SEA Blue Shirts, Sweatshirts, Masks and Hats Available,
But Only Until August 26 - So Act Now!
Make sure you and your team are all decked out in the latest SEA Blue gear from our new online clothing store. These fancy duds have everything you will need to make your SEA Blue participation pop at the virtual event on September 13th! Walk the streets with your team while strangers come up and ask you what you are up to (giving you a good opportunity to spread awareness). Throw a SEA Blue watch party amongst friends and loved ones in an explosion of matching blue everything, while we entertain and inform you online. Can’t join us on Sept 13? – these high-end fashions are built for the long haul, so you can still participate by helping us spread the word well after the event is over. And a portion of all sales will go to the SEA Blue campaign to help Us TOO offer support, education, advocacy, and awareness at no cost to those affected by prostate cancer.

Do good. Look good. Feel good.

CLICK HERE to visit the store!

The online store will be closing on 8/26 and items will ship by 8/31 so you will have them in time to wear for your family walk, run or LIVE Webcast viewing party on Sunday, September 13! (Note: The store will reopen at a later time, post event).

SEA Blue is a celebration of life, of those who have risen to the challenge to fight prostate cancer, of the lives that have been lost to the disease, and of the people we will help to combat it in the future through Support, Education, Advocacy, and Awareness (the SEA in SEA Blue).
Us TOO International and UroPartners Present: 
The SEA Blue 2020
National, Virtual
Prostate Cancer
Walk, Run, and More!

Sunday, September 13, 2020
10:00am – 12:00pm Central 
Virtual Stream for Viewing and Interactive Participation Anywhere

(If you need a suggestion,
how about $30 for the 30th anniversary of Us TOO!?
More if you can, less if you can't)

Register or Donate at
Relive some great memories from SEA Blue...
CLICK HERE to see photos from last year's event.
CLICK HERE to watch the SEA Blue video.

Thank you for your support!
Thank You to Our SEA Blue Sponsors:
