Economic Development E-Newsletter | June 3, 2020
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Chandler Launches Campaign to Support Business Community
The City of Chandler’s Economic Development Division is launching a multi-faceted "I Choose Chandler" marketing initiative to support local businesses.

The campaign’s goal is to encourage residents to get back to patronizing Chandler businesses as they begin to reopen with safety measures in place. Additionally, the campaign will work to inform the community of the impact our residents make when they choose to spend their money and volunteer their time in Chandler.

“For businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed during this public health emergency, they need support from the entire community,” said Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke. “This campaign will creatively showcase the impact residents make each time they choose to shop, dine, volunteer or donate in Chandler.”

The #iChooseChandler campaign will utilize a mix of traditional and digital media to engage residents and Chandler-based businesses. The public is encouraged to connect and engage with  Visit Chandler  social media sites as well as other official City of Chandler media platforms to actively participate in the campaign.

The content will feature new ideas on different places to patronize, ways to show acts of kindness by giving to a nonprofit, a variety of local business features, and opportunities for residents to share why they choose Chandler.

For more information or ideas to make an impact in Chandler, visit
Chandler Hosts Summer Virtual Hiring Event
The City of Chandler, in partnership with ARIZONA@WORK Maricopa County, Career Connectors, Pipeline AZ and BestCompaniesAZ, will host a virtual hiring event that will launch on Tuesday, June 23. Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke and the City’s partners will kick off the event at 10 a.m.

“The City of Chandler is thrilled to offer this City-sponsored, state-of-the-art virtual hiring event as the coronavirus pandemic continues,” stated Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke. “As the City partners with our workforce professionals in Maricopa County, we hope to provide residents relief through jobs and continue to work through the challenges brought on by the public health emergency. We are especially proud to connect Chandler companies with job seekers through this event.”

During the kickoff, employers will share information on their company, culture and career opportunities. Job seekers will be able to speak with the hiring managers and recruiters directly online and have access to some of Chandler’s top employers with hundreds of available positions. Participants will also be able to leverage skills-mapping technology to match their skills to employer’s opportunities and make it easy to connect for online interviews.

Chandler consistently ranks as one of the best places to find a job — employers who have committed to the event include Zovio, Voya Financial, Loan Care, State of Arizona, Z-Modular, Liberty Mutual, PayPal and Pilgrim Aerospace Fasteners to name a few.

The virtual hiring event will continue through Friday, July 10. Visit  Chandler Virtual Hiring Event for more information.
ICYMI: Chandler Celebrates National Autonomous Vehicle Day
The City of Chandler joined in celebrating National Autonomous Vehicle Day on Sunday, May 31. In case you missed it, the video below was shared on social media to showcase how NXP is developing new autonomous vehicle technologies from right here in Chandler. NXP's Chandler Fab and Facility employs nearly 1,600 people.
Helpful Links
City Council Study Session
June 8, 2020
6 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council Regular Meeting
June 11, 2020
6 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers