First Fairgrounds' Summer Concert of 2019 Set for June 8, Purchase Reduced Tickets through March 1
Prepare to relive some iconic moments in music at the Fairgrounds on June 8. The Fairgrounds team has again partnered with 37 Main to kick off the City's summer music series, and this time the spotlight shines on two of the greatest icons of pop music history!
The Icon Music Fest will feature the talents of The Purple Xperience and I Am King - two of the nation's best tribute artists honoring the late, great Prince and Michael Jackson.
Additional artists will be added to the event's roster over the next couple of months, but it's not too early to purchase tickets. If ordered before March 1, patrons will receive a 37 percent discount.
Click here to learn more about the concert and to purchase tickets!
Did you know? The Cumming Fairgrounds presented the first summer music series in 2018 with three concerts, and the 2019 series will be bigger and better!
Everybody Loves Truffles! SAA Presents February Tasting Events |
Join the SAA for truffle tastings on Feb. 6, 8, 13, 27 and 28.
February is the month of love - especially the love of chocolate! And to celebrate that love, the
Sawnee Association of the Arts will present a special truffle tasting event throughout the month at the Downtown Art Center inside the City's historic Brannon-Heard House (111 Pilgrim Mill Road).
Come and tempt your palate with truffles from around the world, beverages, and a gift box of the delicate morsels to take home. The event will be held from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 and Feb. 27, and from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Feb. 8, 13 and 28.
Cost is $15 per person and those interested must register in advance by calling Carole Kjellsen at 678-634-9340.
Catch Up on the Mayor's Memo for Fourth Quarter 2018
 If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out the Mayor's Memo for fourth quarter 2018.
A lot of great things took place in the City of Cumming during the last three months of 2018, and there's even more on the horizon for 2019!
Click here to view the Fourth Quarter 2018 Mayor's Memo, and
here to view all editions!
Council Honors EC Signs, Hears City Center Updates |
From left: Owner Joey Elzey, employees Leigh Gilbert and Thomas Murray
During their regular December meeting, Mayor and Council presented a certificate recognizing EC Signs, Inc. as the January Business Spotlight. This feature on the City's Facebook page highlights various businesses in the City that have been outstanding community partners. Owner Joey Elzey has lead the sign business at two different locations, both off Tolbert Street and near his childhood home, for more than 20 years. Read more about EC Signs here.
Among other business during the January meeting and work session, City Council:
- Heard an update concerning the Phase I Environmental Assessment being conducted on the site of the future City Center. Representatives of Civil Engineering Consultants and Engineering 303 reported initial assessments have found that there are no significant environmental concerns at the approximately 50-acre site, which is located off Hwy. 20 West. There are minimal wetland areas near the center of the site, and streams on the site will need to be redirected since some of the site is located within a 100-year flood plain. Additionally, sewer pipes and storm water structures near the area will need to be upgraded for development of the site.
- Approved an architectural proposal for design of the City Center from Dwell Design Studio in Alpharetta. Of the three proposals received, Dwell provided the most comprehensive information and was the most responsive to inquiries.
- Set the qualifying time period and qualifying fees for the Nov. 5, 2019 municipal election, which will include Council posts 3, 4 and 5 currently held by Lewis Ledbetter, Linda Ledbetter and Christopher Light. Qualifying period will be Aug. 19-21 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Qualifying fee for each post is $180.00, which represents 3 percent of the $6,000 yearly salary.
- Approved a request to advertise for proposals for the City's sanitation and recycling services. The current contract with Red Oak Sanitation expires on March 31, 2019.
- Scheduled a joint meeting of the Cumming Development Authority and Downtown Development Authority for Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. following the Council Work Session that same night at 6 p.m. The main purposes of this meeting will be election of officers and training of all members.
- Approved a transfer of funds from the Development Authority account to the General Fund for a payment toward a loan which was issued via the Development Authority to the University of North Georgia in 2011 for construction of the Cumming Campus on Aquatic Circle. The total loan amount of $4,050,000 is to be paid off in full by 2022.
- Reappointed Professional Service and Demand Service Providers for 2019. Professional Service Providers are: Miles, Hansford & Tallant (legal services); Leroy, Cole & Stephens (auditor); Civil Engineering Consultants, Inc. (civil engineers); Moreland Altobelli and Associates, Inc. (street engineers); and Michael Delaney (easement acquisition specialist). Demand Service Providers are Cumming Development Construction (general repairs and construction); Jimmy Ray Brown Concrete (concrete and street repairs); Townley Construction Company, Inc. (sewer repairs); Bobby Amos, Inc. (small-scale water repairs); Jasper Grading & Pipeline, Inc. (large-scale water repairs); and Watson Landscaping (landscaping and design).
- Heard a presentation from Keep Forsyth County Beautiful representatives regarding a new event they would like to hold this spring at the Fairgrounds, which would allow residents to dispose of hazardous household chemicals. The new event would be held in conjunction with the organization's current paint and electronics recycling event at the Fairgrounds. Council voted to commit $5,000 to the event since it will assist Cumming Utilities in earning credits toward EPD requirements for the municipal storm water system.
- Approved the low bid from Applewood Services, Inc. in the amount of $102,950 for installation of a low pressure sewer on Williams Circle.
- Tabled until the February Work Session a vote concerning a Conditional Use Permit from Nine Motors, Inc.
- Rejected all bids received for construction of the proposed pedestrian bridge, arena retaining wall and new ticket booth at the Cumming Fairgrounds.
Mayor Brumbalow with Student Leadership Council at the Alliance Academy. |
Mayor Brumbalow Visits Student Leaders
On Jan. 25, Mayor Troy Brumbalow spent some time with
the Student Leadership Council at the Alliance Academy for Innovation. Mayor Brumbalow spoke to the newly elected student government representatives about his experience serving on student government when he was in high school and the positive impact that experience had on his life.
Coming Soon
To the Cumming Fairgrounds
- Street Survival Driving School - Feb. 9 (Contact: Brad Garrett, 770-533-1953)
To the Cumming Aquatic Center
To Tam's School Street Playhouse
- City Council Work Session (Gallery B, Second Floor of City Hall) - Feb. 5 at 6 p.m
- Joint meeting of Development Authority and Downtown Development Authority (Gallery B, Second Floor of City Hall) - Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m.
- Planning & Zoning Board - Feb. 19 at 5 p.m.
- City Council Regular Meeting - Feb. 19 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.
Click here for previous meeting videos.
Thanks for reading!
City of Cumming
Division of Public Information