July 15, 2020
Join us as we switch our July 16th Benefit Dinner to a  
Virtual Benefit Auction
And help us fight for Montana Families!
The children we serve, need your help!

Imagine having a child with a life-threatening illness. Watching your beautiful child fight for their life during a cancer diagnosis or be rushed off to Seattle Children's for a life-saving operation.  

Now, imagine that reality during COVID-19.  

For the families the Jadyn Fred Foundation assists, this is their reality. The care their child desperately needs doesn't stop just because there is a pandemic. In fact, for many of these families what was already a harsh reality and financial hardship is even more so!
In 2019 our foundation gave over $118,000 to Montana families whose children faced life-altering and life-threatening illnesses. Since 2004, we have given over $1 Million to over 1,100 families. 

For our foundation, the money we give to these families is traditionally raised during our July Annual Benefit Dinner. This year, we are unable to host our event as we have previously, and instead will host a Virtual Benefit Auction.

Our goal with this virtual event is to raise at least $100,000 so that we can continue to provide families with funding and ensure their child receives the critical care that could literally save their life. 

We hope you will consider joining us virtually on July 16th as together we
Make A Difference, One Life at a Time! 
All Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce events and committee meetings are currently canceled or being held virtually. Please check with Chamber staff for the status of meetings or events.
Thank you to our Visionary Members!