Promote Ladder Safety With the Second Annual National Ladder Safety Month in March 2018
Join the national dialogue this March to spread the importance of proper ladder safety with the second annual National Ladder Safety Month, presented by the American Ladder Institute.
Chicago, December 18, 2017 -- For the second year in a row, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) designates the entire month of March to bring heightened awareness to the importance of ladder safety. National Ladder Safety Month is the only awareness month dedicated to ladder safety and will be a go-to resource for information regarding safe ladder use for homeowners and working professionals.
"There are thousands of ladder-related injuries and accidents each year that could easily be prevented with proper ladder safety training and awareness," said Tom Schmitt, ALI board member and director of product safety and engineering at Louisville Ladders. "Getting involved in National Ladder Safety Month is a great way to draw attention to the resources that are available to everybody that uses ladders for a variety of tasks. If it weren't for events like these, the everyday consumer would have no idea that they were putting themselves at risk when doing seemingly harmless tasks without proper training." 
During March, the focus of the ladder safety conversation will be divided in to four areas:
  • February 25 - March 3: What Is Ladder Safety?
  • March 4 - March 10: Ladder Safety at Work: Focus on Administrative Professional
  • March 11 - March 17: Ladder Safety at Work: Focus on the Employee
  • March 18 - March 31: Ladder Inspection and Disposal
Consumers and companies can learn how to participate by reviewing this document , which details National Ladder Safety Month's purpose and shares ideas for promoting ladder safety awareness.  ALI is also encouraging use of #LadderSafetyMonth on social media. Spread the message of ladder safety while showcasing your brand by becoming a sponsor --  view the prospectus for information on sponsorship opportunities.
Learn more how you can participate in National Ladder Safety Month by visiting .

About the American Ladder Institute
Founded in 1947, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use through ladder safety resources, bilingual safety training and the development of ladder safety standards. ALI also represents the common business interests of its members who are comprised of the leading ladder and ladder component manufacturers in the United States and Canada.
ALI's free education and training resources provide guidance on the proper selection, care and safe use of ladders in the workplace and at home. ALI also serves as secretariat for the ANSI A14 Committee, comprised of industry experts who develop safety standards for the appropriate design, manufacture, testing, care and use of various types of ladders.
For more information, contact:
Claire Sereiko
Senior Marketing Coordinator
American Ladder Institute