Nativity Lutheran Church

1300 Collingwood Road

Alexandria, VA 22308


The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker, Pastor

People of Nativity, Ministers

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October 18, 2018 
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 am
Sunday's gospel starts with disciples obsessing over who's number one, which leads Jesus to say something about God's take on importance and power. Here Jesus makes it explicit that the reversal of values in God's community is a direct challenge to the values of the dominant culture, where wielding power over others is what makes you great. When we pray "your kingdom come" we are praying for an end to tyranny and oppression. We pray this gathered around the cross, a sign of great shame transformed to be the sign of great honor and service.

Pastor Brent continues the "Question of the Week" sermon series.  In each Sunday's Gospel from Mark (save one), there are questions...  we'll look at the context, hear the answer, and respond for ourselves in the setting of our life.  This sequence will take us through the end of the church year in November.

Sunday's Givers
This Sunday we give thanks for the Mattis Family for providing our flowers and candles.  Debbie Bowers & Terry Thomas team up for our outstanding fellowship following worship.
Enrolling Now!
Sign-ups for flowers, candles, fall fellowship (coffee hour) are available in the Narthex.  Bring a bouquet for flowers or drop $10 in the offering for candles on the Sunday you choose... recognition for each is noted in the Connect.  Take a moment and take one of the few opportunities that remain before the end of the year.
With Gratitude...
We appreciate all who helped to make this past week's events with Messiah meaningful.  To those who participated at Messiah's soup supper and discussion last Thursday, for those who 
came out Sunday for our joint worship, sang in the choir, brought goodies for fellowship and showed great hospitality...  your enthusiasm made it possible.  Special regards to Carrie for leading our "flash choir" (which garnered much applause), Steve O. for photography and to Council member Sandi Kottman for organizing, decorating and hosting our luncheon.  All agreed last Sunday went and felt right.
ELCA Disaster Response

Lutheran Disaster Response brings God's hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.

As you know, Hurricane Michael was a devastating force in Florida, and donations to ELCA's Disaster Response are urgently needed.
Your gifts ensure that we can address the immediate and long-term needs of survivors of all natural  disasters.  Please give today
UCM  Notes...
The UCM Food Pantry always has need for heart healthy food items. Some of the items that are always needed  Include-
      -canned tuna (or other meats) in water
      -whole wheat pasta
      -low salt canned goods
      -low sugar cereals
      -canned beans or dry beans
      -olive oil or canola oil for cooking
      unsalted nuts and seeds  

This week we continue collecting for our W inter Coat Drive.. . some have already appeared.  Bring gently worn (new is better) coats of all sizes for all ages...  it will be a cold season and your gift will be heartwarming to those who receive one.  Simply drop your donation on the pew in the Narthex during the Sundays of October.

And our food baskets need filling again!  Thank you!
The Last Word...
If you find yourself hanging around the house this Saturday, doing nothing, then you are perfectly positioned to be celebrating October 20th's International Sloth Day! This adorable, slow-moving, tree-dwelling and leaf-eating mammal, native to South and Central America, might not seem to be a candidate for its own day...but compared to other hot air holidays it seems downright reasonable!

Created in 2010 by the AIUNAU Foundation, a non-profit conservation and wildlife organization based in Columbia, this unofficial holiday is meant to raise awareness of the life cycle, natural habitat, and environmental concerns that endanger the Sloth. The Sloth is probably not natural fodder for a National Geographic special, which favors a lot of movement and dramatic action for viewer response. That would have to be either a fixed camera proposition or, instead of slow motion, they would have to use the fast forward button...our friend is the world's slowest moving animal! And the camera would have to always be pointed up, since they spend their entire life dangling upside down from limbs of trees.

Here's a couple of tidbits I didn't know about the Sloth (to be honest I know very little about our subject)...they have two layers of fur and four sections of stomach! The inner layer of fur is rather pristine and is protective of what lies, by no accident, in its outer layer...there it harbors a variety of symbiotic fungi, beetles, and other insects. This consortium promotes the growth of algae on the outer fur that gives the Sloth its characteristic green color and helps it camouflage itself in thick vegetation. Far from simply being inert, recent studies have shown that the algae and fungi housed in the outer layer of fur may help fight many human diseases, including cancer! And even though sloths mostly eat leaves, their stomachs can't easily digest them.   So sloths have four compartments takes them almost a month to digest a meal! So if humans had the activity level of sloths we would all be grossly overweight...instead they remain remarkably fit and trim.

So I rise in praise of the Sloth...someone must stand up for this much maligned being!   Somehow it became the poster child for reluctance to work or make an effort. Its name became synonymous with laziness and even achieved infamy as one of the seven deadly sins in Christian philosophy. I guess I have as much antipathy toward just hanging around and being defined by indolence and sluggish lethargy as the next guy...just don't take it out on the sloth! If this unique creature holds the key to curing cancer, won't we all have a job wiping off the centuries old egg on our face! Besides that, in this "go go" society where inactivity is viewed with suspicion because we have to constantly prove our worthiness...maybe the Sloth can teach us a thing or two about the worthiness of taking a breather. To have a rest and take a break are worthy steps toward restoration and regeneration...try it this Sunday and begin it in church. You'll only be following Jesus' advice!

And if you can't stomach some of the shenanigans going on in our world and you've had a belly full of the shameless and wanton embrace of the other six sins...wouldn't it be great to ease our indigestion with additional compartments? Slowing your pace for six days and resting on the seventh by coming to worship and participating in fellowship can offer mental respite and re-creation. You can't change your physiology...but through theology and a dose of spirituality your absorption rate might balance itself!

R.E.L.A.X. and hang in there!

Pastor Brent,

October 21, 2018
Lector & Communion Assistant:   The Pope Family
Usher:  Mike Barbera & Joe Gattuso
Counters:  Don Bright
Down the Road
Sunday, October 28
Reformation Sunday

Sunday, November 4
All Saints Sunday
An opportunity to remember out loud the names of the saints during our intercessions (living or deceased)

Saturday, November 10
8:30 am
Men's Breakfast Group
Hosts All Members of Nativity & Messiah at Mamma's Kitchen for Continuing Conversations on Consolidation (details to follow)

Sunday, November 11
2019 Stewardship Kick-Off for the Final Three Sundays of the Church Year

Sunday, December 2
Advent Begins
Nativity & Messiah vote the question of consolidation for the two congregations.  Details will soon follow.

Saturday, December 8, 6 pm
Nativity Christmas Gathering
at the Home of Sandi Kottman
Mark you calendar now!


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If you haven't, take a moment and check it out by using the link above.  You'll find pictures and the latest information on what's happening at Nativity.


When those Nativity emails get deleted, you can always find our Connects published on Facebook!   Liking us is an easy form of EVANGELISM and INVITING OTHERS to Nativity since your "Likes" show up on your daily feed.


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on Facebook today!

STAR Mission Statement

SEEK to grow in God's Word

TELL the story of Jesus' love & forgiveness

ACT as God's Hands in the world

REACH OUT to welcome all

The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker,

Carrie Brutscher, Music Director and Council Secretary

Bob Kehler, Council President

Brian Bauman, Vice President

Debbie Bowers, Treasurer

Joe Mattis, Stewardship

Sandi Kottman, Council Member (at large)

Marianne Wendel, Administrative Assistant
Weekly Calendar
October 21, 2018 thru
October 27, 2018

8:30 am
Adult Bible Class
9:30 am
Holy Communion 
Fellowship following
11:30 am  COI Service
2:00 pm  Cristo te Llama
7:30 pm AA Meeting


1:00 pm   AA Meeting
7:00 pm  Cristo te Llama


9:15 am  Music Together
1:00 pm  AA Meeting


11am-4pm Pastor Brent and Romelda in the office
2:45 pm  Yoga with Amy
7:00 pm Zenergy Yoga

6:00 pm  Energetic Yoga
7:00 pm COI Band Practice

Friday 7:00 am  Music Together/Yoga


9:00 am Music Together 
4:00 pm   Cristo te Llama