ECOEA Member Newsletter January 2019
Happy 2019! We hope that you had a joyful holiday season and had some time to re-charge over winter break.
January is often a time to reflect on the past year and set new goals and priorities for the year ahead.
One of the goals for ECOEA this year is to improve our communication to our members. In addition to sending newsletters and information to local presidents and leaders we will be sending several electronic newsletters to our entire district membership-
all 8,000 of you in 63 locals in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne counties
. We hope that this will help you to better understand how you can be involved and the value of being a part of our Association.
ECOEA has several opportunities that may help you to achieve your personal and professional goals this year.
Read on and explore the links below to see how ECOEA can help you achieve one or more of the following:
- Get your finances in order and plan for retirement
- Take a graduate course
- Earn professional development hours
- Become more engaged politically
- Start a new project for your students or school
- Engage with colleagues in community outreach
- Network with other educators in East Central Ohio
- Improve your leadership skills
We invite you to maximize your dues dollars and utilize the opportunity to attend our events, apply for our scholarships, and develop your leadership skills!
Your ECOEA officers:
Kelli Green, Perry CTA, Recording Secretary
Cindy Endres, Jackson Classified PA, Vice President
Julie Nelson, North Canton EA, President
ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly
will be held at the Canton Professional Educators' office on
Saturday, April 13th
. We will be electing leaders to ECOEA positions. A complete list of positions can be viewed at
ECOEA Spring 2019 Elections.
Deadline to submit a
Letter of Intent
for an ECOEA Executive Committee position or OEA Committee Representative position is March 4, 2019.
Congratulations to the following locals for electing delegates:
- Alliance EA-Christine Heutsche, President
- Canton Professional EA-Paul Palomba, President
- East Canton EA-Craig Linerode, President
- East Holmes TA-Megan Mullet, President
- East Liverpool EA-Cathy Reed, President
- EA of Orrville-Mandy Charnigo & Brad Fortune, Co-Presidents
- Jackson Classified PA-Brooke Harter, President
- Jackson MEA -Susan Ray, President
- Minerva LEA-Stuart Grunder, President
- Newcomerstown TA -Janel Travis, President
- North Canton Classified Emp-Tracie Heckaman, President
- North Canton EA-Julie Nelson, President
- Perry Classroom TA -Kelli Green, President
- Plain LEA -David Frederick, President
- Rittman EA -Ed Sims, President
- Southeast LEA-Stacy Wolfe & Stacey Haley, Co-Presidents
- Southern Local TA-Karen Marquis, President
- SCEPTA-Stark County Education Professional Trainers-Tina Gilbert, President
- Triway EA-Melissa Radich, President
- United EA -Stacey Zines, President
- Wooster EA-Scott Miller, President
The ECOEA district was represented by 48 delegates from the above locals at the Fall OEA Representative Assembly in Columbus on Saturday, December 2, 2018. The Spring OEA Rep Assembly will be May 10-11, 2019 at the Columbus Convention Center.
STRS Members retiring
this year or next
are encouraged to register for an STRS Seminar being held at the same location on January 17, 2019. Sessions include an STRS estate planning attorney, Retirement Countdown and healthcare information. Register on the
STRS website
Red for Ed
T-shirts for sale at $12 each. Show your support for public education by wearing your red on Wednesdays.
Call the ECOEA office at (330) 499-8587 or email at for ordering information.
OEA Advocacy & Organizing Institute
offers members training in all aspects of the association, leadership development, and advocacy. The AOI will be held February 7-9 at the Crowne Plaza in Worthington. The cost is $100 per member which covers all sessions, meals, and two nights at the hotel (double occupancy). ECOEA is proud to offer 20 scholarships of $50 to local associations that send members.
Deadline to apply for an ECOEA Scholarship is
January 15, 2019.
OEA Scholarships and Awards
are open to all members. The deadline to apply is
January 25, 2019
. Visit the OEA website for applications and information about scholarships for active and student members and recognitions for humanitarian efforts and leadership by members and locals.
Looking for funding for you, your classroom, or local? Learn more about the
NEA Foundation
that provides grants for Global Learning, Classroom Innovation, STEM, Breakfast in the Classroom, and other initiatives.
ECOEA Public Relations
grants of up to $500 are being offered again this spring with an application deadline of
March 1st
. This is a great opportunity for your local to support an event or fundraiser in your community and enhance the image of your local. PR grants will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Rep Assembly on April 13. The project must be completed by December 31, 2019.
PR grants are open to locals that have elected and sent delegates to the ECOEA and OEA Representative Assemblies in the previous year.
Newcomerstown TA used their PR grant to support youth baseball in their community with a tournament, banner, and trophies.
ECOEA Internal Organizing Grants
are available for locals to encourage and engage members within the local. Ten grants of up to $500 will be awarded at the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly. The application deadline is
March 1st.
This is the last year that ANY local can apply without electing and sending delegates.
Minerva LEA used their grant to provide calendars to every MLEA member with important local and school district dates.
William and Dolores Quinn Educational Scholarship for Members
provides one
scholarship to a member who is furthering their education. This scholarship is open to ALL members and is awarded through a lottery drawing. This annual scholarship is named in honor of the first ECOEA Executive Director William Quinn and his wife Dolores who served as the ECOEA secretary. Deadline to apply is
March 1st.
ECOEA annually awards the
William and Dolores Quinn Educational Scholarship for Students
to the child of a member who is enrolled in a course of study leading to a degree in education. See the ECOEA website for details and application for the
scholarship. Deadline to apply is
March 1st
and the winner is drawn by lottery from all eligible applicants.
OEA Educational Foundation
is offering four new grants to promote student learning, achievement, and social justice. The grants are open to all members.
The grants are:
- Diversity Grants
- Innovation Grants
- Whisper Grants
- Make-A-Wish/Adopt-A-Wish
The annual
ECOEA Legislative Dinner
will be held at LaPizzaria in Canton on Friday, March 1. All elected legislators that serve the ECOEA district have been invited to join us for dinner and participate in a moderated panel discussion about public education. State Board of Education members from our District have also been invited to join us. Enjoy a delicious dinner with other members and our invited guests. No charge for members, guests are welcome for a small guest fee, and a cash bar is available. See the
ECOEA website
for more details and registration. Deadline to RSVP is
February 22
or when capacity is reached.
ECOEA-the link between the Ohio Education Association and your local
128 Easton St NE Suite 103
Canton, OH 44721
(330) 499-8587
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