, this view provides more information than the Sunday bulletin version. It will always be two months in arrears due to the fact that the newsletter is always published before the Session meets.
Mother's Morning Out
Please consider donating to our Mother’s Morning Out program, which begins on September 4th. Below is a list of needed items. All donations may be placed in the Mother’s Morning Out collection boxes.

**Gently used items are gratefully accepted, as well as new items.
Art Supplies: 
glue sticks
washable paint
sponge brushes
wiggle eyes (self-adhesive)construction paper
crayons (chunky and regular)stickers
dot markers
colored puff balls
cotton balls
coloring books
tissue paper
tempera paint
magnetic letters
canvases (all sizes)

battery operated preschool toys
V-tech toys
toy cell phones
preschool books
Classroom Supplies:
Clorox disinfectant wipes
diaper wipes
hand and face wipes
sticky notes
name labels
sippy cups
toddler spoons
batteries (AA, AAA, C, or D), paper plates
cookie sheets
freezer Ziploc bags
Little People play sets
stacking toys
puzzles (maximum 48 pieces)
Thank You!
Dear Church Family,

The flowers I found in my room were so beautiful and have meant so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Jeanne Christie
Dear Trinity friends,
Thank you all very much for your prayers, thoughts, calls and visits during Carolyn’s illness. She is getting better but please continue to pray for her. Your support and love have meant so much to us both.
                                    Bob Lewis
Dear Trinity Family,

Thank you all for the cards, calls, encouragement, and most of all the prayers during my mother’s illness and recent passing.

The strength and support of my church family has meant so much to me throughout this difficult journey.
We are all very grateful for our Trinity family.

        Tammie, Scott and McCauley Frierson
Handbell Choir Begins Sunday, Sept. 9th

Handbell Choir begins rehearsing again on Sunday, September 9. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Lisa Barksdale at 834-6656 or

To participate, you need to be able to keep a steady beat and read either treble or bass clef. We look forward to ringing with joy!
Flower Calendar Sign-Up
It’s not too late if you would like to sign up to provide flowers for the church sanctuary on a specific Sunday; flowers can be given in memory or in honor of a loved one, and it will be noted in that day’s bulletin announcements. The Sunday dates still available are:

September 23, 30
November 4, 11
Please call Myriam in the church office, 864-834-9897, for more information or to sign up.
Youth Summer Activities

North Greenville Crisis Ministry

Thank you for your continued support for this ministry.
Their current needs include:

Canned Meat
Canned Tomatoes
Tomato Sauce
Macaroni & Cheese
Clothes (all sizes)
Plastic Grocery Bags
Please place donations in the shopping cart in McKinney Hall.
Sermon Audio Files Now Available
To access Sermon Audio on the website:
1) Go to
2) On the menu in the upper right hand corner between the options CALENDAR and CONTACT US you will see an option entitled MEDIA.
3) Roll your mouse over MEDIA and a menu should appear. 
5) It will take you to the iTunes website where you are now on the preview page for the Trinity Podcast. 
6) Click the blue button that reads VIEW IN iTUNES under the green Trinity logo on the left side. 
7) You will receive a prompt to open iTunes. Or if you don’t have it, you will be prompted to download iTunes.
8) For Windows/PC Users: if you already have iTunes on your computer and receive a prompt to download it again, click the gray button to the left of the blue download button indicating that you already have iTunes on your computer and you wish to sign in.  
iTunes will then open to the Trinity Podcast Page.
To receive a copy of each new sermon to your iTunes every week:
When you reach the podcast page in iTunes, click SUBSCRIBE under the green Trinity logo on the left side.
To receive a copy of a particular sermon to your iTunes:
When you reach the podcast page in iTunes, scroll down the list of sermons and click “GET”
on the right hand side of the sermon you’d like to have a copy of.   
September 2018 Calendar

September Birthdays
3   Ashley Turner
      JT Pochard
4    Kim Cole
      Angela Turner
5    Ava Awtrey
      Kevin Loftis
      Jessica Clark    
7    Bill McHaffie
8    David Smith
10   J.P. Stephens
12   Katie Coleman
       Jim Tanquary
13   Hugh Cunningham
14   Gretchen Snow
       Sarah Stephens
15   Laurie Staples
20   Ethan Cole
21   Keith Plyler
       Tom Tiffany
22   Garrett Stokes
       Kim Silvers
24   Brad Pochard
25   Jerry Bumgarner
       Lark Waldrep
27   Polly Reese
      Lillian Weikle
28   Sharon Burdsal
      Jack Kozic
      Joseph Pace
29   John Clark
If you don’t see your name or the name of someone you love on the birthday list,
please call the office so we can update our list!
Email or call Myriam at 864-834-9897.
Newsletter Deadline: The deadline for newsletter information is the 25th of each month. Please send all information to the church office (834-9897). If you are able, please E-mail info to  
Church Office Hours
9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Monday through Friday