Dear  ,
This is the last week of the legislative session, and things are moving at hyper speed. Today, the MA House of Representatives will be making critical decisions on housing policy. 
Many of the housing policies that we've been advocating for are now amendments to the Economic Development bill, which will be voted on in the House today. 

These amendments are critical to help stabilize housing in MA and avoid a tsunami of more than 20,000 evictions and foreclosures, which are slated to occur once the current moratorium expires in August. 

Housing justice is also racial justice, and these six amendments are fundamental to supporting Black and Latinx lives in our state:  
  1. Amendment #66-Local Options for Tenant Protections
  2. Amendment #82-Right to Counsel
  3. Amendment #269-Tenant Right to Purchase
  4. Amendment #34- Local Option Transfer Fee to Fund Affordable Housing
  5. Amendment #194-ID Access for People Experiencing Homelessness
  6. Amendment #439-COVID-19 Housing Stability Act 
Urgent action is needed now! Please take a few minutes THIS MORNING to call your State Representative and urge them to co-sponsor these six crucial amendments to the Economic Development bill. To find the contact information for your State Rep, click here. Please share this action alert far and wide!
In addition, MPHA is advocating for amendments to the Economic Development bill to continue funding authorization for the MA Food Trust program. Please also ask your State Representative to co-sponsor Amendments #382 and 384 by Rep. Dan Donahue to Fund the MA Food Trust Program.To learn more, click here.

Thank you for being part of this critical effort.
With gratitude,

Carlene Pavlos
Executive Director
Massachusetts Public Health Association | (857) 263-7072 | [email protected] |