Weekly Postings
August 17 - August 26, 2018
In This Issue

MON 5:30 PM

SAT 9:00 AM
Daughters of the King
Last  Sunday Blessing of the Backpacks

This Sunday August 19
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite One
No music

9:30 AM
Christian Formation for Adults
Berlin Room

10:30 AM  
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Eryn Eubanks is our guest musician.
Opening our Prayer Book - Adult Christian Formation, 
Sunday, 9:30-10:30 AM, Berlin Room, Clergy led 

THIS SUNDAY, we have looked at many of the prayer resources and contents within the BCP, but now we will shift to a more practical approach. We will practice finding the prayers you need to connect with your loved experiences, praying with the book, as well as next steps. Lastly, we will talk about when an in depth presentation will be offered about our "principal act of worship," which is The Holy Eucharist. See you this Sunday!

ALL ARE INVITED to participate. No prior attendance is necessary to participate and benefit from these last three meetings before the next round of adult formation begins on August 19th.

Celebrate Summertime with Saint Paul's at Camp Gravatt

August 19, 2-7 PM
Saint Paul's celebrates summertime with an old fashioned church picnic at Camp Gravatt and the whole parish family is invited. Set aside Sunday 19 August beginning at 2 PM with swimming and water play for young (and old!). Bring your swimsuits, towels, and your favorite beverages. Non-swimming older folks come sit under the trees and sip your mint juleps (bring your own mix!) and enjoy a picnic supper (provided by our own Saint Paul's cooks) at 6 PM. Need a ride or would like to carpool? Please email Todd Shafer. Explore Camp Gravatt online at Come celebrate summer with your parish family! 

If you have not done so, please RSVP to Todd Shafer
Next Week August 20 - August 26
Parents of college students
Parents of college students (attending locally, in-state, & out-of-state) The Daughters of the King has requested addresses for our college students so that they may send notes and small surprises to them during the year. As your children register for housing for the fall semester, please forward updated mailing addresses to the Parish Office. For more information, contact Betty Jean Givens.
Ironman Weekend Volunteer Sign Ups 
Sunday, August 26, Following the 11 AM service

Next Sunday, sign-ups for Ironman weekend volunteer opportunities will be held on the Portico following the 11 AM service. There are many opportunities for parish members to get involved on Saturday, September  22nd and on race day, Sunday, September 23rd. Check out our Ironman Sunday email this coming week for details. If you have  questions or would like additional information, please contact Kim Butler.

Ironman Swim Start Gear Drop
Ironman 70.3 Volunteers are needed to work the Swim Start Gear Drop Area located in the Marina parking lot close to Saint Paul's Church. The event will be on the morning of Sunday, September 23. Volunteers will work during the early morning checking in participants' gear before they begin the swim portion of the competition. This will be Saint Paul's signature participation in the Ironman event. We need 25 volunteers registered prior to August 14. To volunteer, please register NOW on line here. Use the password saintpaulschurch. Please note, the gear drop volunteer option will only show up if use this password. George Barrett is our Team Captain for the Swim Gear Drop this year. If you need additional information, you may contact him by email at  or (706) 831-7436.
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, August 25, 9-10:45 AM
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's  Church volunteers Saturday, August 25. The Prep Team works from 9 - 10:45 AM . This is a great opportunity  to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests. Contact Marilyn Grau  for more information.

YP Monthly Gathering

Sunday, August 26, 7 PM, The Bee's Knees
 YP Monthly Gathering - Calling all 20-30-something young professionals, grad students, and wayward souls
for our monthly gathering at the Bee's Knees following the Celtic service next Sunday, August 26, 7 PMContact John Jenkins  for more information.
Looking Ahead 
Open Sunday for Altar Flowers 
September 2

If anyone would kindly like to sponsor this Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones please contact the parish office . The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time. 

Canterbury Choir and Acolyte Lock-in (grades 3-12)

Friday & Saturday, September 7-8

Young people who are acolytes and/or Canterbury Choir members will have a lock-in on Friday and Saturday, September 7-8, at the church. Details to follow. If you are interested in joining the acolytes, contact Todd Shafer  or Canterbury Choir, Keith Shafer.
OPEN HOUSE September 6
In 2018 we celebrate the 100 th anniversary of our present building. To prepare ourselves for our "contemporary and forward moving" mission we have work to do. As we seek to serve the work of the Gospel there are improvements we need to make to bring our "old and beautiful" space up to contemporary standards.
As Saint Paul's Church rose from the ashes of the 1916 fire we now build on that foundation to be ready for the new life that is before us.
All parishioners and friends of Saint Paul's Church are invited to an open house with heavy hors d'oeuvres  and refreshments and opportunity to learn more about what lies before us on Thursday, September 6 at 6:00 p.m. The event will begin in the River Room and continue throughout all our buildings and grounds.
Plan to be here!
News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field

August 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be August 12.  

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