CLASS OF 2020!
We celebrate all high school & college graduates success and wish them well on their new journey.  

Traditions are a bit askew in times of this pandemic of 2020, but our message to graduates is… “You’ve shown grit and determination, adapted and persevered to complete this past year of studies. These traits will hold you in good stead in the future.  To quote Dr. Seuss “Oh, the places you will go!”  

Sunapee’s graduates & families will gather at Mt. Sunapee on Friday, June 5th.  Details re: the ceremony and celebratory parade here:   Parade Route

Take a ride on “ Senior Way" (aka: Lower Main Street) to see the banners honoring each member of the senior class.

Repeating by request:  “Graduate Together” 
Tomorrow, June 4th is a very significant day in History. On June 4, 1919, Congress, by joint resolution, approved the woman’s suffrage amendment and sent it to the states for ratification. Our mothers and grandmothers voted in a presidential election for the first time in November 1919. link
Friday night concerts at The Livery are on hold for the time being. Artists who were scheduled to play will be generously sharing their music virtually. 
Singer songwriter Tom Pirozzoli debuted a new album earlier this year.  Here’s a preview of “The Prophet" composed & sung by Tom, accompanied by Willie Porter. The link following enables you to download the album. Bonus… see one of the paintings of this multifaceted artist, featured in a recent national publication.  
The Barn Playhouse presents songs of Barnies to your living room every Monday and Friday at 5PM EST on  Facebook Live  and Instagram live!

Watch this newsletter for updates on all music in the area from community bandstands to concert venues, when NH & CDC guidelines permit public gatherings once again.
Boston Marathon was cancelled for the first time in it’s 124 year history, but The Prouty carries on... virtually.

Fighting cancer together, even when we are apart: CLICK HERE
What does theater look like
in the time of Covid-19?
Tune in to a Zoom talk with the Barn Playhouse director.

A live Q and A with Keith and Elliott from the New London Barn Playhouse. Go to the  website and link to the conversation!   Or Click Here  
The lights on Broadway are dark for now, but several shows are available on line for your entertainment.  
Hilarious preview of 22 Broadway musicals in 12 minutes… James Corden with Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Economic Impact Payments being sent by prepaid debit
cards, arrive in plain envelope; answers frequently
asked questions. Learn more.

ALERT: June 6th NH Boating Education Class CANCELLED. Current class schedule.
Chamber’s “Love Local” campaign…

“Think Global, Shop Local”. Especially in these uncertain times, that old adage is quite apropos. Please patronize our local essential businesses and restaurants, especially if you expect to see their doors open when the virus is but a memory. Or perhaps, purchase a gift certificate from those who remain closed until further notice from the state.

As this situation is complex and it’s impact on our communities is evolving rapidly, business owners revisit plans and update weekly. We recommend checking your favorites on their websites & daily Facebook posts.

Takeout/pickup orders from Fenton’s Landing in Sunapee Harbor comes with a 'thank you’ greeting guaranteed to bring a smile.
Curbside pickup at Blue Loon Bakery is brought to your car by affable staff in costume… you will drive away smiling as the aroma of fresh baked bread & pastries wafts thru the car.
Huge “Thanks" to all our local librarians and staff for adapting to the changing times and providing our communities with much appreciated services from parking lot wi-fi connections to book delivery & virtual events. Newbury Library: Resources from home.
Harry Potter author, J. K. Rowling is releasing chapters from her new book “The Ickabog”.  

Just for the younger kids: “Lunch Doodles” with Mo Willems.
Thanks to a supporter of Project Sunapee and The Livery for sharing this. Note: we welcome photos, comments and other shares to:
Wishing you each a week full of graduation celebrations, fair weather and good health.

Perhaps consider “Comfort Cooking” to soothe the soul after last weekend’s news of unrest and fury.

Grant yourself the opportunity to gather, to talk and love and learn in the presence of good food for a purpose of communion.
Now for our video of the week. Enjoy cute Golden Retriever puppies listening to a story by a purple dinosaur!
Reminder: Even outdoors, when in a group…
observe "social distancing” and wear a mask!

Please be safe and respectful of others.
Wednesday’s email “ SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.  

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar at:

 You too, may submit all nonprofit and civic events
to that same calendar for posting.