How can we put this delicately and positively?
The people of St. Martin's are generous with their time, their finances, and offering the volunteer services they do. We have so much for which to be grateful. We are so committed to the ministry we share. We love this church so much.
But your Vestry has to be honest with you - we are running a significant financial deficit.
As of last night's Vestry meeting the report was that we are $20,000 short of our budget, which does not have wiggle room.
We are not a parish with an endowment or other major income streams. We depend on our member's gifts. WE DEPEND ON YOU! If your pledge is not up to date, could you please do that now? But even if everyone fulfilled their pledge, we wold still not be meeting our budget for 2020.
Right now it will take approximately $300 per household in addition to people's regular pledges for us to break even. We realize that in these times some of you may be out of work, struggling in other ways, dealing with already tight finances. But if you are among those who can right now, it would really help to have a mid-year additional gift to St. Martin's. As we move into calling a new rector, we want everything here to be in as healthy of shape as it can be. Please do as you are able. And thank you!