Dear readers,
Welcome to the fourth issue of our REFORM newsletter!
After two years of intense cooperation, the REFORM partners are now reaching the end of the first phase of the project. This is the opportunity to inform you about the latest achievements.
Over the last six months, REFORM partners have exchanged their best practices and elaborated their respective action plans. This collaborative work allowed to identify good practices and recommendations for the development of SUMPs in regions which could be integrated in the Policy Brief or the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform, for the benefits of other regions.
More recently, in early December, the REFORM partners met in Brussels for a policy conference during which the four regions signed a declaration together with the representatives of the European Commission.
Finally, don't miss the fourth and final
Region in the spotlight. In this issue: Central Macedonia, Greece.
The REFORM partners wish you a good holiday season and an excellent 2019!
Enjoy reading!