June 2020
Waterville UMC News
Dear Church Family,

2 Chronicles 7:14,”   Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

The context of the above verse is in the midst of a dream King Solomon had after finishing the temple and palace. God states that when no rain falls, locust eat the crops and when plagues happen God’s people are to respond with humility.

Everyone who confesses Jesus as their savior is a part of God’s Kingdom on earth. You and I have been chosen to share the Love and Redemption of God’s love through Jesus. We are God’s people and we are facing a plague.

God reveals to Solomon and to us the three responses to extreme hardship by God’s people. First, “humble yourselves and pray”. Humbling ourselves before God is our willingness to give up our personal preferences in favor of God’s plan. Facing the COVID 19 virus is a plague. Ask yourself, have I humbled myself in prayer, seeking God to be the provider of the healing our world? There is no time like right now to humble ourselves and seek God to bring healing and ultimately victory over this virus.

Then, we read, “seek my face.” To seek God’s face is to seek the Holy Presence of God in our lives. When we are living in the presence of God we will make the choices that please God, we desire only what God wants to do with us and we will be worshipping in our spirit continually.

The third statement is to turn from our wicked ways. Our wicked ways are those actions we do based on our own understanding and not depending upon the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in our lives to teach and guide us on God’s path that God has already prepared for us.

Let us all ask ourselves, am I willing humble myself and pray, seek God’s presence and turn from my wicked ways? If, we are willing, God will forgive us and heal our land. Let us all start now by humbling ourselves before God by praying for God to guide us.

Pastor Mike

June Sunday Worship Opportunities:

Pastor’s Message is available on You Tube via WUMC's website, Twitter & sent by eBLAST

11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School North Parking Lot. We have a food collection at the entrance of Park & Pray and this month we are collecting items for our MISSION FOCUS! See the invite under our June Mission Focus and join us to share our love by giving to others!
Sharing the Message

In these changing times, we are all communicating in different ways. Remember to share with your family, friends, & neighbors the blessed ways we are sharing the Lord's love at Waterville UMC through the weekly Pastor's message online, Park & Pray, Bible Studies via Zoom, personal phone calls & cards, eBlasts, Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, and more!

We have included the June HomeTouch in this Ambassador. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Waterville United Methodist Church invites everyone to a Park and Pray at Anthony Wayne High School north parking lot each Sunday at 11 am.

We stay in our cars and maintain social distancing and tune to 106.9 FM on our radio. A prayer paper is available on our website and provided via e-mail or at the event with greeters wearing gloves and masks.
If you would like to volunteer to help one Sunday, please click on the picture above to SIGN UP!
The Pregnancy Center of Toledo
Operation Christmas Child JUST ONE MORE
This year's theme for the Operation Christmas Child is just one more . How many times a week do you say "just one more"? Please click on the button below to read just alittle more about..."just one more..."
Collection Items for June
Purses, hair bows, clip on earrings, jewelry, watches, hair ribbons, cups, sewing items, eating utensils (spoons, and forks only) 
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.

June’s Theme - Politics and Our Political Leaders

There are 535 men and women who serve as our members of Congress, and these are just some of our country’s leaders. People who are part of our government –whether they are members of Congress, the President, the Cabinet, the Judiciary, State Leaders, County Commissioners, or local Mayors and Councils – are faced with difficult decisions every day in addition to balancing their personal lives with family and friends. Too often, it’s easy to forget the person behind the political decisions they make.  But if we take a moment to remember their humanity, it allows us to see them as a child of God who needs prayer just like you and I.

The Bible instructs us to pray for them: 1 Timothy 2:1-4  “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 

But, what should we pray? Here are 9 suggestions; please click on the "button" below for the full scripture related to each.

1.       Salvation of those who have not yet put their faith in the Lord Jesus
2.       Divine Wisdom
3.       Discernment
4.       Courage
5.       Perseverance
6.       Humility
7.       Teachability
8.       Moral Integrity
9.       Self-control
A Blessing For Our Leaders    
“Eternal God, Fount of wisdom, we ask you to bless the national, state, and local leaders we have elected. Grant that through their discussions and decisions we may solve our problems effectively, enhance the well-being of our land, and achieve together a fairer and more united society. Amen.”  

Project with a Purpose Click on the slide. You will be blessed. A wonderful outreach by WUMC Children, Youth & Families to our community...
Featuring our Graduating Class of 2020!

(Click on the slides below for their names and accomplishments and a wonderful slide show. The special moments are so important now.)
Click on the picture to listen to
"By Faith" by Keith and Kristyn Getty

May 3....170
May 10 ....158
May 17....119
May 24....139
May 31....139

Numbers include Park and Pray and You Tube views.

June Sunday Service Opportunities:

8:00am Pastor’s Message at
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School North Parking Lot

We hope to be back in the church building to worship soon. We will communicate when we know!

June 14 is Flag Day!
June 21st if Father's Day!
David Nightingale June 2
Marissa Galton June 3
Bronson Lipinski June 3
Ryan Martin June 3
Sharon Schulte June 3
Kayla Galton June 4
Cruz Westfall  June 5
Caleb Gregory June 8
Kip Studer June 10
Noah May June 11
Shirley Paison June 13
Abigal Sheridan June 13
Jean Warner June 14
Tonya Sheridan June 15
Jaxon Lohmeyer June 17
Sandy Clark June 18
Yvonne Lammon June 18
Glen Lammon June 18
Ben Long June 18
Katie Beakas June 19
Sara Kirby June 19
Emma Beakas June 21
Paul Croy June 22
John Nicholson June 22
Sarah Shoemaker June 23
Karen Longnecker June 24
Kelly Smith June 25
Thad Jones June 26
Sue Gregory June 27
John Michael June 27
Zora Bollinger June 28

Happy Birthday to you!

( If you have an June Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
The church office is closed; but we are regularly checking voicemail & email. If you need to reach us please call 419-878-3645 and leave a voicemail or send us an email at . If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 . We are here for you.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages: 
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|  Email Us  |