San Francisco Human Rights Commission
Executive Director Sheryl Davis to Address Issue
of Racial Equity in These Times of COVID-19

Thursday, July 2, 2020
8:30 am - 9:30 am

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this extra step to model best practices for holding virtual meetings).

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Everyone, no matter their race, economic, or immigration status, gender, age, or ability, feels the impact of COVID-19 in some way. The global pandemic's breathtaking impact on the well-being and security of our family, friends, neighbors and on our economy, healthcare, social services, and beyond has moved from abstractness to a harsh reality. But people who are already targeted, marginalized, and underserved will feel the pain more than others. For these communities, COVID-19 comes on top of existing economic, health, education, gender and information inequities, as well as state violence that has shaped their everyday lives. Crisis situations such as pandemics, natural disasters, and social flashpoints often amplify racial biases that are deeply rooted in our history. These historically rooted structures, processes, and practices often get in the way of equitable security and opportunity for all. The  San Francisco Interfaith Council  (SFIC) welcomes San Francisco Human Rights Commission Executive Director Sheryl Davis, who will address the issue of racial equity in these times of COVID-19, as the featured presenter at this week's Online Briefing for Faith Leaders.


Michael G. Pappas, M.Div., Executive Director


Kaushik Roy, Chair


Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin, Resident Imam

(Introduction of Guest Presenter and Presentation by
SFIC Executive Director Michael Pappas)

Sheryl E. Davis
Executive Director

Sheryl Evans Davis is Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission . For more than 20 years, during her career as an educator, nonprofit administrator, legislative staffer, and City commissioner, Davis has championed the historically marginalized and underserved. She is the founding director of Mo'MAGIC, a social justice collaborative and program of the Public Defender's Office. Since 2019, Davis has worked to build out an equity framework with San Francisco community stakeholders and city departments, working always to keep collaboration at the center. Davis holds a BA from San Francisco State and an MPA from the University of San Francisco and is a doctoral candidate at USC's Rossier School of Education.

The San Francisco Human Rights Commission (HRC) serves to address the causes of and problems resulting from prejudice, intolerance, bigotry and discrimination. To address the resulting problems of racial disparities, the HRC supports the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Juvenile Justice reform, the Close Juvenile Hall Working Group, the Equity studies task force for San Francisco Unified School District and partners with the Department of Public Health on health challenges, and in close partnership with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development to advance workforce alignment and increase economic opportunities, as well as leading on the Mayor's Opportunities for All initiative.


Michelle L. Myles Chambers, FAITHS Program Officer

Veronica Shepherd, Program Manager
Coordinator of the African American Faith Based Coalition

Dr. Mary J. Wardell-Ghirarduzzi
Vice Provost for Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach


SFIC Executive Director Michael Pappas

The SFIC extends special thanks to the San Francisco Emergency Operations Center's (EOC) Joint Information Center (JIC) for facilitating technology support for this weekly series of Online Briefings for Faith Leaders.

The  San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle