Meetings, workshops, news, and articles for creating cultures of continuous improvement.
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The Journey
January 2019 MWCC Newsletter

Greetings and Happy New Year from the board and staff of the  Maryland World Class Consortia!!
Take a look at a few things happening right now:

New Membership Levels!
2019 is bringing some changes to the Consortia's offerings.  We now have varying membership levels.  Please click  here to see the full list and note that
for a limited time  (through March 2019), we are offering individual memberships.
Lean Peer Group for Upper Shore of Maryland Now Forming

We currently have four active peer groups in Maryland and plan to launch one for the Upper Shore in February.  These groups meet monthly at each participant's facility.  For the purposes of this Lean Peer Group, we are defining the Upper Shore of Maryland as Harford, Cecil, Kent & Queen Anne's counties.  

Why is it important? A Lean culture is not something that can simply be purchased from the outside; it must be built, developed, and
sustained from within your own organization.  The Maryland World Class Consortia's Lean Peer Group will help you in this effort.  The peer group approach provides a proven unique and a powerful way to share experiences, leverage the power of support networks, learn from others, and accelerate your cultural transformation. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, service organization, or a non-profit, this program should be part of your Continuous Improvement plan. Company leaders will have an opportunity to revamp and re-energize their Lean strategy by networking with and learning  from others who are committed to creating a Lean culture.

Registration is limited to nine companies.
Click  here for more details about this program. Contact  Dave Rizzardo (717-855-0765), MWCC Associate Director, or  Joyce La Padula (410-960-3785), MWCC Managing Director, for registration information. Tentative start date March 12, 2019.

Lean Facilitator Certification Program - Registration Open
The Maryland World Class Consortia's flagship training resource, the Lean Facilitator Certification Program (LFCP), is now entering its 12th year! Join us for a deep dive into the tools, systems and principles of Lean Thinking.

LFCP is an intensive 18-day curriculum that develops skills in identifying, planning, executing, and sustaining process improvements in any organization. Delivered over a five-month period, the skills developed in this course are designed to build in-house talent - the process improvement knowledge and experience needed to lead transformation projects on your organization's Lean Journey.

The course is suitable for everyone: any type of industry, government, or non-profit. No prior experience with Lean is required. Our curriculum is aligned to the national Lean Certification's Body of Knowledge, and LFCP students can optionally pursue their Lean Bronze Certification through the course. 

For detailed information about the program and to guarantee your seat in this class click  here. Tentative start date April 2019.

Recap of Quarterly Conference

Our December 12, 2018 Quarterly Conference was held at Axis Research & Training Facility in Columbia (Howard County). With nearly 70 attendees, the brand new, pristine, state-of-the-art venue was packed.

We heard from two great speakers, Dr. Kevin Larsen,
Director of Continuous Improvement & Strategic Planning for Centers for Medicare/Medicaid and Eddie Conklin, Lean/Sigma BB Manager, Sterile Processing & PRMC's Tactical Lean Expert for Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

If you missed it, you missed great examples of process improvements within their respective organizations but you can find the presentations right here 
( Larsen )    ( Conklin as they have kindly agreed to share them with you!

Mark Your Calendar with these Dates:

Quarterly Conferences 
- (7:30 am - noon)
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Annual Meeting (evening event)
Thursday, December 6, 2019

The Maryland World Class Consortia