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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                 February, 2015
In This Issue
Family Nursing Science in Finland
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
12th International Family Nursing Conference
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Family Nursing in Finland

A dynamic program of scientific research and education, that began at the University of Tampere in 1990, prioritized a focus on family health and family related health care and nursing. Emphasis has been on examining the interaction between family members and health care providers, exploring different types of support for families, and developing family nursing interventions across a variety of settings. Numerous research publications in Finnish and English as well as the development of new research instruments have advanced family nursing science and improved nursing practice with families in Finland. 


Currently, there are 3 IFNA members from Finland.  


Dr. Akiko Araki, Japan
, is the Director of Nursing at Chiba Rehabilitation Center. She leads practice innovations and research with families who have children with disabilities [Read more].


Dr. France Dupuis, Canada, has recently completed a study that examines utilization of family nursing practice in hospital settings [Read more]


For more IFNA Practice News [Read more]

Dr. Fabie Duhamel and Dr. France Dupuis, Canada, are  leading  knowledge translation research of family nursing to practice.  They have evaluated a variety of innovative family nursing education and skill training interventions with practicing nurses and now they are also examining larger systems factors to better understand the facilitating and constraining factors that impact utilization of family nursing theory in practice settings [Read more].


For more IFNA Education News [Read more].

Dr. Regina Syzlit Bousso, Brazil, has developed a program of  research, practice, and education that focuses on the care of families experiencing loss and bereavement [Read more].



Dr. Chintana Wacharasin, Thailand, conducts research about  family nursing interventions that address illnesssuffering of families with chronically ill children and promote health [Read more]


The IFNA Research Committee is in the process of planning the program and working with a wealth of quality abstracts (499 from 37 countries) to create an exciting program at the 12th International Family Nursing Conference.  Notifications for accepted abstracts for podium and poster presentations have been sent.  Many thanks to all who submitted abstracts.


For more IFNA Research News [Read more]

12th International Family Nursing Conference

The IFNA Conference Committee is pleased to announce that 300 paper presentations and 199 poster presentations from 37 countries were accepted for presentation at the
12th International Nursing Conference.

 Six pre-conference workshops will be offered at the 12th International Family Nursing Conference on August 18, 2015. A full description of each pre-conference workshop and presenters is available and early registration is strongly encouraged [Learn more]

Current IFNA membership: 248 members from 28 countries.


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