Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Sunset on the Cocheco Mills (
Photo courtesy of Nancy O'Connor
Happy December!
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season. Winter has officially begun (which some people may have been dreading), although after the winter solstice we are gradually getting more and more hours of sunlight! The colder weather does bring some fun activities along with it, though, like ice skating, skiing, and sledding (although we may actually need a little more snow for that!).
In this issue you’ll read about the latest grant announcement from the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) and about funded projects in our region, social media tips for small communities, staff news, public input opportunities with the NH Public Private Partnership Committee and the NH Farm Museum, planning events of interest, SRPC’s strategic planning processes, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
LCHIP Announces 2018 Grant Awardees
Reshare: Social Media for Small Communities
Staff News
Public Input Opportunities
Planning Events of Interest
SRPC Coordinates Strategic Planning Retreat
Community Happenings
Nick Cracknell, principal planner for the City of Portsmouth, presents during the NH Planner's Association Annual Meeting (
SRPC Photo
SNHPC Executive Director Sylvia Von Aulock presents alongside Anne Weisman and Todd Hanson of Access Navigators at the December Commission meeting (
SRPC Photo
Communications and Outreach Planner Shayna Sylvia places "an ornament" on the tree during the December wellness challenge. (
SRPC Photo
LCHIP Announces 2018 Grant Awardees
Gov. Chris Sununu congratulates LCHIP grant award recipients.
(Photo Courtesy of LCHIP)
The Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) recently announced its 2018 grant recipients. LHIP awarded close to $4 million dollars to support 26 historic resource and 16 natural resource projects. Eight of the 42 projects are in the Strafford region:
- Snow Family Conservation Easement in Brookfield (Recipient: Moose Mountains Regional Greenway; Award amount: $ 65,000)
- Lamprey River Shoreline Conservation in Durham (Recipient: The Nature Conservancy; Award amount: $ 50,000).
- Lubberland Creek Conservation Area in Durham (Recipient: The Nature Conservancy; Award amount: $ 70,000).
- First Congregational Church Rehabilitation in Farmington (Recipient: Farmington First Congregational Church; Award amount: $ 70,000).
- Scruton's Dairy Agricultural Easement in Farmington (Recipient: Southeast Land Trust of NH; Award amount: $240,000).
- Milton Free Public Library Belfry (Recipient: Town of Milton; Award Amount: $ 36,357).
- Birch Ridge Community Forest in New Durham (Recipient: Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire; Award amount: $350,000).
- Rochester Opera House Seat Restoration (Recipient: Rochester Opera House Inc.; Award amount: $ 50,000).
Our congratulations to the region’s award recipients for their successful applications! Learn more about a few of the funded projects in
LCHIP’s latest newsletter
Reshare: Social Media for Small Communities
The winter 2018 issue of UNH Technology Transfer Center’s
Road Business features an interesting article about the uses of social media for small communities. The article addresses seven important concepts to consider when using social media to connect and inform citizens. The article also mentions other electronic or digital engagement techniques such as online surveys and includes an anecdote about how this technique was used in Parkville, Missouri.
Miriam Elizabeth Burdin (
Photo Courtesy of James
Congratulations to Our Economic Development Planner
Our own economic development planner, James Burdin, and wife Rachel welcomed a 6 lb. 5 oz. baby girl on Monday, Dec. 10. Miriam Elizabeth Burdin is baby #1 for James and Rachel, and mom and dad are enjoying being new parents. Please join us in congratulating James and Rachel!
Buffett "The Good Boy" Pimental
(Photo Courtesy of Kyle)
Principal Regional Planner Welcomes New Puppy
Kyle Pimental, principal regional planner, also welcomed a new addition to his family, a golden retriever puppy named Buffett. Named after singer Jimmy Buffett (Paws Up!), the 8-week-old pup went home with Kyle and his girlfriend, Megan, on Sunday, Dec. 30. Join us in congratulating Kyle and Megan!
Public Input Opportunities
Dover Bus Terminal
(SRPC Photo)
NH Farm Museum
(Photo Courtesy of NH Farm Museum)
The State of New Hampshire’s Public-Private Partnership (P3) Infrastructure Oversight Commission will hold its second public hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. at the Dover City Hall Auditorium (288 Central Avenue, second floor). The public hearing will provide a forum for comments from the public on the proposed privatization of the Dover & Portsmouth Bus Terminals and on the proposed development of the Spaulding Turnpike Service Area.
Written comments will also be accepted for 30 days following the hearing. They can be sent to the Public-Private Partnership (P3) Infrastructure Oversight Commission, c/o Kathleen Mulcahey-Hampson, 7 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 483, Concord, NH 03302-0483. They can also be
The snow date is Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the same time and place. If the Jan. 9 meeting must be postponed, a notice will be posted on the
P3 Commission website page
Join Kaegen Weeks, the new executive director of the NH Farm Museum (NHFM), for a
strategic planning session at Hotchkiss Commons (the old grange hall, 71 Main Street in Union) on Thursday, Jan. 17, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. and tell NHFM:
- What you love about the NHFM.
- What the NHFM can do so visitors keep enjoying the NHFM experience.
- What would help the NHFM grow while ensuring the preservation and promotion of New Hampshire’s agricultural heritage.
“We have so many things we are excited for but want those that love the NHFM to start things off with providing input as we find the nexus between want, the abilities of those doing, and the wonderful assets we have,” Weeks said.
This event will be the first step in a process of working with the board of trustees to develop the NHFM’s long-range strategic plan.
Planning Events of Interest
NH Municipal Association 2019 Legislative Preview Webinar
Jan. 9, 2018
The NH Municipal Association will hold its
2019 legislative preview webinar on Wednesday, Jan. 9, from noon – 1p.m. The event will be led by government affairs counsel Cordell Johnston and government finance advisor Barbara Reid. The webinar is open to NHMA members and is of interest to all municipal officials and employees. It will include:
- A preview of legislation filed.
- An outline of the messages legislators need to hear from you.
- Recommendations of grassroots actions to allow the municipal voice to be heard.
Twelfth Annual Lamprey River Symposium
Jan. 17, 2018
The annual Lamprey River Symposium will be held on Thursday, Jan. 17, in James Hall on the University of New Hampshire (UNH) campus. Registration is free, but parking costs $1.50/hour for anyone who does not have a UNH parking permit. The Symposium is an opportunity for researchers to share data and insights and to develop new research initiatives.
SRPC principal regional planner Kyle Pimental will present at the Symposium, along with colleagues from UNH, UNH Cooperative Extension, Rockingham Planning Commission, and Geosyntec. Their series of short presentations (approximately 10 minutes each) will describe different elements of research and outreach on the impacts of current and future freshwater flooding in the Lamprey River watershed. The presentations will focus on the application of iterative steps aimed at helping communities improve their resilience to flooding, including physical research, social science, and engagement with local decision makers. They will be followed by a facilitated discussion between the audience and the presenters on how to make research more relevant to local decisions makers (external partners).
More information will be available
online closer to the meeting date.
SRPC Continues Coordination for Strategic Planning Retreat
Beginning in late 2018, Executive Director Jen Czysz and the SRPC Executive Committee began the process of strategic planning for the organization. To kick-off this process, three versions of a survey were created: one for the professional staff, one for the commissioners, and one for stakeholders. Members of each group were asked to define—in their own words—SRPC’s mission, current programs, organizational strengths and weakness, areas or opportunities for expansion, and perceptions of the organization.
Staff participation in the survey was 100 percent. Ten commissioners responded to their survey, while 26 of SRPC’s partners responded to theirs. The results, which are currently being compiled, will be the basis of a strategic planning retreat in February, along with an assessment of where the organization is relative to implementing the 2015 Regional Master Plan,
Local Solutions for the Strafford region
Stay tuned for more information.
East Coast Snocross Round 1 & 2
Saturday, Jan.12, and
Sunday, Jan. 13
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Rochester Fairgrounds, Rochester
The 2019 East Coast Snocross (ECS) eight-race series will kick off at the Rochester Fairgrounds on Saturday, Jan. 12. Rounds 1 and 2 of the series will be presented by Rochester Motorsports.
Admission is $12/day or $20 for both days (children 7 and under are free). Spectator gates open at 10 a.m. Classes with be available on Saturday and Sunday for those interested in trying Snocross themselves!
Community Archery Clinic
Tuesday, Jan.15, 22, 29, and Feb. 5
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Oyster River High School, Durham
Join the New England School of Archery, hosted by the Town of Durham, in a four-week clinic devoted to archery safety, proper shooting form and precision, and enhancing participants’ skills. Archers of all skill levels are welcome, but the must be at least 8 years of age. Instruction and equipment will be provided to Durham residents for a $75 fee and to non-residents for a fee of $85. Space is limited and enrollment ends Jan. 13. The classes will meet from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. every Tuesday from Jan. 15 to Feb. 5 at Oyster River High School.
The Second Annual Dover Bonfire
Saturday, Jan. 26
4 – 9 p.m.
Tendercrop Farm at
the Red Barn, Dover
Tendercrop Farm and co-host Dover Baseball invite you to the second annual Dover Bonfire on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 4 – 9 p.m. to celebrate the city’s heritage as the seventh settlement in the New World!
There will be marshmallow roasting, hot beverages, farm-style B.B.Q. food, a D.J., and
spirits for the 21-plus set!
Old Christmas trees may be donated for fuel at 123 Dover Point Rd., Dover, up until Jan.25.
Admission is $5 per person; children 6 and under are free.