Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 118 - July and August 2018


We survived tornado warnings and sprinkles to end up with a beautiful wedding and reception for my oldest son Nathan and his wife! My husband knows it was his prayers that held off the bad weather because there were storm clouds to the left and right, but sun where we were! I can't wait to get the official wedding photos because I was too excited to take any of my own! I was so excited I forgot to do last month's newsletter! I hope you had a great summer and splash into a fabulous new school year, Debbie
A great way to start the new school year! Mermaid Tales #1-2 Flip book is available August 14th. Book one, Trouble at Trident Academy, is a first day of school book and a study of krill. Book two, Battle of the Best Friends, is a birthday book where friends work together to solve a problem (my favorite theme!) Hope you enjoy it and these other back-to-school books.
Favorite social media pictures from July:
Favorite social media pictures from August:
The joy of reading a new book-I love it! Fairy Chase came out in June and I hope you and your mermaid/fairy fan will enjoy it. Gail Nall gave a lovely review of it at Kidliterati. Here's my favorite line: Fairy Chase is especially poignant because it touches, ever so lightly, on the loss of a parent, and it shows kids how to be empathetic to others' experiences. 
     Here's the link to a Reading with Your Kids' podcast. My interview starts at about 3:23 minutes. We discuss diversity in books, along with a bit about my publishing history and my new book. 
     I have a teaching unit to go with Fairy Chase. This book features a study of diving birds. I found them quite interesting and hope you do as well. If you're into games, check out this scavenger hunt for a good time. Here's the trailer for Fairy Chase. If you want to challenge your students this school year, make a trailer for my summer 2019 book about narwhals. The winner will receive a set of the new book for their classroom. If interested, contact me and I'll provide you with images as they become available. Best, Debbie 
 Contact Debbie Dadey