The Monthly Newsletter of
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission:
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Groundhog Day - Saturday, February 2!
What will Punxsutawney Phil predict??
A Community of Faith, Hope and Love
by. Fr. Kevin Dellaria
Yesterday, during my annual Rector's Address, I mentioned three specific areas of focus for our parish for 2019: Discipleship, Pastoral Care, and Parish Leadership. These, of course, do not capture all of who we are as a faith community. There are other, very important areas of our life together that need and will receive the necessary attention and care. And, of course, all of the facets and ministries of St. Francis are woven together into a single tapestry; all of them connected to one another in multiple ways. I chose these three larger titles, in fact, because they include within them such a variety of ministry that everyone, in some way, can find a place to put their life in service.
: We are in the business of making Disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself said it plainly, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19). We are also, of course, in the business of becoming Disciples ourselves. So what is a Disciple? In English it's easy to see in this word another familiar word: "discipline". A Disciple is "one who disciplines themselves" for a purpose. The Greek word mathetes, translated "disciple" in the New Testament, is a word for "learner" or "pupil". So a Christian Disciple, simply put, is one one who learns and disciplines themselves according to the Christian Faith. But there is more than one way this happens. From the model of the Synagogue and the influence of Greek culture, the Christian Church has inherited a scholastic model. We gather to hear and/or discuss the Scriptures, or some other source, in the context of our faith life. One famous Collect in the prayer book calls on us to "read, mark, learn and inwardly digest" the Scriptures, so that we may better understand the gift of eternal life. Yet another method of being formed as Disciples has been arguably less used in the Church of late, that of the apprentice. For certain, Jesus was a teacher in a traditional sense. But he also taught by example, gathering people to himself and directly demonstrating to them what it looks like to be a minister in the Kingdom of God. Touching the untouchable, passing out loaves and fishes to the hungry, praying for the sick - these acts were all part of the training of the original twelve disciples, and those and similar acts of compassion should be part of ours as well.
Pastoral Care
: Ministering to those in need or trouble by sharing human love and compassion is a major part of our Discipleship. It is a product of our growth in agape, or God's unconditional kind of love". As Paul says in 1 Cor. 13:2, "If I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." Pastoral care, in its multiple and varied manifestations, is a "touchstone" of the maturity of our faith. We may visit the sick in their homes, deliver flowers to a hospital room, gather children to make placemats for men and women in prison, work in a soup kitchen or shelter, make a phone call to a shut-in, greet someone new at church with a warm and welcoming smile, deliver a meal, drive someone to church or to a medical appointment . . . get the picture? While there are "traditional" ways in which a parish engages in pastoral care - and those areas need investment - pastoral care is a ministry area that is always ripe for creativity. Much of what we call "outreach," in fact, has within it a strong component of pastoral care.
Parish Leadership
: One way we show care and concern for one another within the Christian Community (i.e., with our church), is by sharing in the workload for what God wants to accomplish among us. As with pastoral care, leadership in general church work takes a variety of forms. Who oversees the finances? Who changes the lightbulbs? Who makes sure the kitchen is suitably stocked? Who sets up the tables for a fellowship event? Who reads at worship? Who sings or plays the organ? The list goes on and on. And in the church, these are not "volunteer" positions but "ministry" positions. Again, we hear from Paul, this time writing to the Romans: "For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us." (12:4-6a) Exercising leadership may take place quietly, behind the scenes. Or it may be a more "high profile" act of service, in touch with large sections of parish life and tasked with making difficult positions. Both types of leadership are needed. Both contributed equally to God's call upon a parish. There is a place for everyone in the nurturing and leadership of a parish. Spread out across many shoulders, as St. Francis has a history of doing, the work is neither fruitless nor onerous, but the very expression of how we as human beings are created to be.
In short, the character of the Church of Jesus Christ, and therefore the character of St. Francis-in-the-Fields, is expressed in a gathering of people worshipping, learning and serving together so that the Gospel is proclaimed and love is manifested in the world. Discipleship, Pastoral Care, and Parish Leadership are ways we connect with this eternal work and, to quote again from Paul, serve as "ministers of reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:18). Now the question is: How will you choose to be employed by God? The hope of our parish is to engage more people in ministry, both as a means of forming Disciples, and as a way of discerning the future shape of our ministries. As we've read from St. Paul, it takes a body to proclaim the Gospel. And together we are that body, here, at St. Francis-in-the-Fields. How are you ready to serve?
Grow Together in Faith and Hope... $500,000+ Capital Campaign Goal
Refresh Renew Rejoice
Our facilities Our Faith In God's plan
for our future
Capital Campaign
The capital campaign was announced at church on January 13 during the services at 8 and 10am.
The goal of the campaign is to expand St. Francis' capacity for SPIRITUAL GROWTH and OUTREACH by refreshing our facilities, renewing our faith and rejoicing in God's plan for our future.
Our capital campaign is a three-year process and the financial goal is to raise $500,000+ There is a poster in the Narthex and a flyer was distributed after church January 20th detailing the proposed plans.
In March 2017, a parish wide Invite Welcome and Connect event was held that identified issues with our current building that needed upgrading to make Saint Francis more welcoming to newcomers and parishioners. That event started a journey which has culminated in a comprehensive list of needed improvements. The specific plans for the funds we raise are to remodel and upgrade our Parish Hall facilities, retire the Mortgage Debt, improve safety and security, and acquire a new organ. The details of the plan and frequently asked questions will be available online soon.
The Capital Campaign Committee is comprised of Noel Dutton, John Healey, Jill Quinn, Susan Nangle, Nancy Needhammer, Ted Wingfield, and led by David Culver. The Committee has been working on this process with Gene Musser of the consulting firm of Kirby Smith Associates incorporated. We are very interested in the feedback of all the parishioners and to this end we will be conducting a survey on Sunday February 3. The Survey will be available to all parishioners to participate in via mail if you cannot attend Sunday February 3rd. This is a parish wide undertaking to improve St. Francis and we invite you to join us on this journey.
Coffee Hour
Do you enjoy chatting over a hot cup of coffee or tea and some delicious baked goods after the 10 am service? Are you looking for a new way to help St. Francis with an important Fellowship ministry? If the answer to both questions is yes, please consider stepping up to serve as our next Coffee Hour Chairperson.
Nancy Conway, who has done a fine job coordinating Coffee Hour in recent years, is stepping down at the end of May. Coordinating Coffee Hour entails recruiting volunteers to cover Sundays from September through May, planning out the yearly schedule in late summer, sending monthly reminders to those assigned, and ensuring related supplies are stocked. Nancy will gladly provide an overview of the responsibilities to ensure a smooth transition.
If you are interested in taking this on, please contact Jill Quinn or Tricia Stewart (Vestry Fellowship Liaisons.)
Wear your name tag for a chance to win a mug!
Get in on the fun on Sundays at 8 am and 10 am by wearing your name tag during the service and coffee hour and placing it in one of the small buckets at each door on your way out. Diane will draw a name on Monday and announce the winner in the Friday Parish News!
Submitting Weekly Announcements
When submitting blurbs for the insert in the Sunday leaflet, please keep them short and to the point, preferably four lines or less. This helps make room for other announcements. Full-length announcements can be posted in the weekly Parish News that is emailed on Fridays, and the monthly newsletter.
Thank you for your cooperation with this request.
Introduction to the Spiritual Journey
The Rector's Study meets on Tuesdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The current topic is "The Way of Love," a study of seven valuable spiritual practices.
Brown Bag Lunch
Please join us for our next Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, February 5
, at noon. Our guest speaker will be Cheryl Colleluori, CEO of the HEADstrong Foundation.
The HEADstrong Foundation was founded by Nick Colleluori, who passed away from cancer at age 21. He was a college student at the time, attending Hofstra on a lacrosse scholarship. During his treatments, Nick took note of resources that were lacking for cancer patients and the families who are all affected. His dying wish was that his family do everything they could to perpetuate his vision so that others could benefit from his life.
Today, his mother Cheryl heads the Foundation. Based in Delaware County, HEADstrong offers financial, residential, and emotional support to families affected by cancer. Cheryl was recently presented the Community Quarterbacks Award by the Philadelphia Eagles for the relentless work in improving the lives of cancer patients. St. Francis member Jill Quinn met Cheryl during her son Jeff's illness, and following his death has become a very active volunteer.
One of the most important resources provided by HEADstrong is housing for families who must travel more than 50 miles to Philadelphia for specialized cancer treatment and/or clinical trials. Nick's House, located in Swarthmore, is a beautifully restored home which can accommodate up to six families at a time free of charge. Patients include children as well as adults. Most are outpatients (e.g. recovering from stem cell transplant, receiving proton radiation therapy), however families may also stay while their loved one is in the hospital for treatment.
In addition to housing, HEADstrong also offers peer-to-peer support, distributes comfort kits, and coordinates social activities for patients during their hospital stay.
Each Thanksgiving Day, a full Turkey dinner is served at UPenn for all cancer patients and their families. Funds are raised through donations, special events (Limelight Gala, 5K, Golf Outing), and through the efforts of many college lacrosse athletes nationwide in Nick's memory.
Brown Bag Lunch Summary
Thorncroft Equestrian Center
We had our second highest turnout for a Brown Bag Lunch on January 8 with 24 participants in attendance. Does this mean horses are a more interesting topic than people are?
We thank Sallie Dixon, Paige Infortuna and Maddie Iacobucci for being our guest speakers. They spoke passionately about the organization's mission and the great work Thorncroft does to help both children and adult with mental, emotional and physical disabilities through therapeutic horseback riding. Below is a synopsis of their presentation.
Thorncroft serves 350 students per week, home to over 30 horses and 2 indoor arenas located on 70 acres of open space and gave $65,000 in scholarship to students in 2017 who were unable to afford the therapy sessions. A 14-member Board of Directors governs the organization with over 100 volunteers assisting. A major portion of their budget comes from local businesses, corporations and individual donations. They also do several fundraising events each year with "Lobstah Bake and Pork BBQ" and "5K Trail Run/Walk" being their most popular events.
Thorncroft is a 501(c3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to develop the physical and emotional well-being of all people regardless of their individual challenges. They are committed to personal growth and education in an equestrian environment of respect, love and inclusion.
St. Francis has an open invitation to use their facility to do the "Blessing of the Animals" in October and to tour the 70-acres of open space. This would be a wonderful treat for St. Francis' children, not only to learn more about the horses, but a chance to go for a pony ride.
FPU is coming to St. Francis!
Do you worry over money? Do you struggle trying to keep up with the lifestyle you think you should have? Do you wonder if you'll ever be able to retire. Do you wish you could give more, but instead have trouble just meeting the monthly bills?
You are not alone! Money issues (and money troubles!) are far more common than anyone suspects. They rob people of joy and fill our lives with fear and anxiety. But there is hope! There is a tried-and-true program that can help you live like you never have before.
Financial Peace University
(FPU) is a popular, life-changing, 9-week course on personal financial management that has helped thousands of individuals and families live less stressful and more abundant lives.
Fr. Kevin and Donna Dellaria, graduates and facilitators of FPU, describe their experience with the program. "We were so blessed to find FPU. We began working the program right at the start of 2004. Over the next 14 months, we paid off over $20,000 in short-term debt, increased our parish pledge by 300%, set aside an emergency fund, and saved enough money to travel across country as we decided which seminary to attend. We would never have imagined how much impact a few, simple changes in our financial life would make. FPU is truly 'life-changing'."
You, too, can take these steps to change your life, as
Financial Peace University comes to St. Francis for the first time in 2019.
Fr. Kevin will facilitate this course on Sundays from Feb. 10 to Apr. 7, 11:45 to 1:45, at St. Francis. For more details, costs and registration, visit our FPU class page: FPU.COM/1077352.
Special Deal for High School Juniors and Seniors: If you are in 11th or 12th grade, what you gain from FPU will change the course of your life for the better. As Dave Ramsey says, it will "change your family tree". Fr. Kevin's deal with you is simple: 1.) Sign up for the course and 2.) Attend and participate for all 9 weeks. At the end of the 9 weeks, if you have been faithful in attendance, you will be reimbursed your cost for the course.
Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 7 PM
Book Club
Friday, February 15, 6:30 pm Pizza and Video night. No book to read, just an evening of fellowship.
If you wish, you can bring something to share. A bottle of soda, bag of popcorn, etc. The cost of the pizza will be shared by everyone.
Friday, March 15, 7:30 pm
The Quartet, Joseph J. Ellis
In 1776, thirteen American colonies declared themselves independent states that only temporarily joined forces in order to defeat the British.
Ellis has given us a gripping and dramatic portrait of one of the most crucial and misconstrued periods in American history: the years between the end of the Revolution and the formation of the federal government. The Quartet unmasks a myth, and in its place presents an even more compelling truth-one that lies at the heart of understanding the creation of the United States of America.
Board Game Night at St. Francis
Saturday, February 16 from 5:30 pm to whenever - Fr. Kevin will be hosting an evening of board games in the Parish Hall. We'll order some pizza, relax, and throw down with Settlers of Cataan, Legendary, Dominion, or some other ludic entertainment.
The Church School area will be open for kids.
St. Francis Art & Music Festival
February 22-24
Tickets Go On Sale Sunday, February 3
This year's Art & Music Festival will be held February 22-24. Tickets go on sale beginning Sunday, February 3 after the 8 am and 10 am services.
Tickets are $20/adult for Friday night's Art Preview Reception and $20/adult for Saturday's Musical Revue and Reception - OR $30/adult for both Friday and Saturday night events.
Here's the schedule of events for the weekend.
Friday, 2/22
6:00 - 9:00 pm. - Art Preview Reception and Awards Presentations (ticket required). Meet the artists and enjoy wine and catered small plates. This is your first opportunity to view and purchase art work.
Saturday, 2/23
10:00 a.m. - Pastel demonstration by Tara Will, juror for the Art Show
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Art Gallery open to the public
5:00 p.m. - Musical Revue and Reception (ticket required). Featuring members of the St. Francis choir and other local talent. A wine and cheese reception will follow.
Sunday, 2/24
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Final exhibition and sale of art.
Tickets are also available for purchase online at the 2019 Art & Music Festival section of the St. Francis website (stfrancisfields.com) or can be purchased at the door on the day of the event.
Darlington Arts Center
St. Francis 2019 Art & Music Festival was informed in mid-December that Art Partners Studio in Coatesville had lost its major funding due to a sudden death, and therefore was closing. They will spend 2019 transferring their programs to other nonprofits. We looked around and found Darlington Arts Center.
Darlington was founded in 1978 and their mission is to build community by providing "every art for everyone" through instruction, outreach programs and performances in music, art, dance and drama. Darlington Arts Center's outreach programs provide high quality art experiences for children with limited or no access to the arts in underserved communities. For more information about Darlington their website is www.darlingtonarts.org.
On February 10, Eric Carter-Thompson, the Executive Director, will be at St. Francis to get to know us as we get to know him.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and
Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday, March 6, is the first day of Lent, the season of penitence and self-denial in preparation for Easter. The day prior, Shrove Tuesday, March 5, (a.k.a. "Fat Tuesday" or Mardi Gras), is a traditional day to load up on fatty, sugary foods before the Lenten fast. A pancake supper is in the works for the evening of Shrove Tuesday.
Ash Wednesday services will be March 6 at 9 am and 7 pm. Make plans now to start your Lenten journey off right!
Bible Study
The weekly Lectionary Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 10 am, followed by Holy Eucharist at 11:15. At most meetings, this group discusses the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Church Farm
The Griffin Clothes Closet at Church Farm is in need of men's sweaters and hats for winter. Please donate if you can! Thanks Sheila Rees for serving CFS and letting us know of the need! Please direct questions to Caralee Crary,
Donate Your Time and Talent
Want to get personally involved? If you are over the age of 18 and want to donate your time and talent to the 100% volunteer team at the West Chester Food Cupboard, please email Charlotte Cain at wcfood@gmail.com.
Money and food is welcome too, because no one should go hungry.
Thank you!
431 S. Bolmar Street, West Chester, PA 19382
Altar Flowers
Did you know that you can dedicate the Sunday Altar Flowers in honor of a friend or family member, in remembrance of a loved one, or for some other special recognition? Altar Flower dedications are just $50.00, and helps provide a fresh arrangement each week. The form for dedicating Altar Flowers can be found on our parish website at:
Sunday Lessons
If you would like to read the lessons for Sunday, click on the link below.
Lectionary Page
Fieldnotes Deadline - March
The deadline for the March Fieldnotes is
Monday, February 25, 2019!