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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                   October, 2015
In This Issue
Social Media and Family Nursing
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
13th International Family Nursing Conference
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Social Media and Family Nursing

How is social media enhancing and extending your family nursing scholarship and networking?

A recent blog post written by IFNA member, Dr. Wendy Looman (USA), documents her experience with Twitter. 

The Journal of Family Nursing is seeking papers about the use of social media in family nursing. Deadline: January 15, 2016.  Social media provides unprecedented opportunities to unite communities of practice who are advancing knowledge about family nursing practice, education, and research. Manuscripts that focus on how social media enhances and extends family nursing scholarship and networking are welcome. In addition, papers which focus on specific application of social media for transforming health for families are solicited. [Read more]

Dr. Rie Wakimizu (Japan) focuses on family empowerment  intervention and research with child-rearing families which emphasizes family functioning, family cohesion, and family resources. Dr. Wakimizu is also a certified facilitator by The Triple P International (Positive Parenting Program) and has examined the usefulness of The Triple P interventions in her research. [Read more]

Dr. Laurie Gottlieb (Canada), recently launched the  International Institute of Strengths-Based Nursing and Health Care dedicated to educating, training and researching Strengths-Based Nursing to bring about a sea change in attitudes, behavior, and culture that will create a comprehensive, compassionate, and caring health care system. See the Institute website for more information about the programs under development and upcoming events. [Read more] 

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more]
Dr. Lindsay Smith (Australia) has developed a video for the  
IFNA YouTube Channel about the "Development of the Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment". This video is based on a Special Session: Family Engagement and Empowerment Dr. Smith presented at the recent 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Denmark.

For more IFNA Education News [Read more].
Dr. Na ncy Moules (Canada) was recently awarded a $1  million dollar research chair, The Kids Cancer Care Foundation Chair in Child and Family Cancer Care, to study the relational effects of childhood cancer. [Read more].

For more IFNA Research News [Read more].
13th International Family Nursing Conference
The next official meeting of the IFNA will be the IFNC13 which will be held in Pamplona, Spain. What an exciting place to visit! You might want to tack on a few extra days before or after the conference to explore. Pamplona is an important stop along a medieval-era pilgrimage route and home of several Gothic cathedrals. Another attraction we can hardly wait to visit is Parque Natural Urbasa Andia. The online photos of the park look breathtaking and the hikes sound amazing. Plan to join us in Spain!
Current IFNA Membership is 456 from 32 Countries. 

Family Conferences:  A list of future family conferences is maintained on the IFNA website. [Read more]
Please submit conference information to Debbie Zaparoni

Family Organizations: A list of family/family nursing organizations is maintained on the IFNA website. [Read more]
Please submit new information to Debbie Zaparoni.

IFNA has developed two Position Statements for generalist family nursing practice and for family nursing education of pre-licensure students. Please use and share these IFNA Position Statements by sending this URL link to nursing education and nursing practice leaders in your geographic area.

Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12, #IFNC13