November 2019
Your monthly news & updates
Ahhhh....Fall is here! We cannot wait for you to see all of the great things that are happening at SPC during this season of change.
Thank you for your service!
We acknowledge and thank everyone who has sacrificed for our country. It is because of the brave that we can be free. Not only during this time, but during all time, we thank you, pray for you, and honor you!
Happy Thanksgiving
Every year St. Peter Claver students and families have a thanksgiving program and meal. Friends and supporters of St. Peter Claver are invited to visit and support the program, as well as contribute to help subsidize this program. Thank you for your help and feel free to invite others. The program will take place on 11/22/19 from Noon - 2pm.

You can help support the event by donating here: Donations
Mark your calendar! Dec 3 is #GivingTuesday. How will you give?
Giving Tuesday
Everyone can have an impact on #GivingTuesday! Join St. Peter Claver Catholic School on December 3 by pledging your time, skills, voice, dollars to support our mission to be a sanctuary of faith, hope and love where each child is prepared for their future in a supportive learning environment centered around God and nourished through Sacrament and Word! Visit our website to learn more about how you can fund a future .