Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | August 2020
" Faith is being so sure of what the spirit has whispered in your heart that your belief in its eventuality is unshakable. "
- John Lewis
It’s harder to have this kind of faith these days. Particularly as the pandemic rages on and the uncertainty of when we will be able to return to the things that make Habitat Habitat—volunteering, gathering in-person to celebrate the dedication of a family’s new home, the almost unnoticed moments of joy that come from being in each other’s presence knowing what we are doing together makes a difference. Yet it is exactly this type of faith that we need to get through them.

My faith is strong in the value of Habitat’s mission. I hear it in the stories of our homeowners and future homeowners when they share what their Habitat home means to them during this time. My faith is strong that the generosity of spirit of our volunteers will remain despite the respite of not being able to express it right now. We will build together again. My faith is strong that we will be better and stronger and more loving, having lived through this moment together. I know it’s hard, but please keep the faith. We need you. Our homeowner families need you.

Please continue to be safe and well.

Yours in partnership,

Dr. Cathy Collins
Summer Appeal - Help Families Now!
“We drive by the lot every so often and I point from the car and tell them, ‘That’s where we are going to live right there - it’s being built!’ and to hear the joy in their voices makes my heart smile so much, I can tear up. They are so excited, as am I, to have a place that we will be able to call our own. A place we can truly call Home.”

Habitat CFC Future Homeowner
Need a reason to smile? There's nothing like the joy of dedication day!
Our first ever VIRTUAL Home Dedication!

Join in the joy as we pass the keys to Tynesia & family next Monday, August 3 at 4 PM.

To get the zoom invite, please contact Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at or 203-520-7690.
Volunteer Spotlight - Julianna Milidantri
President of Habitat CFC's Youth United
Julianna Milidantri is a graduating Senior at Sacred Heart Academy, a future freshman at Northeastern University, and is the current President of Habitat CFC Youth United. Julianna started her involvement with Habitat CFC like many of our committee members. Her friend Colton was the former co-president of Youth United and asked Julianna to come along to help on a work day. “It was amazing seeing how different people from different areas and backgrounds were able to work together after just meeting each other.” She then began to volunteer on more work days and eventually began to take part in the monthly Youth United meetings.

When the opportunity presented itself, Julianna decided to put her name in the race for Youth United President and she was nominated President in August 2019. In her role as president, she sets the agenda of and runs the monthly meetings, works with the Habitat CFC Volunteer Coordinator and the leaders of Youth United to create events, oversees fundraising, and sets an example for the rest of the group by attending work days. S he has helped organize Youth United events such as Rock the Block, the annual Gingerbread House Building event, and other fundraising events. She has also participated in Home Dedications, the Habitat CFC 5K, and many work days.

From all of these events and responsibilities, Julianna says she has learned a tremendous amount about leadership and how an organization functions. She believes that any kid or teen that wants to join Youth United can learn valuable skills. “You gain experience with helping to organize people in particular roles, you learn team building skills and it is a great way to build interpersonal skills. Youth United helps you learn how small and large businesses work and it is great experience for anyone looking to gain more skills for high school, college, or for future jobs.”
STEP UP for Habitat Homes
On Your Mark, Get Set, Fundraise!
Habitat CFC 2020 Virtual 5K Run/Walk
Join us for our first ever VIRTUAL 5K race to raise money for Habitat CFC!

Finish 3.1 miles any way you like-Run, Walk, or Mosey.....just raise money!

Questions? Please contact Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at or 203-520-7690
At this time, we are accepting foursomes for our wait-list only! Sponsorship opportunities are still available.

If you cannot attend, please register to have the opportunity to bid on items at our Silent Auction! You can still join in on the fun and bid remotely.

If you would like to join our wait-list, create a custom sponsorship, or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at or 203-520-7690
10:30 am Registration, Driving Range Opens
11:00 am Barbecue Lunch
12:00 pm Shotgun Start - Best Ball
5:00 pm Reception Guests Arrive, Cocktails, Dinner Buffet, & Silent Auction
5:30 pm Golf Awards, Brief Program
Saturday, August 1, 10 AM-4 PM
at the Stratford Habitat ReStore
1785 Stratford Ave, Stratford, CT
Furniture* | Lighting*

CASH & CARRY** (Debit / Credit also)
Be prepared to transport your purchase. All 50% purchases must be carried out of the building immediately after the transaction.

*some select items may be excluded from the sale
**you always have the option to pay full price and then have until Saturday, August 8th
to pick up your purchase

All sale proceeds benefit the mission of Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County .
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642