January 7, 2018
Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night
I have had the ultimate honor to serve as your State Representative for the last two years. Every day presented itself with the opportunity to meet so many of our wonderful neighbors and to help work on the issues important to our great state. I've appreciated the opportunity to do my part during these hard times and to make our community better.
Over the last several weeks, I've had the opportunity to reflect on my time as a Representative. Some have asked if I have any regrets or if I would have done anything differently. In a word: no. I'm incredibly proud of the positive impact my office had on our neighborhood and state. Each day, we focused on helping others and did so with integrity, passion, and respect. I have not a single regret of the sacrifice this job requires or how we conducted ourselves in the name of serving Alaskans.
I have learned that being a legislator is not always about doing the popular thing. What is right is not always popular. The true job of a statesman is to learn, to listen, and to evaluate. To learn as much as possible about an issue and its impacts, then make an informed decision. I encourage you all to ask the tough questions and demand more from your legislators. Alaska is an amazing place, hard times never last forever, and it will take all of us to bring about a brighter future.
I’ll continue to serve our community and try and find ways to help those in need. And in finding ways to help others, I urge you to participate in the political process because "It needs your idealism. It needs your drive. It needs your conviction."
Thanks for the Memories!
Through both policy change down in Juneau and neighborhood projects in our West Anchorage community, we've accomplished a lot together over the last two years.

While there are too many great moments to list them all, here's a look back at some of the highlights:
Legislative Ethics Reform - With the help of fellow Alaskans, we passed my bill ( HB44 ), the largest ethics reform in State history! This means "no budget, no pay," no more unapproved travel junkets, no more lobbyist-paid meals, and stronger conflict of interest rules for legislators.
Keeping Jade Park Safe - On the verge of some serious safety issues for cars and kids, the neighborhood came together to cut back vegetation at the park. Visibility is much better now! I've also arranged for new signs to be installed in spring 2019.
The Right to Try - It was honor to sponsor this bill and ensure it became law. HB43 cuts through red tape and gives terminally ill Alaskans faster access to safe, but experimental medications in an effort to save their own lives.
Port of Alaska - While we've got a long way to go to ensure the failing infrastructure of our most critical port is addressed, I was proud to run an amendment in House Finance to at least secure $20 million to keep the project moving forward in FY19.
Hearing from You - It's been great to get to know you over the last two years! Through 26 events, 50 e-newsletters, nearly 2,000 social media updates, and over 4,500 handwritten letters, I've done my best to make sure you know what's going on and know how to reach me.
E-Cigs & Kids - In the final hours of the 2018 legislative session, I helped get Senator Gary Stevens' SB15 across the finish line in the House. Even though it wasn't my bill, this was a big moment for me in making sure e-cigarettes are treated like tobacco. This new law prohibits the possession, marketing, and sale of e-cigs to kids under age 19.
Our Fiscal Future - The major fiscal crisis facing our State is why I ran for office in the first place. After finding efficiencies, as well as areas we needed to increase support (such as public safety), I was proud to vote for two of the lowest real per-capita budgets the State has seen in 42 years, while reducing the deficit 75% by restructuring the Permanent Fund.
Education - One of my proudest moments was joining with my colleagues to forward-fund education, putting an end to pink-slipping teachers every year. ASD shouldn't have to lay off valuable educators because of budget uncertainty, just because the Legislature doesn't finish on time.
Public Safety - Safety is a top concern, and one I took seriously. Through budget hearings, I led the charge to fund more prosecutors to ensure criminals are charged, and more public defenders to keep the courts moving. And through passing SB54/SB55/HB312, we rolled back over 20 major loopholes in SB91.
Getting Credits Off the Books - HB331 provided an innovative, cost-neutral way to close out $800 million in State credits owed to independent oil & gas companies. I was proud to help negotiate this legislation's passing and carry it on the floor. I'm confident this will help get Alaska’s economy back on track, thanks to work done across party lines.
Our Local Schools - It's been amazing to work with teachers, students, parents, and staff in our neighborhood schools. From meeting with principals about priorities, hosting listening sessions with teachers, or helping build things like the new Sand Lake Outdoor Learning Lab with students, I've learned we have so much to be proud of.
Behind the Scenes - From staff to interns, I've had the very best. There were so many things I learned while in office, and one of them is that if you have committed and caring staff, your district is that much better for it. It's been a blast getting to know you. Thanks for all you've done for our great state!
Above All, Community - What an awesome community we have! It's truly been a pleasure and an honor to serve the district where I grew up and am now raising a family. Thank you to everyone who was part of this journey -- I think we've proven that even if we don't always agree on everything, we can get a lot done when we work together.

Good afternoon, good evening, and good night! I'm sure I'll see you around the neighborhood soon. 
Representative Jason Grenn
House District 22
Sand Lake, Jewel Lake, West Dimond & Kincaid