Dear Patient of The Ommani Center,

I am sending you this letter to inform you of some changes that are underway at The Ommani Center.  Early this Fall I became aware that Health Care mandates that begin on January 1, 2019 will make it nearly impossible for private practitioners in Primary Care to survive independently.  I had a difficult decision to make between closing The Ommani Center next year or going out of network to stay open and continue to provide the state of the art Integrative and Internal Medicine care that I have provided for the past 30 years, nearly 18 at The Ommani Center.  

As you all know our insurance system continues to financially squeeze patients and primary care physicians.  Their profit margin has relied on this practice for decades. More physicians are going out of network with their services and on January 1, 2019, an unprecedented number will leave most insurance plans.  

After reviewing the charges for office visits in our area by both out of network physicians and alternative practitioners, I have arrived at a lower price point for my patients who I am committed to continuing to serve.  

I will be out of network for all insurance plans starting on January 1, 2019.  I will be able to accept payment by Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Savings Accounts, as well as direct pay.   For those of you who have out of network benefits, I would be happy to provide a diagnostic code for your office visit so you can submit your invoice and receive reimbursement for your office visit.  

With most of my patients seeing me face to face approximately three times per year, this would be affordable by most.  

In this manner, I can continue to provide excellent and heart felt care to my beloved patients and with your continued support, keep The Ommani Center open.

I/we are committed to serving our community with integrity to keep the Soul of Medicine alive in these changing times.

Please consider referring your friends and family for individualized, integrative and humanistic medical care that is state of the art and evidence based.  

As I have developed an evidence based protocol for bio-identical hormone balance that is time tested on tens of thousands of patients, I am excited to present this to a larger community of midlife men and women as a focus that The Ommani Center excels in.

My dream is to have The Ommani Center be the model for the future of health care.  We are already a learning center for conscious and healthy lifestyle where health, vitality and disease reversal is the norm.

I thank you for your continued love and support.


Dr. Rose Kumar M.D.

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