Since we are now seeing so much more of the sun, and the days will keep getting longer until reaching the summer Solstice on Saturday, June 20th…  let’s celebrate the summer days to come and enjoy all this light and warmth, maybe more than ever before.  Further proof of summertime… the MV Mt. Kearsarge dinner boat slipped into it’s dock in Sunapee Harbor over the past weekend. It’s great to see activity all around the lake as “snow-birds” return and cottages are opening!
Tho many of the traditional “happenings” have been cancelled, we look forward to some fun gatherings… at proper social distances… after observance of the NH’s 14 day quarantine.  We are so very blessed to be able to enjoy an abundance of natural riches in the mountains and lakes of the region.
How better to celebrate summer on our lakes than with the return of the loons as their calls echo over the waters of New Hampshire lakes. 

Pleasant Lake announces the hatching of the first chick on June 12th. Welcome Pablo.
I am sending out this short note to let you know that the first chick hatched on our live loon cam in the early hours of this morning! Now is the time to tune in — the adults and first chick will stick around the nest for the next 12–24 hours until the second egg hatches. Expect to see lots of adorable moments today, including the first chick's first swim and lots of interactions between the chick and its parents!

I'm also excited to let you know that Loon Cam 2 is  now live!  That nest now has two eggs, and we expect the hatch to occur around July 11th.
On Sunday, it's “Cheers” to all the dads and grand-dads!

According to some accounts, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Washington state on 1910.

While listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in church, 16 year old Sonora Smart Dodd thought father’s were equally deserving of praise and suggested to her pastor the observance of a special day for fathers.  She wanted to show her appreciation of her dad, William, a widower, for all the hard work and love he gave to her and her siblings as he raised 6 children by himself on their small farm. While Father’s Day was celebrated in many communities across the country, and supported by several presidents, it was not until 1972 that Father’s Day was recognized as a national holiday.
While we’re in the celebratory mood… “Congratulations" to Sanctuary Dairy Farm for once again being honored as THE BEST Ice Cream in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee region by New Hampshire Magazine. 

Hint: treat your dad to his favorite ice cream on his special day.

Friday, June 19.  

Virtual Coffeehouse Featuring Old Horse

We'll start promptly at 7 p.m. and we hope you'll join us from the comfort of your own living room.

Tho the pandemic has postponed The Livery’s Summer Music Series… may we present “ Hope Lingers On” by "Low Lily”.

A beautiful and timely song, originally scheduled for a July concert.
Currier Museum of Art - CURRIER FROM HOME
Yoga With Adriene”... aka the You Tube Star of the Pandemic, has been recommended over & over again as the very best way to get through all that is happening around us in these uncertain times. It's fun and easy. 

Good exercise for mind and body. Give it a try.
As the governor gradually relaxes some restrictions and businesses are slowly opening and you may enjoy dinner al fresco at a favorite restaurant, THE PANDEMIC IS NOT OVER!

Please practice all the mask wearing, hand washing, distancing measure and stay safe and healthy.
Sunapee Region To Go During Covid-19” is still a good reference, as are individual business Facebook posts to check hours and services in these uncertain times. 
There is no doubt for anyone that the world is a raw place right now. The pandemic keeps pace with the huge cultural, civil and much needed shifts taking place. This is harrowing, stressful, challenging... but we hope ultimately it will be a seriously regenerative time. It has been electrifying and soul searching to dive in head first to a space for listening, learning, fighting for anti-racism and to begin to define a new way to live on so many levels.  It is important to make these efforts integrated into the usual patterns of our lives… supporting black lives matter, as do the peaceful marchers across the land from California to New London NH, in spirit, action and emotion. We are all in this together and must move forward together, with new paradigms shaping our daily routines. 
May light and warmth fill your days, no matter where you are. Project Sunapee hopes to safely see you all soon; until then, take good care.
Reminder: Even outdoors, when in a group…
observe "social distancing” and wear a mask!

Please be safe and respectful of others.
Wednesday’s email “ SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.  

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar at:

 You too, may submit all nonprofit and civic events
to that same calendar for posting.