An Update From State Representative Paul Schmid

Veteran Pens Newest Book
An absolute honor to a constituent and fellow Sevice-man Dan Leblanc of Freetown for his book about his service.

Dan is a wonderful example of what service means to so many and I’m proud to be a supporter of his book.

if you would like a copy message him on Facebook or wait for Amazon to restock!

Governor Baker Announces Phase Two Process

While we continue to move forward in a safe and careful approach, Governor Baker has announced his plans for the next phase of reopening Massachusetts.

In Phase Two, more businesses are able to reopen including restaurants that can indoor and outdoor seat, salons, and other amenities throughout the state.

For a detailed list of Phase Two please follow the link below for more information.

Restaurants Reopening in Freetown and New Bedford

While COVID-19 may be still around, we are beginning to safely reopen our local economy and one thing Freetown and New Bedford better than anywhere in the Commonwealth is restaurants!

Several restaurants are reopening for outdoor dining and my team and I would like to pass along some of our favorites.

Some places will be open for outdoor dining while others will still only remain takeout only. Each will be denoted below.

Links to each location are available so take a look at the menus and bon Appétit!

Takeout Only
Everybody’s Pizza
Sassaquin Pizza
Nephews Bar and Grill
USA Breakfast and Lunch
Jade Garden
Yings Dynasty
Outdoor Dining
Pub 6T5 with Owner Rick Trapilo!
Airport Grille with Owner Dave Slutz!
Little Phoenix
Symposium with Owner Kostas Avramides!
While my team and I will likely be working remotely, we are always available via phone or email

     Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office, either at the State House (617)722-2017, or my District Office at (508) 567-5675, or by  email at .  


Paul Schmid
State Representative, 8th Bristol
Westport, Freetown, Fall River, New Bedford