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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                 April, 2014
In This Issue
IFNA Communications Survey 2014
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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IFNA Communications Survey 2014
Thank you for your participation in the IFNA Communications Survey 2014. The response rate was 35%. Key findings: IFNA members prefer IFNA information and reminders to be sent to email inbox and would prioritize information related to conferences, research, practice, education, family interventions, webinars, and new publications.  Ease of finding information on IFNA website rated as "easy" or "average" by 85% of respondents; IFNA website exceeds or meets expectations by majority of respondents. Only 50% of the respondents have developed an IFNA Member Profile.

IFNA Communications Survey 2014: Brief summary [read more].
Dr. Eva Benzein, Linnaeus University, Sweden, develops Center for Collaborative Palliative Care.
Dr. Eva Benzein, received a multi-million dollar award (2012-2017) from the Kamprad Family Foundation to establish a Center for Collaborative Palliative Care with an emphasis on family-focused care.[read more]

For more IFNA Practice News [read more]
IFNA Members offered a discount for Summer Institute
June 16 - 19, 2014

Family Research: Conceptual and Methodological Issues

This institute addresses the unique conceptual and methodological challenges of family research, with particular attention paid to innovative strategies for treating the family as the unit of study. Drs. Kathleen Knafl and Marcia Van Riper, Chapel Hill, North Carolina USA are nationally renowned leaders in family research with extensive expertise in a wide array of family frameworks and methods. They have experience in studying families facing varied health care challenges, and they have a successful record of obtaining funding for family research. Dr. Margherite Matteis is an Associate Professor at Regis College in Weston, Massachusetts, USA. Her specialty is psychiatric nursing and family therapy relationships.  In this IFNA education video, she focuses on how to integrate Internet resources to help graduate students 'think family'.

For more IFNA Education News [read more]
IFNA Research Survey 2013: Findings - Part A

In the Fall of 2013, the IFNA Research Committee distributed a survey via e-mail to 400 persons on the IFNA membership list or on the IFNA listserv, asking them to complete a survey that would guide the IFNA website development and webinar offerings. [read more]

Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Safety and Quality
"Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Safety and Quality" developed by US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is now available. [read more]

For more IFNA Research News [read more]
Lindsay Smith, PhD, RN, Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, University of Tasmania, Australia  teaches child, family, and community nursing in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing degrees through translating Australian research findings into clinical guides and teaching strategies. His passion is to understand how family strengths can be applied in nursing care of children, young people, and families in the Australian context. Lindsay has recently been appointed the Tasmanian convenor for the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY) an Australian peak advocacy group for child & youth wellbeing.
Generous sharing of news about each other's work and ideas
will increase the connections within
our global IFNA family nursing community.