Less is More

An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School 
of Homeopathy

It's Back to School Time
Fall 2018
Seminars: US and Abroad
Join us in Beautiful Western Massachusetts  
Teaching the Art & Science of Homeopathy Since 1990
Drs Herscu and Rothenberg teaching in Portland OR
It's Back to School!
It is that time of year when little ones beginning preschool to older people going back for a 2 nd career start up classes. To the right here, Paul & I are just minutes before starting a new NESH group in Portland, Oregon last January. We get the jitters--but only the good kind--so excited to meet a new group and share this work we love so much. We know we are planting seeds and that our efforts with homeopathy and naturopathic medicine are improved upon and amplified by those students we are lucky enough to teach.

I had a colleague this week literally say to me, "Doc, you saved my life." I did not recall ever treating this medical doctor. But he filled me in: he had taken the NESH class some years back and really resonated with our philosophy and way of working with patients. He modeled his work after ours and feels like his life was saved because he has work he loves and knows its positive impact on patients.

I have pulled together some back to school materials for you. What follows in the section below is an introduction to & then transcript of a call-in show I did a few years back on the topic of “back to school,” which covers a diverse set of topics as well as a Q&A section.

Over the years I have written on school challenges from many different angles, as both a mother and a doctor. I will share here a few you might have missed along the way.

And for many of us, whose lives do not arrange around a back-to-school-time schedule, the fall brings other kinds of changes and opportunities. I hope you enjoy your autumn and the possibility for new beginning it brings.
Dr. Amy (& Dr. Paul)
Back to School: How Homeopathy Can Help
Transcript of Call-in Show with Introduction to the topic, plus participant Q&A

by Amy Rothenberg ND
As many of us gear up for getting our kids back into the school mode, the stress of it all can be overwhelming for parent and child alike. I am so thankful to have homeopathic remedies at my fingertips at this time of year, to help smooth the transition from summer back into the world of structure and academia.

I always tell my children: it’s not what you do with a good day, it’s what you do with a bad one that matters. Stress is all around us: at home, in school, at the job, in our communities and in our relationships. How we handle stress and what we do to minimize it, yet maximize the effects of stress we do have, becomes an important factor in many of the illnesses we treat.

Where would we be without stress? Dead! Stressors keep us moving, keep us reconfiguring our lives, keep us evolving as people and as a species. If there were no stressors, there would be no growth. We have come to understand stress as something negative but as a more general term, it is everything in life to which we must react.

The daily stresses of living make some people more susceptible to the acute illnesses going around, and of course the bigger stresses of new schools, an increased academic load, or a new or challenging social setting cause many to succumb to those problems for which we have some susceptibility, due to genetics and/or long-term lifestyle factors.

Interested in furthering your understanding of homeopathy or improving your clinical skills?
NESH 10 Weekend Course in
Amherst, Massachusetts 
October 2018 - April 2020
Friday night, Saturday, & Sunday every other month

CEU's approved for VT ND's and by the HANP
Please help spread the word! ~  Share on Facebook !

Take this course if you want to ... 
  • Nourish your love and passion for homeopathy regardless of your current level of experience. 
  • Understand homeopathic remedies in a concise, yet robust and clinically relevant way without the memorization of long lists of symptoms. 
  • Learn a streamlined approach to case taking and analysis to bring efficacy and efficiency into your prescribing. 
  • Confidently integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice.
  • Enroll in a quality program of study paced to work with your busy life. 

In addition to our 10 Weekend Course,
here are a few other "back to school" options

September 17th AANP 2018 Webinar Series Presents (7-8pm EDT):
with Dr. Amy Rothenberg
Free for AANP members

October 7th NYANP Conference: New York, NY
with Drs. Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg

November 3rd NHAND Conference: North Conway, NH
with Dr. Amy Rothenberg
NESH Students
Featured NESH Alumni for July, August, & September 2018
We are delighted to highlight the work and other passions of our wonderful NESH alumni. We are thrilled to have been part of their education and training. Our goal is to keep creating and supporting members of our NESH family and to generate ongoing opportunities and exposure for the people we love whose work we respect. Enjoy!
Chris Chlebowski DC, ND
Anthony and Monica Robinson
Anne Van Couvering
Anne Van Couvering
Anne Van Couvering
Dr. Anne Van Couvering
at our home base in Amherst, Massachusetts  
For all NESH Alum - The Learning Keeps On! 

Meet and find support & friendship 
 with other Cycle & Segmentarians

November 16-18, 2018
CEU's approved for VT ND's and by HANP  
Weekend will focus on  Under 21 :
This year the clinical classes will focus on patients from latency through age 21. This time of tremendous change and development offers the homeopath a unique opportunity to offer help and support. Some of the challenges of this life phase are typical physical body complaints like atopic dermatitis, asthma, GI complaints, headaches, hypertension, and menstrual issues. And, increasingly we seen teens with issues of anxiety, depression, self-harming, sexual promiscuity, ADHD, drug and alcohol abuse, and educational difficulties who can be helped with homeopathy. We will also venture into the touchy subject of parenting through that time, essential do's and don'ts that you can share with the parents of your teens. We hope you will join us for these two weekends as we take up the study of those Under 21. 

For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here .
Exciting News:
This adorable cozy spot right downtown is the new home for our Northampton, Massachusetts Naturopathic Health Care Clinic slated to open later this fall at 369 Pleasant Street. Our patients can also continue to work with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986! With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts imminent, we are thrilled to also offer natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley.
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu accept new patients via Telemedicine Services.
To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225
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