October 16, 2018
Chapel is at
Immanuel tomorrow.

Our first quarter chapel offering is designated for the feeding program of Malawi Orphan Care Project, Inc., in south eastern Africa. This little country is the 8th poorest country in the world (less than $1.90/day). When Ms. Bartee and Miss Jessie went on a mission trip there in 2014, 200 kids were coming to the project for a meal four days a week. Now, in 2018, 800 orphans come to the meeting place six days per week. The need continues. They are struggling to keep operating. ONE meal for ONE child costs 50 cents…. Every little bit helps. Ms. Bartee and Miss Jessie know these people personally. MOCP is based out of Mansfield, Ohio and has a relationship that gets the money directly to the feeding program.

So far we have raised $701.76. Let's see how many meals we can provide!
17 - Chapel at Immanuel
18 - PTL Meeting at Immanuel, 6:30pm
19 - Last outdoor gym class
21 - Germanfest - Immanuel
21 - K-2 sing at Immanuel, 10:00am
25 - No hot lunch available:
Cold lunch day
25 - Fall Festival; Chapel at Immanuel 10:30am
25 - End of 1st Quarter
28 - Installation of ECC Director, 8:00 am at St. Peter's
29 - Rocket Review articles due
31 - Chapel at St. Peter's
This Week's Birthdays:
Oct 17 - Ella Nass
Oct 18 - Helena Cahoon
Oct 23 - Josey Long
Sing Sunday Reminder
Kindergarten - Grade 2 Sings 10/21 at Immanuel at 10:00am for Germanfest!

Reminder -- Kindergarten - Grade 2 will sing Sunday, October 21 at Immanuel at the 10:00 am service for Germanfest service. We will meet at 9:45 am in the basement.. Please save a seat for your child in the pew. Remember to dress nice. (No jeans, sweatshirts, sweats....) Sharing our voices in worship is one way we can thank our congregations for supporting Lebanon Lutheran School. I'm looking forward to sharing music with the people at Germanfest! See you then!

Mrs. Kathy Fortlage, Music Teacher
Installation of New ECC Director
Please join us in welcoming our new Director of the Early Childhood Center, Shola Fohr. Her installation will take place on October 28th at 8:00 am at St. Peter's. All are welcome!

Principal - Julia Wackt

Administrative Assistant - Lynn Block
Immanuel Campus - Main Office
(920) 925-3791

St. Peter's Campus
(920) 925-3525

Day Care and Early Childhood Center
(920) 925-3040

ECC Director - Shola Fohr