high-five winter 2013
Summer 2018
In This Issue
Events & Trainings 
From Darlene's Desk  
Dear Colleagues,

Sharing conflict resolution skills to broader audiences is something that Community Boards loves to do. I'm pleased to inform you that it's been a banner year for trainings.  

Over the past year, 116 people attended The Basics of Mediation training. Our next Basics begins on October 3. Please help us get the word out to your friends and colleagues!

In addition, we developed and delivered several other conflict resolution trainings. We contracted with the SF Department of Public health to train their Environmental Health inspectors. Community Boards is now certified to train health inspectors throughout California.

We also developed a partnership with the Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, creating a new training for their Case Developers. We led a similar trainings for Swords to Plowshares staff and a conflict resolution skills training for Street Violence Intervention Program staff. We have several other new trainings in the pipeline!

On a separate note, please join us for a get-together at Virgil's Sea Room on September 5, 6-9pm. They've created a special drink and are donating $3 to CB for each one sold. Please mark your calendar. We'd love to chill out in the sunny Mission in September with you.

And finally, we encourage you to keep shining your conflict resolution skills in your community. Continue to help people dialogue. Your talents are truly needed.

In peace and solidarity,

#1: Nancy Lee, Volunteer of the Quarter
Since our family moved every two to three years for the past two decades, I could not commit to a long-term professional position.  It turned out to be a blessing because I've been able to use my time and skills in public service.

When I started as an intern at CB, I thought I was the one giving to the organization, sharing my valuable time and my Cantonese speaking ability.  In actuality, CB has given me wonderful and useful skills and experiences to improve my professional and personal life.

One of the most valuable skills I learned at CB is how to be an active listener.
Having completed the Basics of Mediation training and the Conflict Coaching trainings, which were transformational and life-changing, I can now also volunteer as a mediator and conflict coach.  Thank you Community Boards!

#2: Community Outreach with Shana Sylva 
I'm really enjoying my role as the new Community Outreach Coordinator.

As you can imagine, there are numerous opportunities for getting the word out about CB's many peacemaking services. I hope some of you will join me. If you enjoy San Francisco street fairs and festivals, talking to neighborhood leaders and the public at community meetings, or making short presentations to SF Police Department officers, you can help Community Boards make a difference.

The more San Francisco residents we can reach, the more mediations we can schedule, and the more people YOU can help. Outreach is a win-win activity!

I'll soon be sending out more information about upcoming events and the ways you can volunteer. Please contact me if you're interested. Email me at ssylva@communityboards.org or call me at (415) 920-3820 x102. I'm eager to do some outreach with you!
#3: Meet Lynne McMillan, Our Newest Board Member      
Lynne is a CPA at Spectrum Equity in San Francisco and is excited to join the Community Boards team. Originally from Illinois, she got her first experiences with mediation through her work with the Panhellenic Council at the University of Illinois.

After completing degrees in finance and accountancy, Lynne moved around the U.S. for various career opportunities and eventually settled in San Francisco in 2014.  
Lynne is excited to use her background in finance and fundraising to support Community Board's mission. She is now the Board of Directors' treasurer.
#4: Meet Serena Mau, Our New Board President
I joined the Board last January recognizing the ever increasing need to evangelize the skills to help resolve conflicts and facilitate effective dialogue.

I'm grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to Community Boards. This organization has an ambitious mission that can serve as a backbone driver to fuel civil discourse and enable better neighborly relations.

I look forward to working with each and every person who wants to help our community flourish so don't hesitate to reach out to me. My day job is focused on advancing sustainability issues and, in my spare time, I enjoy exploring the Bay Area, hiking, board games and spending time with family and friends.
#5: Board of Directors, President's Update
I have truly enjoyed my time as Board President.     
The work you all do, Board, staff and volunteers alike, is inspiring.  Dialogue is the way to equanimity and I know in my heart that you will keep trying to help us all find ways to communicate with one another to make this a better world.   
While I have loved my time working with you to promote civil discourse, the present situation is one that requires my skills as a human rights advocate.  My work as a neutral will have to wait.  Desperate times, such as these, call for action, funds and a lot of travel.   
Serena Mau will surely do a great job as the new Board President and I'm happy to assist her, and all of you, in every way possible  going forward. Keep talking!