eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
October 19, 2018

Sometimes you need two cups of coffee before you get  your work day started.  I created a new blog post on my Best Hobby Pages store.  Then to get the word out I composed an email to my customers and sent it out.  In the email I failed to include a link to the blog post!  Oh brother I need some more caffeine.
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
What I am going for in this new blog post is to see how collectors are using Besthobbypages.com to organize and store their collection.  Ask yourself this question.  If you have thousands of dollars invested in your patch collection why would you store it in a shoebox or a gallon size zip-lock bag?  I think that's where BHP can really help you store and enjoy your collection in an archival system.

Click To See How These Collectors Use BHP
Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
I am starting to sell a giant Georgia OA collection on consignment.  The very first auctions were launched last night and I will continue to chip away on adding new items today.  This is one of those mother load collections that is very complete.
eBay Store LMTC - Shop With My eBay Partner   
Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
This weekend our pack is camping at the district Cuboree.  Wouldn't you know that it will be one of the coldest weekends since last spring and we have rain in the forecast for Saturday.

Patchblanket.com Santeeswapper Store
One of the new strategies that I'm trying on Facebook is selling mixed lots of Boy Scout patches for $10 each.  I put over 50 lots together using a large scanner.  If you are on take a look at my album and let me know if you want to purchase any of them.
I have beefed up the TOR calendar.  I hope you decide to support any of these that are local to you!
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC


Hot Finds Partners

Click to pull up the fliers for Trade-O-Rees that I have fliers on.  Please contact the sponsors in order to see more details.  If you see a TOR that is not listed please email me and let me know.  Likewise I'm always looking to add more shows so send me the fliers as you get them.