Making a Positive Difference!
Because an anonymous friend of this parish has made two substantial gifts to St. Martin's during this time of pandemic, other people's lives are being helped in crucial ways!
First, a grant of more than $5,000 was made to St. Martin's School this month to help defray their rent. The school has stayed open throughout this ordeal, but at times having as few as three students, who were all the children of essential workers. More children have come back, but the school is still far from full capacity. Still the teachers need to be paid, and there are additional costs for extra cleaning. Everyone is working very hard, but all this would not be possible were it not for the assistance that literally helps keep the doors open and welcoming.
Another major portion of the gift, $4,000 was given to SHIP in Somerville, which assists the homeless and poor in our area. The need for more of everything SHIP offers has escalated to never before experienced levels.
Ficzko writes:
SHIP wishes to thank all the parishioners at St. Martin’s who donated over a dozen casseroles this week. They were appreciative of the work St. Martin’s does to aid in the feeding of the homeless and unemployed. The Outreach Committee thanks all who helped with this project.
St. Martin's has always been generous, but in these challenging days we realize just how important it is to offer each other a helping hand. So thank you to everyone. We each have our way to help and make this a better world.