                              Miami Valley 
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

8690 Yankee St.  Dayton, OH  45458






MVUUF's Forum for January, 2019

  visit our website  HERE          visit the UUA's website    HERE


Service Topics for January, 2019

Sunday, January 6th - 11:00 AM      
Reflections on Possibility
 with members of the Worship Committee

Sunday, January 13th - 11:00 AM      
Waiting for Our Real Life to Begin
with Rev. Kellie
Sunday, January 20th - 11:00 AM      
Nobody Knows My Name:  The Lost Ministry of Rev. Eugene Sparrow
with Rev. Kellie
Sunday, January 27th - 11:00 AM
     Introduction to the Season of Non-Violence 
 with Rev. Kellie and Jerry Leggett, Director of Religious Education

January News


Oh my dear ones,
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season here at MVUUF and with your loved ones outside of MVUUF!

Because of the importance of our semi-annual congregational meetings, I have decided to share my ministerial letter with you in place of my Forum letter. While it's a little longer than my monthly message, I think it is worthwhile to   assess the first six months of our shared ministry.

Sending you MUCH love!
Rev. Kellie

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Wow, what a ride it's been! Six months ago, we started our settled ministry together. I must admit that since I arrived, the pace has been a wee bit faster than I expected. As some of you may remember, during my candidate week, I talked about spending the first year in   observation mode. My goal was to get to know as many of you as possible and learn your culture before trying to initiate any changes. My outcomes during these first six months together have been quite different than those original plans. While I have been successful in getting to know many of you, I have discovered a hunger for change that I had not anticipated. You all want to get on with your ministry and were ready to leave the station as soon as I arrived, hehe!

I have come to understand that these desires for ministry, movement, and change come from MVUUF's prolonged-and sometimes painful-state of waiting, of starts and stops. I am the fifth minister to serve the congregation in only five years' time. You all have gone through a great range of emotions during these years, with the most difficult being over Rev. Greg Martin's unexpected death and the recent interim ministry. This rollercoaster of starts and stops takes a toll on groups, both individually and collectively.

You are ready for our real ministry to begin-you are ready for shared leadership between minister and congregation to begin-you are ready to have the same minister for more than two years. While January is traditionally a time of new beginnings in America, our Soul Matters theme of Possibility seems even more poignant while reflecting on our time together. As I usually do, I think through song and immediately started to hear this song play while writing about your time of waiting,
 Colin Hay's Waiting for My Real Life to Begin:

As a reminder and reaffirmation, my goal still is to stay with you all for a minimum of six years. My commitment has not changed since I talked with you during candidate week. I selected this number intentionally for two important reasons. First of all, I personally want to keep my son in the same area through high school graduation. Equally important, most ministry analysis shows that it takes several years to build trust, reach sustained health, and solidify culture change in parish life. Our ministry together is hard work and it does not happen overnight. Please understand that this initial time-period is a minimum-not a maximum. I want to stay as long it is beneficial to both of us. Dayton already feels like home and so much of that has come from your warm embrace of Matt and me!

As I stated at the beginning of this report, my first mission this year has been to get to know and learn the Fellowship's culture. In order to do this, I have been scheduling visits with fellowship leaders, members, and friends. I have initiated a monthly session called Coffee with the Minister so that congregants can get to know me better as well (2nd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM; open to all).

I also am attempting to meet with every committee at least once before the end of the program year in June. So far, I have met with the following committees/groups: safety, communications, nominating, immigration, anti-racism, social action, worship, right relations,     seminarians, pastoral care, finance, stewardship, personnel, West Dayton, community discussion group, UU101, welcome session, new member session, program council, and the board of trustees.

In addition to attending committee meetings, I have tried to attend as many Fellowship events as possible. So far, these include the     following: Wassail service, Thanksgiving potluck, MVUUF 60th anniversary service, Chalica night, Gifts & Gatherings fundraiser, several game nights, family movie, Chalice Gallery reception, Bob Sima concert, Trebletones concert, fire pit, Poly 101, Trans 101, and Wesley Center baby shower. I am excited to see what events will take place in the new year!

Secondly, I have been working closely with the personnel committee and Board of Trustees to assess and update our personnel policies so that they better reflect our Principles. As so commonly happens in small non-profits, personnel policies do not remain current because we are too small to have a human resources staff. While some of these changes have already occurred due to the recent hire of our talented new Director of Religious Education, this assessment and update will take longer than six months to resolve. I am confident with my  background in human resources and our Fellowship's commitment to equity and economic justice we are on our way to becoming a good employer.

Thirdly, we have implemented several new programs based on my needs as your minister and the needs that you have already expressed to me. These include the following programs and ongoing groups: Soul Matters themed ministry (for worship, small groups, and religious education), antiracism congregational read, people of color identity group, white ally group, trans ally group and UUA curriculum, and seminarian group. Both the white ally group and trans ally group started in January.

My final objective in this first year is to help the Fellowship continue to address two major issues left unresolved during the most recent interim period: $54,000 budget deficit and congregational conflict. Eliminating the deficit has taken a great deal of energy and time from the Fellowship at all levels. It has been my honor to work with the Finance Committee, Fundraising Committee, Board of Trustees, and you all to reduce the deficit to approximately $27,000. You all amazed me with your ingenuity, generosity, and commitment to our staff. We ROCK! Although the deficit was largely caused by Rev. Greg's death, an unsuccessful interim ministry, and congregational conflict, we also recognize that it is part of a larger pattern. Because of the importance of financial security to our mission, enduring membership, and staff stability, I will be leading the Stewardship Team with Catherine Queener, Ann Snively, and Bill Ross. We are confident that we can de-mystify the pledge campaign so that people feel empowered to contribute to our Fellowship in ways that are both comfortable and meaningful.

Following the Board-sponsored workshop August 18, I have been working with the UUA on appropriate ways to continue our important work to resolve the congregational conflicts from the interim period. At our December Board meeting, the Board approved my plan to have two listening sessions in January, mediated by two professional facilitators from Dayton Mediation Center. With the Board's recommendation, I assembled a Repair and Healing Taskforce that assisted with the planning and will provide a report to the congregation and Board on the themes and issues raised in these listening sessions.

In addition, a MidAmerica Congregational Life Consultant will meet with past and present Board members in early March to further     define expectations, roles, and assessment models for the Board, Fellowship, Region (MidAmerica), and Minister. Like the majority of our work, we are continuing what others have started and we will not finish it quickly. Repair and healing do not happen in a linear timeline and the outcomes rarely match our initial expectations.

While we have hard work ahead of us, I am so excited about our future together. Sunday, March 24, 2019, we will hold my installation service, connecting our Fellowship with our local partners and the larger UUA. It will be a beautiful way to celebrate the beginning of our shared ministry. As is the case with all beginnings, we cannot predict where our journey will take us and how love with transform us. As Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus tells her students, "Let's take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!"

With gratitude and love,
Rev. Kellie

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It's wonderful that now Jerry Leggett is on staff, I have THREE co-workers (including   Rev. Kellie and Jennie) with whom I can collaborate on a weekly basis and turn to for support and expertise. But sometimes it's really helpful to be able to talk with other UU church music professionals who do the same work I do. And because you as a   congregation have generously supported my membership in the Unitarian Universalist Musicians' Network (UUMN), I am able to interact and communicate with UU Music Directors from around the country! Some of the benefits of this professional organization include an online Facebook forum, indexed resources for music and worship planning, and monthly online "meetings" with other church musicians in a Soul Matters brainstorming session.

As of January 1st, 2019, the UUMN has changed their name to the Association for   Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM) with their new mission statement " support music and worship arts professionals, leaders, and those they serve through advocacy, education, and inspiration." 
---Sara Davis, Director of Music

In 2019, Religious Education at MVUUF will feature the Soul Matters curriculum for grade levels preschool/pre-K, K, 1st-3rd, and 4th-5th, This is a theme-based curriculum that will run through June. The 2019 themes will be:
What Doe It Mean to Be a People of: 
January... Possibility      February... Trust       March... Journey                     April... Wholeness     
May... Curiosity                       June... Beauty
In addition to the Soul Matters curriculum, we will also be using the Crossing Paths curriculum for the older youth. This curriculum will continue its exploration of various religious traditions, using the Soul Matters themes as a framework. For more information and links to Soul Matters , please visit our website,
I'd love to get better acquainted with the children, youth and families involved in our YRE program! I welcome you to contact me to schedule an informal (45-minute) chat in your home, the Fellowship building, or another location of your choosing. Contact me at [email protected] or via cell phone at 937-999-7314. I look forward to a strong collaboration between children, youth, parents, congregational volunteers and staff. Go Team YRE!
---Jerry Leggett, Director of Religious Education

My heart overflows seeing the results of the recent Gifts & Gatherings fundraising effort undertaken by Garlene Hamilton, Ria Megnin, and so many others. We can, and do, rise to the challenges of supporting the financial needs of the congregation. But more than that, the spirit of joy and friendship abounded. With our new ministry, it feels like a shroud has lifted. I feel blessed to be able to come into fellowship with you in this spirit of love and a common search for how to be better and do better in our relationships and our community.
I have been reading White Fragility , and am more conscious of the privileges I have as a white male in this society. At my job with Montgomery County, personnel issues involving staff I supervise have caused me to think of ways to address them with compassion, and also with a focus on   making sure unintentional racial bias does not taint the decisions that need to be made.
Fortunately, my human resources representative is a woman of color and we have openly talked about this, as we've prepared to work with our staff to resolve the interpersonal issues involved. I've also borrowed from part of our covenant and implored the staff, when questions are asked of each other, or concerns are expressed, "to assume best intentions." Following a contentious meeting with them, I am seeing an improvement in the week following, and am much relieved.
That is what I gain from this faith community. Knowledge, guidance, and support to be the best I can be, as I impact others in our community.
Lastly, one of my mind games is to think of pithy bumper stickers I'd like to display. Currently, I'd like one that says I Have Faith in Atheism . It reminds me of Garrison Keillor describing a Unitarian funeral as "all dressed up with   nowhere to go." What would you put on a bumper sticker?
Maury Wyckoff, MVUUF Board President

Rev. Kellie's Valentine Open House
Saturday, February 9th, 1-4:00 PM
Rev. Kellie and Matt are opening up their home to MVUUF members & friends for a Valentine Open House on Saturday, February 9th, 1-4:00 PM. MVUUF congregants have been such a huge help to Rev. Kellie and Matt as they have settled into their new home, new area, and new congregation that they want to offer this gathering as a small thank you!
Please see the February edition of The Forum for more details (including address and directions). And make sure to bring your sweet tooth and appetite for conversation when you stop by!

Sunday, January 27th, 12:30 PM, in the Sanctuary
MVUUF's annual January Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, January 27th, 12:30 PM, in the Sanctuary at MVUUF. Democratic decision-making is one of our UU core principles! All are encouraged to attend! A Congregational Meeting packet has been sent to all Voting members. We will be electing lay leadership, voting on a withdrawal from the Endowment Fund principal, choosing the Sunday Sharing Our Offering social action recipients, and voting on a bylaw change proposed by the endowment trustees. 

Please plan on attending; note that absentee voting is limited to motions and candidates as they appear on the pre-meeting agenda, and thus there is no absentee voting on any additional motions, amendments to published motions, or leadership positions in which nominations are made from the floor. In preparation for the congregational meeting, all are welcome to participate in Q&A sessions on the budget and endowment principal withdrawal proposal from 12:30-1:00 PM on Sunday, January 13th (in the Library) and Sunday, January 20th, 12:30-1:00 PM )in the Sanctuary).

Saturday, January 5th, 10:30 AM, in the Sanctuary
Don't forget! Rev. Kellie is leading a monthly discussion group for MVUUF friends and members on Beacon Press's new release, White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo. This month's gathering will take place on Saturday, January 5th, 10:30 AM, in the Sanctuary at MVUUF; please read chapters 4 and 5 . 

The Soul Matters Covenant Groups have been formed, and meetings are well underway. The topic for January is  Possibility and you can access the packet HERE 
If you have been having any difficulties with access to the info in the packet (i.e., learning differences, technology trouble), please contact our Fellowship Administrator, Jennie Freiberger, at [email protected] (or the phone number above) so that she can send you another version. And you don't need to be a member of a covenant group in order to download or receive the packet; they are available for all MVUUF members & friends.

Thursday, January 17 7-9:00 PM
Rev. Kellie will be holding our first meeting for our new Anti-Racism Ally Group on the 3rd Thursday evening of the month from 7-9:00 PM, starting January 17th. This group is a supportive place where white congregants can work on reducing and eliminating their own white fragility and internalized racism without harming our siblings of color. Rev. Kellie is looking for individuals who are interested in assisting her to lead this ongoing group.
Participation in the Congregational Read White Fragility is not required. Questions, concerns, or suggestions? Please email Rev. Kellie at  [email protected] .

Monday, January 28th 7-9:00 PM
Rev. Kellie will be holding our first meeting for our new Transgender Ally Group Monday, January 28th from 7-9:00 PM (4th Monday evening each month). This group is a supportive place where cisgender congregants can work on reducing and eliminating their own internalized transphobia and heterosexism without harming our transgender siblings. We'll be starting a new UU program to support transgender folks inside and outside of our  congregations.
Rev. Kellie is looking for individuals who are interested in assisting her to lead this ongoing group. Questions, concerns, or suggestions? Please email Rev. Kellie at  [email protected] .

Thursday, January 31st, 6:30-9:00 PM and 
Saturday, February 2nd, 1-3:30 PM
Rev. Kellie and the Board of Trustees will be holding two Repair and Healing Listening Sessions facilitated by the Dayton Mediation Center Thursday, January 31st from 6:30-9:00 PM and Saturday, February 2nd, from 1-3:30pm. Participation in both sessions is not required. At least one of our facilitators will be a person of color. We also will have a chaplain present during both sessions. Childcare will be provided.
As a follow-up to the Board-sponsored workshop on congregational conflict in August 2018, each listening session will give MVUUF members and friends an opportunity to share and listen to each other regarding four issues   identified at the workshop. These issues are as follows: 

1.    Sex Offender Response Team (SORT) process;                 
2.   Sanctuary action for undocumented immigrants efforts; 
3.   Most recent interim ministry; 
4. Confidentiality and transparency of the Board. 

Our Repair and Healing Taskforce will provide a report to the congregation and Board on the themes and issues raised in these listening sessions during the early Spring (while maintaining participant confidentiality).
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rev. Kellie at [email protected] .

Friday, January 11th, 7:00 PM, in the Sanctuary at MVUUF
Our Anti-Racism Team will be hosting Second Friday Movie Nights this winter (January through March); January's offering will be the dark comedy Sorry to Bother You , written and directed by Boots Riley and starring Lakeith Stanfield, on Friday, January 11th, 7:00 PM, in the Sanctuary at MVUUF. 

Please plan to join us.

Sunday, January 13th, 12:30 PM, in the Sanctuary at MVUUF
That's right... Coffee with the Minister continues! What's her favorite color? Why did she become a Minister? Come and learn the answer to questions like these, and others, all about the lovely Rev. Kellie C. Kelly on Sunday, January 13th, 12:30 PM. Grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice) and have a seat in the Sanctuary, and find out more!

Thanks to Garlene Hamilton, Ria Megnin, Trudy Krisher, and the Fundraising Committee, as well as ALL those who contributed to the Close the Gap/Gifts & Gathering fundraiser to help alleviate the shortness in our 2018-2019 budget, we were able to raise over $23,000.00 . Isn't that awesome? Again, thanks to ALL who helped accomplish this!

During its December meeting, the Program Council (PC) was delighted to recognize Ria and Adam Megnin as Unsung Heroes. The PC immediately thought of the recent  Gifts and Gathering event which was very successful in its primary purpose of raising funds to help close our budget deficit. Ria's incredible leadership of this event went further and infused the event with a spirit of community building and re-connecting.    Adam is not only Ria's     partner in life but contributed essential skills and time to Gifts and Gathering. Ria has brought her considerable organizational skills, creativity, energy and contagious positivity to benefit MVUUF through her leadership of past spring service auctions, to leadership and participation of Right Relations at MVUUF, and as an organizer of reproductive rights work in partnership with MVUUF.   MVUUF is grateful for Adam's leadership as an Operations Representative and his current involvement with the Safety Committee. Did we say that there is also a social worker- writer- high jump hall of famer-Ria and a fire-fighter-and-more-Adam, and we are so glad they make time for MVUUF!   

Saturday, January 27th, 6:30 PM, at MVUUF
Make sure to mark your calendar for Saturday evening, January 26th, 6:30-8:30 PM, for the 12th annual  Men Who Cook  event, at the Fellowship!
This fundraiser, which supports our Operating Fund, always gets rave reviews, so please consider bringing a friend along with you! As many as 30 men of the Fellowship will be preparing a smörgåsbord of dinner delights: appetizers, soups, salads, entrées, breads, and desserts in splendid variety, including something for hopefully everyone-carnivores, vegetarians, vegans, and gluten-free diners! Wine will be served, as well!
Sign-up sheets and tickets will be available in the coming weeks, and notices will be published in all of our different publications (including the weekly E-Blast), so stay tuned. And for more     information, feel free to contact Jim Poltrone, at [email protected] .

Through  Sharing Our Offering , MVUUF shares the non-pledge contributions collected during Sunday services. The Social Action Committee organizes the selection process and invites YOU to nominate organizations by Sunday,   January 13th. The congregation will choose four of the nominees by a vote of members at the annual January Congregational meeting on the 27th.
Typically, nominees are registered non-profits with low administrative costs, focused on the under-served, are in the greater Dayton area, and may include previous recipients. The Social Action Committee recommends choosing organizations with modest annual budgets, as the MVUUF contributions are most impactful for them. However, none of these requirements are absolute.  
Please send the names of any agencies you would like to have on the ballot, with a short description of the service they provide (and a link to their website if available) to Rachel Feltner at [email protected] or Ndidi Achebe at [email protected] . You can also provide the same information on paper to either of them in person or in the Social Action mailbox. Nominations are due no later than Sunday, January 13th.

Saturday, January 27th, 9:00 AM--4:00 PM, at MVUUF
All are encouraged to participate in the Social Action Committee's annual retreat, to be held on Saturday, January 26th, 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM.   A goal of the morning session (which will be led by Rev. Kellie and possibly an additional UU minister) is spiritual rejuvenation for social action work. The afternoon will include a social justice topic. Please stay tuned for additional program details.   A simple lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP for the retreat to Rachel Feltner at
or Ndidi Achebe at 
or on paper to one of them in person or in the Social Action mailbox. We hope to provide childcare; if you would like child care, please include that in your RSVP, with ages of children.
--Lynn Buffington
Saturday, January 12th, 3:00 PM, at MVUUF
MVUUF's Anti-Racism Team wants you to know about a special opportunity to attend an important workshop,  Calling Out The Callers , on Saturday, January 12th at 3:00 PM, at MVUUF; SURJ (Showing Up For Racial Justice) Greater Dayton chapter and our very own ART (Anti-Racism Team) are partnering for this! All are welcome.
The workshop leader is Bomani Moyenda, who organized people to petition a case against Ronald Ritchie, the man who falsified claims leading to the murder of John Crawford III in the Beavercreek Walmart. Mr. Moyenda will describe that process, with the intent for broad application. We'll address the trend of white people calling the police on African Americans and other people of color for innocuous reasons or "existing while black." You can learn more HERE

We are currently experiencing a shortage of Child Care Providers, and are actively looking to hire more Providers. Do you enjoy working with children, or know someone who does? Are you or someone you know interested in making some additional income? Do you have availability on nights and weekends?
So what's does being a Child Care Provider involve? Duties include:
  •  Supervise ALL children left in their care at the Fellowship, providing a safe and nurturing environment
  •  Monitor conditions (e.g., playground, classroom) for safety and cleanliness
  •  Maintain records (i.e., attendance, visitor registration) as requested
  •  Other duties as assigned by the Director of Religious Education
And what qualifications are necessary to be a Child Care Provider? Qualifications would include:
  •  Enjoyment of and desire to work with children & youth
  •  Ability to work in a team and independently, and with minimal supervision
  •  Strong interpersonal skills, including responsiveness to the needs and concerns of participants and parents
  •  Ability to manage concurrent multiple priorities (requires analytical thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail)
  •  Ability to provide effective feedback to the Director of Religious Education
  •  Sympathy with the mission, principles, and tenets of the Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
To view the full Child Care Provider Job Posting and Application, please visit .

Thursday, January 10th, 11:30 AM, 
at MCL Cafeteria in Kettering
Members & friends of MVUUF (that identify as women) are invited to join this fun-loving group as they celebrate birthdays on Thursday, January 10th, 11:30 AM, at MCL Cafeteria, in Kettering. Please RSVP to Allie Petersen at:  

Wednesday, January 16th, 10:30 AM, in the Library
The next gathering of this well-read group will take place on Wednesday, January 16th, 10:30 AM in the Library at MVUUF, where they'll be discussing  A Gentleman in Moscow    by Amor Towles.
Upcoming choices for discussion are:
February 20th
The Trouble With Goats and Sheep: A Novel 
by Joanna Cannon
March 20th
The Overstory by Richard Powers  
April 17th
My Brilliant Friend: Neapolitan Novels, Book One
by Elena Ferrante
And ALL are welcome to join them!

This winter, we are pleased to offer OWL - "Our Whole Lives" Sexuality Education program, for students in Grades 4 & 5, for eight weeks in January through March. The class is taught by trained facilitators Genevieve Harvey and Joe Zimmerman.
For more information about the OWL program, please click HERE
A parents' information meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 6th, 9:45-10:45 AM in Classroom 7. The information meeting is optional, however, the Parent-Child Orientation is required for participation and will take place on Sunday, January 13th at 9:30 AM in Classroom 1. After that, the class (sans parents) will meet for eight weeks at 9:45 AM.
When a child is enrolled in OWL, regular attendance is required for continued participation. This means, if they miss more than one class, they cannot re-join the class. OWL is the only program that requires such a commitment for families. It is due to the importance and sensitivity of the content, and the need for building a community of trust in which we can talk about topics we don't usually discuss outside of the family. Because sporadic attendance makes this impossible, the requirement is built into the OWL program for the benefit of the children. However, if you know that some dates will be a problem, please talk to us NOW about that. Sometimes multiple families have   conflicts on the same date and adjustments can be made. Or, if the class is not going to work for your family, speak to us about alternative formats that exist for providing this important information to your children.
We will limit the class size to 12 children, Fellowship members getting first priority. Families from outside of the   Fellowship are welcome to attend OWL, provided there is room in the class; so if you know someone who may be interested, please feel free to share this information. There are a limited number of spaces remaining.
Donations in any amount to help cover the significant cost of training OWL facilitators are always appreciated. You can just make a note on your check or envelope for cash to designate that it's intended to defray OWL costs.

Many, many thanks to everyone who helped make this year's Giving Tree possible. Nine (9) families received help from generous donors this holiday season, and lots of socks were collected for the St. Vincent de Paul men's shelter.
We are a generous caring community and should celebrate being such. Please note the picture above, showing all of the gifts wrapped & ready to head out the door.
Thank you and yes, there WERE that many gifts collected, wrapped, and given!
---Tina Porter, Pastoral Associate

Saturday, January 12th, 10:45 AM, 
120 West Apple Street, Dayton
Please join us in providing our long-standing second Saturday lunch ministry for women and families staying at the St. Vincent de Paul Shelter on Saturday, January 12th.   

Our needs for January include: hearty chili, fixings of shredded cheese and sour cream, vegetable dishes (any dish made with fresh vegetables such as green beans, vegetable medley, carrots & celery sticks), green salads, fresh fruit/fruit salads, 100% orange juice and 1% milk.   We need several donations of most items, with each donation serving 15-20 people. Please bring all items---heated if   applicable---to 120 West Apple Street (the St. Vincent de Paul Gateway Shelter) by 10:45 am.  
You can sign up for food donations and/or serving on the clipboard in the Gathering Space, or you can contact Lynn Buffington at 937-657-0426 (call or text) or [email protected]. You can also check on what is needed at SignUpGenius   (no need to log in unless you also want to sign up through Genius).
In December, many in residence in the family section were absent at lunchtime due to an invitation to a bowling, lunch and "Santa" event.   Even with these reduced numbers, we served 90 diners:   57 in the women's group at 11:00 AM and 33 in the family group at noon. Thanks to the many who served (in the photo below) and/or provided food.
If you would like more information regarding volunteering, please take one of the info flyers near the sign up sheet in the Social Action are in the Gathering Space.

Remember...due to allergies, asthma, and other sensitivities, we ask you to please refrain from wearing scent when at the Fellowship (perfume, aftershave, scented hair products, lotions, etc.). Thank you for helping us to be a safe as well as welcoming congregation!

Remember to place your order for Fair Trade coffee on the first Sunday of the month (this month it's on January 6th ) !

Coffee will be ready to be picked up on or after the third Sunday of the month (this month, January 20th )

There are many varieties and bean grinds to choose from, including several that are organic!  Contact  Lynn Buffington  at:    (937) 657-0426  or  [email protected]
Y ou can keep up-to-date with all the happenings at MVUUF by viewing the Fellowship's calendar online, from a link to our website  HERE  
The calendar is updated daily, so it's always the place to check and see what's going on!

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We are a liberal religious community that embraces diversity and respects the inherent worth and dignity of every person.  ALL are welcome here, no matter their race, class background, sex, sexual/affectional orientation, gender expression, or ability.


Please visit us on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. for our worship service---

we'd love to see you!