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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                             January, 2016 
In This Issue
IFNA Position Statements - Dissemination Plan
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Dissemination Plan Launched for IFNA Position Statements

verb: spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely.

The IFNA Board of Directors recently approved a plan to encourage all IFNA members and Standing Committees to strategically share the two online IFNA Position Statements  about family nursing practice and education with nurse leaders and health care organizations in your geographic area and around the world. [Read more]
This matters:  This is the first time that the field of family nursing has developed Position Statements for family nursing practice and education. Please use your influence and contacts to spread the news about the existence of these unprecedented documents. Translations are available in several languages and more translations are being developed. All IFNA Position Statement documents and translations have a URL address.  

IFNA needs your leadership: Who will you email, text, tweet, or send a message to via Facebook or LinkedIn today, this week, and this month to help the IFNA Position Statements go viral?  
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Dr. Marie Louise Luttik (Netherlands) is a senior member of a research group at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen who was recently awarded funds to begin a collaboration between care-, research- and educational institutions, called an Innovation Lab in Family Care. The objective of this lab is to develop and promote family nursing in the Netherlands by implementing and testing a structured family nursing intervention called the Family Health Conversations (FamHC) Intervention, developed by Drs. Eva Benzein and Britt-Inger Saveman in Sweden. [Read more]
For more IFNA Practice News [Read more]
A free IFNA webinar, sponsored by the IFNA Education Committee on January 29, 2016, will focus on Curriculum Evaluation using the IFNA Position Statement on Generalist Competencies for Family Nursing Practice.  The webinar will be lead by Dr. Donna Curry (USA) and her colleagues from Wright State University who have created a survey instrument to evaluate generalist family nursing competencies in nursing curricula.  Free access will continue to be available to IFNA members after the webinar is offered.[Read more]

For more IFNA Education News [Read more].
Dr. Karen LeGrow (Canada) is engaged in a program of research that examines the specific mechanisms by which "place" affects health and how it influences many variables related to caring for children with complex health care needs across the continuum of care. She currently serves on the IFNA Nominating Committee.
[Read More]

Dr. Junko Honda (Japan) was recently selected and funded by Kobe University to travel abroad as a long-term young research scholar. In January 2016, Dr. Honda began a 6 month term as a Visiting International Scholar at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA where she is working with Dr. Kathleen Knafl (USA) on the mixed methods Family Synthesis Project and with Dr. Marcia Van Riper.
[Read more]

For more IFNA Research News [Read more].
IFNA United Kingdom-Ireland Family Nursing Group 
After a productive meeting of the 21 IFNA members from the United Kingdom and Ireland at the IFNC12 in Denmark, it was agreed to establish an IFNA UK-Ireland Family Nursing Group. Veronica Swallow (United Kingdom) and Sarah Kendal (United Kingdom) are the co-leaders. Initial discussions focused on shared research and education interests related to family nursing. [Read more]


Current IFNA Membership is 449 from 34 Countries.

Save the date for the 13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13) in June 14-17, 2017 in Spain.  

Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12, #IFNC13