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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                   September, 2015
In This Issue
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
13th International Family Nursing Conference
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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12th International Family Nursing Conference: Country Count

458 participants from 31 countries attended the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Denmark August 18 - 21, 2015.

Country Count:
Japan 115
Iceland 5
USA 93
Norway 4
Denmark 35
Germany 3
Canada 25
Korea, Republic of 3
Sweden 22
Mexico 2
Finland 20
Poland 2
United Kingdom 20
Slovenia 2
Taiwan 18
Colombia 1
Thailand 18
Dominica 1
Switzerland 13
Estonia 1
Turkey 11
Ireland 1
Australia 9
New Zealand 1
Brazil 9
South Africa 1
Netherlands 9
Spain 1
Portugal 7
United Arab Emirates 1
Austria 5

Conference Photo Gallery
A Photo Gallery from the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Denmark is in the process of being created. If you have conference photos you wish to share, please send the photo(s) in the highest resolution to Debbie Zaparoni in the IFNA Office and include a description of the photo and names of the people in the photo.

Dr. Lorraine Wright (Canada) and Dr. Janice Bell (Canada) offered the first-ever International Family Nursing Conference live clinical demonstration of advanced family nursing practice in Denmark.  A blog post offers the clinicians' reflections [Read more].

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more]
Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar (Spain) has documented her research in a new video that examines the outcomes of a family nursing educational intervention directed to practicing nurses using the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models.

The IFNA video project is designed to feature the family nursing work and ideas of IFNA members on the IFNA YouTube channel. There is still time for all IFNA members to get involved in this project. [Read more]
For more IFNA Education News [Read more].
In an open meeting of the IFNA Research Committee on August 19, 2015 during the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Odense, Denmark, 38 attendees engaged in lively discussion to shape the committee's initiatives for the coming year.  Learn about these initiatives and how to get involved [Read more].

Dr. Veronica Swallow (United Kingdom), Associate Professor in the School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, is Chief Investigator on the recently completed  Online Parent Information and Support (OPIS) study, funded by a Research for Patient Benefit Grant from the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).  [Read more].

For more IFNA Research News [Read more].
13th International Family Nursing Conference
Do you long for an opportunity to attend a family nursing conference in exotic Spain? If so, your chance is just around the corner at the next International Family Nursing Association Conference, which will be held in Pamplona, Spain June 2017. We hope to see you there!
Eight individuals from 6 countries were honored for their contributions to family nursing with a 2015 IFNA Award at the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in Denmark.   Congratulations to all of the first-ever 2015 IFNA award recipients. [Read more] 

IFNA 2015 Award Recipients with Dr. Kit Chesla, IFNA President 

IFNA has developed two Position Statements for generalist family nursing practice and for family nursing education of pre-licensure students. Please use and share these IFNA Position Statements by sending this URL link
to nursing education and nursing practice leaders in your geographic area.

Current IFNA Membership is 461 from 32 Countries.

Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12, #IFNC13