Each time we are hit by a natural disaster, it changes those affected. The Florida Rural Water Association has been changed forever by Hurricane Michael. Staff have witnessed devastation like we have never seen before. Communities gone, businesses in ruin, homes damaged beyond compare, trees lifted out of the ground and toppled like tooth picks.
One FRWA staff member called the office with tears in his voice and said that his "little community is just devasted."
Hurricane Michael is the strongest storm to strike the United States since 1992 and the third strongest in history.
This hurricane presented unique obstacles in our efforts, from communication systems being down to major thoroughfares being blocked.
FRWA's inventory of generators was quickly deplet
ed with additional requests coming in. As power is restored at one system, the generator that they are using is quickly sent to another system. FRWA will contine
to coordinate with FlaWarn to access needs and respond to requests until the last systems is operational.
Mexico Beach's elevated water tank that was full and valved off, was blown down onto the shoulder of the ground storage tank. Additional storm surge/tidal waves almost washed away the high service pumps and generators.
Staging areas have been set up in Port St. Joe and Panama City to coordinate the effort.
We appreciates the efforts of our sister Rural Waters and dozens of responding utilities and scores of workers (MacGyvers) that have come to assist us in the relief efforts. It is in circumstances like this that we see what Rural Water is all about.
FRWA continues to work with DEP and DEM in the recovery efforts in aftermath of Michael. If you need assistance you can report to FRWA (850.668.2746 or
) or
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