Message from the IFNA President
| | Dr. Catherine (Kit) Chesla, USA
As the President of the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA), I'm happy to share my thoughts with the readership of the IFNA December 2014 Newsletter. If you are an IFNA member, I hope you recognize yourself in my description. If you are not a member, I invite you to join us! At base, volunteerism is what holds IFNA together and makes it successful. Small and large voluntary efforts enable IFNA to address its mission of transforming health for families worldwide. As I look over the accomplishments of IFNA since it began in 2009 and at all of the International Family Nursing Conferences held since 1988, I am awestruck at the strength and generosity that resides within the ranks of family nurses. A vast amount of work is completed every month by individual members and small groups in order to fulfill the mission of IFNA. [Read more].
FAMILY NURSING PRACTICE NEWS | | The IFNA Family Nursing Practice Committee has developed an IFNA Position Statement on Generalist Competencies for Family Nursing Practice. Please review this draft document and send your feedback to Kathryn Anderson, USA, Co-chair of the IFNA Practice Committee. Please send your feedback to khanderson@georgiasouthern.edu by January 30, 2015.
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The IFNA Family Nursing Research Committee has created three new workgroups. In November 2014, 14 family nurse researchers from 8 countries met. Potential areas for future work include: measure development and testing (including an international family functioning measure), family management and health outcomes, telehealth, multiculturalism and its influence on family health and family nursing, and family resilience in the face of severe illness or injury. [Read more]
For more IFNA Research News [Read more].
12th International Family Nursing Conference | |
The 12th International Family Nursing Conference, sponsored by IFNA, will be held in Odense, Denmark, August 18-21, 2015. IFNA member response to the Call for Abstracts has been nothing short of tremendous and a credit to your advocacy for family nursing practice, teaching, and research: 514 abstracts were received from 36 countries. The Conference Planning Committee would like to thank the IFNA community including the Research Committee (and co-chairs Helene Moriarty, USA and June Horowitz, USA) for their untiring work encouraging submission of abstracts and recruiting reviewers. We would also like to highlight the work of the Country Liaison subgroup formed within the Conference Planning Committee for all their efforts in recruiting abstracts for this conference. Wendy Looman, USA, originated the Country Liaison role for the 11th International Family Nursing Conference. For the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in 2015, we significantly expanded the scope and activities of this group with the leadership of Jane Lassetter, USA, Veronica Swallow, United Kingdom, and Regina Bousso, Brazil. Both the Research Committee and the Country Liaison group conducted Webinars. First, the Country Liaison Group held a Webinar to orient and recruit Webinar to orient and recruit Country Liaisons and second, the Research Committee held a Webinar on how to write a winning abstract. Last but not least, we would like to thank Debbie Zaparoni at IFNA's headquarters who has the competency as well as the heart to manage such a grass roots undertaking. [Read more]
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Recent family/family nursing publications by IFNA Members: Baumbusch, J., & Phinney, A. (2014). Invisible hands: The role of highly involved families in long-term residential care. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(1) 73-79. doi:10.1177/1074840713507777
Doshi, K., Kazak, A. E., Hocking, M. C., Derosa, B. W., Schwartz, L. A., Hobbie, W. L...Deatrick, J. (2014). Why mothers accompany adolescent and young adult childhood cancer survivors to follow-up clinic visits. Journal of Pediatric Oncology, 31(1), 51-57. doi: 10.1177/1043454213518111
LeGrow, K., Hodnett, E., Stremier, R., & Cohen, E. (2014). Evaluating the feasibility of a parent-briefing intervention in a pediatric acute care setting. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19(3), 219-228. doi: 10.1111/jspn.12073
Leikkola, P., Helminen, M., Paavilanen, E., & �sted-Kurki, P. (2014). Staff support for back surgical patients and family members: Does it improve coping at home? Orthopaedic Nursing, 33(6), 352-358. doi: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000099
�stergaard, B., & Wagner, L. (2014). The development of family nursing in Denmark: Current status and future perspectives. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(4), 487-500. doi: 10.1177/1074840714557780
Svavarsdottir, E. K., Sigurdardottir, A. O., Konradsdottir, E., Stefansdottir, A., Sveinbjarnardottir, E. K., Ketilsdottir, A.,...Gu�mundsdottir, H. (2014). The process of translating family nursing knowledge into clinical practice. Advance online publication. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12108