MACo Gold Corporate Partner , LGIT: 
For 30 years, Maryland's local governments have covered their primary and excess liability, auto, environmental, property and equipment breakdown insurance needs through the Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT). Owned and managed by its members, LGIT was founded in 1987 by act of the Maryland General Assembly through the joint efforts of the Maryland Municipal League (MML) and the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo). Since 2010, LGIT has provided local governments an alternative for their health insurance needs with LGIT HEALTH. This health co-op helps control the cost of health insurance.  LGIT's purpose is to meet Maryland's local governments risk management needs - not to make a profit by selling insurance. Because of LGIT, local governments know they now have insurance coverage available to them at stable rates and predictable costs - regardless of private insurance industry cycles.  In addition to the publications produced by LGIT, they also provide a wide variety of Risk Management services including: Training, Grants, the LGIT Online Campus and the HR Compliance Portal.