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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         July, 2015
In This Issue
Spain IFNC13
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
12th International Family Nursing Conference
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Spain will host the 13th International Family Nursing Conference in 2017

The University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain was recently chosen by the IFNA Board of Directors to be the host site of the  

13th International Family Nursing Conference in 2017.  


Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar developed the successful Request for Proposal for the University of Navarra to serve as the host site.  The conference will be the third official meeting sponsored by IFNA. 


Dr. Sharon Denham USA, Dr. Marcia Van Riper, USA, and Dr. Kathryn Anderson, USA shared their family nursing expertise in the recent doctoral intensive education week at the Georgia Southern University. [Read more]  

All IFNA members are invited to attend the open meeting of the IFNA Family Nursing Practice Committee at IFNC12 in Denmark on August 20 from 13:00 - 14:30 during Lunch.
For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].
The IFNA Family Nursing Education Committee will hold an open Committee meeting at IFNC12 in Denmark on Thursday, August 20 from 13:00 -14:30. All IFNA members interested in family nursing education are welcome!


For more IFNA Education News [Read more].

The 12th International Family Nursing Conference is one month away!  Please join the IFNA Family Nursing Research Committee meeting in Denmark on Wednesday, August 19th from 16:30 to 18:00.  You will learn more about our exciting committee activities, such as dissemination of international research news, development of the Research Resources section of the IFNA website, and abstract coordination for conferences.  In addition, you will hear about our very active subcommittee that has already created opportunities for international research collaboration.   All are invited to take part in these activities as well as to raise ideas for new initiatives over the next year.  Your input and participation are critical to the continued development of the IFNA Research Committee.
For more IFNA Research News [Read more]
12th International Family Nursing Conference

The 12th International Family Nursing Conference, sponsored by IFNA, will be held in Odense, Denmark,
August 18-21, 2015.
The Conference Planning Committee is putting the final touches on our Program and have a variety of opportunities to learn more about Family Nursing. Special Sessions that feature groundbreaking areas of family nursing are just one exciting addition to our Conference this year. We will feature sessions related to practice, research, and theory.

Practice-Family Engagement and Empowerment
Sharon Denham, Texas Women's University, Moving to a Culture of Health

Laurie Gottlieb, McGill University, The Essentials of Strengths-Based Nursing: A Key to Family-Focused Health Care

Lindsay Smith, University of Tasmania, Empowering Family Strengths through Strengths-Based Nursing Practice

Research-Innovative Family Research Methods
Cynthia Danford, University of Pittsburgh, Visualizing Patient Issues in Context: Guiding Comprehensive Family-Focused Health Care Through Use of Event History Calendars (EHCs)

Suzanne Goopy, University of Calgary, The Family Performs: Using  Visual Methods to Understand and Represent the Cultural, Social, and Health Practices of Others

Sonja Meiers, Winona State University, Family-Focused Motivational Interviewing for Family Health behavior Change: Supporting Health Promotion in at- Risk Families

Theory-Emergent Theoretical Perspectives
Karen LeGrow, Ryerson University. The Significance of Place! Examining Family-Nurse Relational Practices for Children with Complex Health Care Needs in a Variety of Health Care Settings

Lorraine Venturato, University of Calgary. The 50 Real Shades of Grey: Reconceptualising "Age" in Contemporary Health Care Discourse

Check the IFNA websites for the Conference Brochure  and other Conference updates. We look forward to seeing everyone in Denmark.

Have you checked out the IFNA Guidebook?  It is loaded with helpful information and links to travel tips, Twitter, LinkedIn, pre-conferences, keynote speakers, country liaisons, etc. If you have questions about Guidebook, you can watch the webinar and video demonstrations on the IFNA website. 


Current IFNA membership: 461 members from 35 countries.  


The IFNA Communications Committee invites to you share your innovative family nursing ideas and knowledge through the creation of family nursing YouTube videos at IFNC12 in Denmark. These will be posted on the IFNA YouTube channel. Guidelines for participating in the creation of a family nursing video at IFNC12 will be provided by the IFNA Communications Committee in the very near future.  

Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12