June 2020 Vol. 2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
STRONG LEADERS UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT VULNERABILITIES instead of hiding or avoiding weaknesses. A former FBI agent shared that understanding fears gives leaders the confidence to move forward and demonstrates authenticity to team members. Too often, leaders are willing to accept “highly functioning mediocrity”, rather than risk exposing themselves to criticism or possible failure. By accepting vulnerability, leaders build genuine social connections and demonstrate ethical behavior that is key for high-functioning teams. Learn more here .
The Dairy Signal
NEW SPEAKERS, CRITICAL TOPICS.  Don’t miss The Dairy Signal for insights from leading experts across dairy and agricultural industries, government, regulatory associations and universities. Designed by fellow dairy farmers, the Dairy Signal is focused on bringing up-to-date insights and resources for dairy farmers and industry professionals. 

Episodes are broadcast live every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with recorded versions available for free at the PDPW website. Click here for all archived recordings of previous sessions.

Coming up this week:
Tuesday, June 30
Hear what is happening around the country in cheese-sales efforts and what strategies are being taken to promote Wisconsin dairy products.
  • Rick Findlay, Vice President of Food Service and International for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
  • Mike Edge, Marketing Director – Eastern Division for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin

Wednesday, July 1
Zero in on manageable areas in your business that will help navigate risk going forward, including feed and labor.
  • Dr. David Kohl, Co-owner of Homestead Creamery in Wirtz, Va., and Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

Thursday, July 2
Learn the most practical and cost-effective ways to maximize cow comfort year-round, but specifically during the hottest days of the season.
  • Dr. Nigel Cook, DVM, Professor in Food Animal Production Medicine at UW-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine; Chair of the Department of Medical Sciences
  • Dr. Jennifer Van Os, PhD, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Animal Welfare at UW-Madison

Presenters and topics covered recently include:
An update from Washington on policies being discussed that will impact the dairy industry
  • Dr. Mark Stephenson, Director of Dairy Policy Analysis at UW-Madison and Director of Wisconsin’s Center for Dairy Profitability
  • Jim Mulhern, President and CEO of National Milk Producers Federation

Hear about OSHA and CDC guidelines for keeping essential workers safe during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Mary Bauer, Compliance Assistance Specialist at OSHA, Eau Claire area
  • Dr. Casper Bendixsen, Director of National Farm Medicine Center

Learn about the impact COVID-19 has had on the restaurant and grocery store sectors of the food industry
  • Brandon Scholz, President and CEO of Wisconsin Grocers Association
  • Susan Quam, Executive Vice President of Wisconsin Restaurant Association

Listen to an update on the Wisconsin Farm Support Program, which will provide $50 million in direct aid payments to Wisconsin farmers who have experienced losses due to COVID-19, and learn about the new Dairy Business Innovation Alliance.
  • Randy Romanski, Secretary Designee of the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
  • John Lucey, Professor of Food Science at UW-Madison and Director of the Center for Dairy Research

Find out the latest updates from all three universities involved in the Dairy Innovation Hub designed to build research capacity and recruit top talent to support innovative research to move our industry and our dairy community forward.
  • Dr. Heather White, Assistant Professor of Dairy Science at UW-Madison
  • Dr. Tera L. Montgomery, Associate Professor of Dairy and Animal Science in the UW-Platteville School of Agriculture and Animal Science Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Steve Kelm, Professor of Dairy Science at UW-River Falls

Learn how U.S. and global dairy, crop, ethanol and meat markets are responding to recent trade and policy developments.
  • Dan Basse, Economist and President of AgResource Company

The Dairy Signal is a resource intended for everyone in the dairy community. If you have suggestions for future programs, email us at . We build each episode of the Dairy Signal with input from members and industry partners.
Dairy currents
SHARING DAIRY’S SUSTAINABILITY STORY AROUND THE WORLD is the goal of the new infographic materials prepared by the U.S. Dairy Export Council. A handout prepared in seven languages (English, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese) includes facts about the progress U.S. dairy farmers have made, including:

  • The United States is a global leader in herd efficiency, producing four times more milk per cow than the average global cow.
  • The average greenhouse gas (GHG) emission footprint per gallon (3.79 liters) of U.S. milk is nearly 50 percent lower than the world average.
  • Of all GHG emissions in the United States, the dairy industry—from feed production to post-consumer waste—currently contributes only 2% and the U.S. dairy community is taking proactive steps to reduce that even further.

Click here to read more and download examples of materials shared with global customers.
UNDERSTAND THE SYMPTOMS AND COMPLICATIONS OF HEAT STROKE AND HEAT EXHAUSTION to keep yourself and employees safe during the summer months. Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness, requiring emergency medical help to prevent permanent damage or death. Heat exhaustion has similar symptoms, including heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, dizziness and more, and can often worsen and lead to heat stroke if not treated. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment, as well as preventions strategies in this article from South Dakota State Extension.
THE DRAFT REPORT OF THE 2020 DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR AMERICANS has been released, and confirms the role for dairy and lean meat in diets. The Dietary Guideline are updated by the USDA and US Department of Health and Human Services every five years. The final DGAC report will be released in mid-July and oral comments from the public will be heard in August. The dairy industry continues to emphasize the need to highlight benefits of dairy foods at each fat level. Read about the input from the dairy industry in this article and click here to learn more about the process for reviewing and updating guidelines.
“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.”
~Gregory S. Williams
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