Off the Pres at FPC | E- ! nfo Letter | October 3o, 2019
Events and Announcements in the Church and in the Community
For the Week Coming Up
And Dedication Sunday is Almost Here

"Last Sunday, we kicked off our stewardship season by talking about the generosity of our Church, which has left us in much better financial standing than we had predicted, and the amazing missions our Church supports! Now is the time for God to hear from you - what has the Lord placed on your heart to give this year to support our shared mission to know Jesus, live in the Spirit, and join in the Father’s Work? "

So began the letter from the Finance and Stewardship Team which most of you received this week. And we heard this from Pastor Beau the week before:

"I’d ask that you’d prayerfully consider what you might give to First Presbyterian Church this year. As we think of all that we’re grateful for, and all we could express gratitude for, I want to express my personal gratitude for this church family and your generosity! You all make the life and mission of this church happen with your time, talent, and resources. It’s exciting to lead such a generous and thoughtful church. May God bless you with even more reasons to be grateful as you give!"

Let's state the obvious: GENEROSITY is a huge part of First Presbyterian Church Durango. And now, at least for the time being, we'll have the chance to demonstrate that through

  • Bringing our Pledge Cards to church (or mailing them to us) in about a week
  • Listening to the various Teams of the Session tell about the work they are doing in the Moment For Mission during the Sunday service
  • Praying for our members and various education and mission projects and the community that surrounds us here in Durango
  • Challenging each other to be Grateful, Thankful, Blessed—Growing in a Life of Gratitude, which is the theme of our new sermon series on Gratitude

Let this season fill our hearts with joy, gratitude and hope as we approach the upcoming year.

Here at First Pres the full schedule of all that's going on can seem daunting at times. That's why we ask that, instead of trying to absorb this week's activities at a single glance, you sit down with your calendar and this email and plug in those things that interest you at your own pace.  

Many Blessings!

Light Up the Night Tomorrow - Halloween Night

Bring all your children and friends, all your ghosts and goblins starting at 4 for our memorable annual event. If you haven't seen the Spook House decorations in Westminster Hall get ready to BE SCARED! You are welcome to help make "Light Up The Night" a fun and smooth-running experience for the hundreds of kids that visit us by coming to help! Come at 3:30pm for set up and/or take a shift handing out treats between 4:00 and 7:30pm. The more people we involve the spookier the event will be! Thanks in advance. BOO!

Let's Celebrate!
Pastor Beau's Appreciation Reception
Sunday, Nov. 3 during coffee hour

  • Each family is asked to bring a finger food appetizer to share. Outreach and Fellowship will be supplying the cake.
  • Bring your note of gratitude and encouragement. We are not doing a group gift, but you can include a token of appreciation with your card or may do anything extra on your own. Remember they will be traveling this summer.
  • We are so honored to have Pastor Beau and his beautiful family at First Presbyterian Church Durango!

This Week is Food Bank Sunday—November 3

Let’s feed the hungry as we feed our souls at the Communion Table!

 If you don’t have food to donate you can still participate by writing a check to :
 First Presbyterian Church with " Food Bank " in the memo line.
Cash may be placed in a pew envelope with your name
and annotated for the Food Bank

The Next Men's Breakfast
Saturday, November 9 - 9:00am in Westminster Hall

 Please come (you’re welcome to bring a friend) for great food, fellowship, and discussions

RSVP appreciated but not necessary

Contact: Jon Powell –
or call (970) 946-4628
Second Sunday Supper November 10 

Our next Second Sunday Supper will be Sunday, Nov. 10, at 5:30pm. These Potluck Suppers are an opportunity to better get to know others in the church.  There will be no program. Instead participants will eat in small groups of 5 or 6 people. As you eat you’ll be asked to share a bit of your life story and your faith journey based on a couple of question chosen by the leaders. The whole point of these dinners is to build a stronger sense of community (koinonia). Bring a main dish, a salad, a side dish, or a dessert. Everyone is welcome: young and old, singles and families (children included), long-time members and first-time visitors. We’ll conclude by 7:00pm.
There will be a sign up sheet in Westminster to help estimate the number of diners. We will skip December so our next Second Sunday Supper will be on January 12.

Do you feel the call to serve your church in a leadership position?

The Nominating Committee is searching for Elders and Deacons starting in 2020.

  • You, the congregation, are invited to self-nominate or suggest nominees for Elder or Deacon.
  • Elders are our Spiritual Leaders (not Board members, not church managers). They make the decisions that guide our church’s direction
  • Deacons are our “hands and feet” and need to have tenderness of heart as well as patience and love for our congregation and community.
  • If you nominate a person, please get the consent of the person you are nominating.
  • Nominations will be extended about a week beyond November 3. We are filling slots for NINE officers (4 Elders, 5 Deacons) and we need more people to submit their names
  • Nomination/s can be emailed to Barb Conn 
  • To understand more about the responsibilities of serving as an officer in our church, click here. Qualifications:  FPCD member, love Jesus, love our church and have a willingness to serve.

David Shew's Ordination Day November 6, 1983
(Below - David is the second from the left)
A New Adult Series for our Sunday School Class
This Sunday, November 3, we will start a new book study called Jesus Outside the Lines, a way forward for those who are tired of taking sides , written by Presbyterian Pastor Scott Sauls.  Marie Davidson will begin leading the study and copies of the book are available for $12 in the Church Office and on Sunday in Westminster Hall.

Jesus offers us a way forward - away from harshness, caricatures, and stereotypes.
As quoted on the back of the book:
"Weary of Us Against Them?  Whether the issue of the day on Twitter, Facebook, the blogosphere, or cable news is our sexuality, political divides, or the perceived conflict between faith and reason, we are often drawn into a frustrating clash between two opposing sides. Polarizing, us-against-them discussions divide us and distract us from thinking clearly and communicating lovingly with others. Scott Sauls, like many of us, is weary of the unnecessary divides and is seeking a way of truth and beauty through the conflicts, Jesus Outside the Lines presents Jesus as this way. Drawing from the words and actions of Jesus, Scott shows us how we can hold firmly to our beliefs without perpetuating divisiveness."
Try Presbyterians Today

Reading this monthly magazine always makes local congregations feel like they are part of something much bigger than themselves. And we ARE!


Christmas is just around the corner. That means it is Salvation Army Bell Ringing Season. First Presbyterian Church volunteers will be bell ringing at South City Market the week of 
Thanksgiving as we have in previous years. The Salvation Army delivers emergency assistance to residents of La Plata County both directly through its office in Durango and through its cooperative work with Manna Soup Kitchen and Community Emergency Assistance Coalition. 90% of funds are contributed during the Holiday Season. Please sign up for a shift on the sign up sheet in Westminster Hall after Sunday service or contact Geni Miler (970-749-3473 or ) to sign up or find out more information.

Spotlight on the Confirmation Class

Please pray for our Confirmation Class. It has been more than a decade since the last time we received confirmands.

Confirmation Sunday is December 8 during worship

Confirmation class students:
Asher Smith
Eden Smith
Cameron Rowan
Lloyd Lasher
Nicolina Lasher
Kyler Harbison
Karson Harbison
Esai Gomez
Olivia Gomez
Concerns in the Spotlight

Sherri Collins from the Board of Deacons made this request:

  • Could you announce that we need donations of greeting cards for the Deacon Card Ministry

  • Also please make a request for people to bring donations of puzzles for folks at Cottonwood and other senior residences. This need arose in conversation with Irene Nix from our church who lives at Cottonwood

  • Irene began encouraging Cottonwood to put a table up for residents to do puzzles. Then she spread the word for folks who stay in their rooms to come out and socialize - and it is working!   

  • Baskets for donated cards and puzzles will be put out in Westminster Hall

Thanks Sherri! We send prayers of thanksgiving for your coordination of the Deacons Greeting Card Ministry and all the unseen ways the Board stays connected with people who benefit from a kind word of healing and encouragement in the course of their daily lives.

As always, we add this note:

Remember: Prayer is POWERFUL and WORKS!

An Important Highlight and a Great Way to GIVE!

Operation Christmas Child

Drop off and deadline day is Nov 17 for First Pres. We’ll have a table in Westminster on Sunday the next 3 Sundays and boxes can be dropped off then. We’ll drop all First Pres boxes at FUMC between November 18-25.

Please help out by packing your Shoebox

"We collect shoebox gifts for children around the world as an expression of God's love. Join us in spreading the Good News of the Gospel by packing shoeboxes!"
Franklin Graham, President, Samaritan's Purse website link