Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
June / 2020
Summer is here, and it can be one of the most expensive seasons because everyone wants to be outside, and they want to do something fun. Having a fun Summer doesn’t mean you have to break your budget. Luckily, when the weather gets warm, the money-saving deals get hot. Check out some tips on how to save money this summer!
In This Issue:

Money-Saving Tips For Summer
Switch Service Providers & Save
Payoff Debt In Collection
15 Money & Debt Books To Read
Clients Speak Out
Company News & Events
Employee Spotlight
Most service providers require a two-year contract for purchasing a phone and using their network. When a consumer signs a contract with a service provider, it usually comes with hidden fees for activation and for early termination. Even though these early-termination.... Read more!
Are you struggling to pay your bills and getting notices from debt collection agencies? Have some of those collection notices turned into intrusive and aggressive phone calls demanding payment? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, you are part of a growing segment of the ....   Read more!
Regardless of how one feels about money, it is hard to argue against its influence on people’s lives. This is never more true than with those struggling with finances and debt. There is no shortage of advice on managing money and it can be overwhelming at times, but some financial books have....  Read more!
"I was initially afraid to consolidate. I thought the monthly payment would be out of my reach. VERY HAPPY to receive news that I not only could meet the monthly payment, but I was paying down debt that weighed on me and stressed myself and my spouse. Fortunately, I was able to pay off the balances prior to end of the program. THANK YOU! Forever grateful for YOU and all EMPLOYEES who treated us fairly, compassionately, and with friendship! I hope you help more people like ME!"  ~ Eva J.
"Amazing! I stuck to the plan and chipped away at $57,000.00 of debt. I would not have been able to do this without the support and guidance of AdvantageCCS! I appreciate everything you have done for me! Unfortunately, we will never be working together again. I learned a valuable lesson and I appreciate the whole experience. I am better and wiser for it! Thank you for everything you do!"  ~ Terrence K.
"I am very thankful for my experience with your company. I had enormous amounts of debt. I made my last payment after years of paying down over $10,000 in debt. I’m not only thankful to you for helping me through this, but for making it so easy for me to pay this off and feel this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Thanks!"  ~ Catherine J.
Company News & Events -   
New Look For Our Website Coming Soon!

Advantage CCS has some very exciting news that we would like to share with you! We've been working hard on redesigning our website to make it aesthetically pleasing and easier to find exactly what you're looking for. It has been completely redesigned and upgraded . It will be compatible with any device, such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, Smart TVs, and all smartphone devices! The website's content has also undergone a very rigorous review, and it's been consolidated to offer the latest information to our visitors.

Our new website has it all: it is jam-packed with excellent free tools , tips, online counseling systems, and helpful educational articles . Our Blog is highly visited and a trusted source for information about credit counseling, debt relief, bankruptcy help, housing counseling, credit scores, and so much more! We are incredibly proud of our website redesign and everything that our website has offered in the past and continues to offer today. Keep your eyes open for the launch of the new site! 
Employee Spotlight -   
In our “Employee Spotlight” series, we ask our employees about the role they play in our agency and a little bit about their personal life. We want to give you the ability to hear right from them about what gets them excited to come to work each day and how they personally help all of our clients succeed.
Let's meet our newest employee! Introducing our new  Assistant Manager of Counseling Mariya Holmes !
How long have you worked for the agency? –  "2 weeks."
What was the most unusual and/or interesting job you've ever had? –  "I worked at a family owned cookie factory in Swissvale PA—while in High School—I would make the cookies on the weekends and then buy them at lunch during the week."
Would you say you're messy or organized? –  "Organized."
What's your favorite food? –  "Medium rare steak."
What's your least favorite food? –  "Anything messy."
Do you have any hobbies? –  "Home remodeling, baking, and volunteering."
What is the one thing you couldn’t live without? –  "My family."
What is your favorite book and/or movie? –  "Book=Candide by Voltaire & Movie= Forrest Gump."
What is your favorite color? –  "Purple."
What is your favorite vacation spot? -  "Locally, I love to go to Volant, but I am always up for a road trip."